Outreaching activities

KERAMOS research group aims to disseminate the scientific results of the research projects and activities it is involved in, to the wider audience, highlighting how interdisciplinary approaches  can link the past with the present towards a sustainable future.

"Soil, water, fire": an educational and cultural network for schools of primary and secondary education

in collaboration with:

Pottery for kids in the Museum

in collaboration with:

The dynamic relation between Archaeology & Society through the prism of geosciences

in collaboration with:

Pottery for the students of the Archaeology Department

                               in collaboration with:

Pottery for the erasmus students

Through the “Greek  Language and Culture Lab” we are delighted to offer a unique 'cultural holiday' to the erasmus students who want to  explore the ways of fire and clay, while experiencing an authentic taste of the Greek culture and ceramic tradition. 

in collaboration with: