Call for Papers

Important Dates


We are planning a ½ day workshop and, if possible, a demonstration/installation area for the duration of the conference. The workshop would have with two sessions, each session having a longer keynote, a set of short presentations (5-8 minutes).

In this workshop, we are interested in:

By older systems, we are usually referring to pre-2000s. However, we are interested in any efforts to archive systems that are not current. We are interested both in seminal systems that are in collections, but also unusual demonstrations especially if they highlight capabilities or features that are not yet common in consumer VR systems.

We are interested in either:

Deadine 16th January 2024

Deadine 23rd February 2024

Submission Guidelines

Workshop submissions must be submitted via email to the Workshop Chairs ( by the given deadline. Interested contributors are encouraged to contact the chairs with any questions or to discuss potential experiences or demonstrations.

Each deadline is 23:59:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth) == GMT/UTC-12:00 on the stated day, no matter where the submitter is located.

We encourage two types of submission:

In addition, we are very interested in anyone willing to bring in working demonstrations or just hardware from older systems. 

All written submissions for workshop proceedings should be formatted using VGTC format Submissions should be anonymized.

Submission is by email to