Lost or Damaged Cards / Decks

Lost and Damaged Cards

Players should take extreme care not to lose a card from their deck. Because of the nature of KeyForge’s unique deck mechanic, it is not possible to find replacements for lost cards. Any player that discovers they are missing a card at the beginning of a round should notify a leader. The leader will give the player a short time extension to their game in order to search among their belongings to find the card. If the player cannot find the card within that time, they must concede the game. If the player cannot find the card before the start of the next round, they should be removed from the tournament. During a game, if a player discovers they are missing a card from their deck, they must concede the game. If the card simply fell on the floor due to carelessness, give the player a warning, fix the problem, and allow them to continue the game. If a player’s card becomes damaged during the course of the tournament, at a leader’s discretion a proxy card may be used. A leader will create the proxy, including the card name, the deck name, any information that is no longer legible or available on the damaged card, the name of the leader who created it, and the date it was created. The original card must be kept facedown and nearby, available for reference when the proxy card is played.