Neutron Shark

Neutron Shark is a CREATURE

Neutron Shark has both the subtypes - Beast and Mutant

Neutron Shark is played into your battleline to the farthest left or right of your other creatures, exhausted.

Neutron Shark has a Play/Fight/Reap ability - Destroy an enemy creature or artifact and a friendly creature or artifact. Discard the top card of your deck. If that card is not a Logos card, trigger this effect again.

  • This card ability would become active when it is put into play, if you reap with Neutron Shark or if you Fight with Neutron Shark.
  • If Neutron Shark's ability has been activated, it must be repeated doing as much of the card that is possible until either a Logos card is drawn or Neutron Shark leaves play.
  • If Neutron Shark is destroyed, the effect is ended immediately. (Brad Andres)