Gabos Longarms

Gabos Longarms is a Creature.

It has the subtype Deamon.

When declaring a fight with Gabos Longarms you:

  • exhaust Gabos Longarms
  • Declare the enemy creature you are fighting
  • Activate Before Fight ability and choose a second enemy creature, the damage is dealt to this creature (attack power of 5)
  • take damage from original enemy creature


  • Declare fight with Bad Penny. But activate Before fight ability by choosing Dodger. Dodger is dealt 5 damage, destroying him. Gabos Longarms would take 1 damage in return from Bad Penny. Bad Penny takes no damage.
  • Declare fight with Bad Penny. But activate Before fight ability by choosing Urchin. Urchin is dealt 5 damage, destroying him since dealt damage is not affected by elusive. Gabos Longarms would take 1 damage in return from Bad Penny. Bad Penny takes no damage.