Uxlyx the Zookeeper

Uxlyx the Zookeeper is a CREATURE

Uxlyx the Zookeeper has both the subtypes - Martian and Scientist

Uxlyx the Zookeeper is played into your battleline to the farthest left or right of your other creatures, exhausted

Uxlyx the Zookeeper is Elusive (The First time this creature is attacked each turn, no damage is dealt. Neither Uxlyx nor the attacking creature take damage)

After Uxlyx the Zookeeper is used to reap you add 1 aember to your pool, then you MUST put an enemy creature into YOUR archives. (if available)

During step 2 if you choose to pick up your archives you MUST return your opponents creatures to your opponents hand. This will happen no matter what zone Uxlyx the Zookeeper is in.