7ième école internationale d'été sur les méthodes numériques pour les matériaux quantiques

7th International Summer School on Computational Quantum Materials

Première semaine / First week

Deuxième semaine / Second week



Final exam example.


MAPS: Download the application Avenza Maps on App Store or Google Store. Then Download the map "Parc ddu mont Orford,  carte générale". With GPS data, you will know where you are on the map. You can download a virtual sim card if you do not have data.  

See announcements for positions and for software at the end of this page, for poster adds, see Monday

20-05-2024 Lundi - Monday

Shegrui Wang, vice-dean for research, Université de Sherbrooke

André-Marie Tremblay 

Michel Côté

Xavier Gonze

One slide Poster abstract

21-05-2024 Mardi - Tuesday

22-05-2024 Mercredi - Wednesday

Agnes Valentì

Michel Côté

Sophie Beck

23-05-2024 Jeudi - Thursday 

Nils Wentzell

Olivier Parcollet

Michel Ferrero

24-05-2024 Vendredi - Friday

Olivier Parcollet

Michel Ferrero


27-05-2024 Lundi - Monday 

David Sénéchal

Sophie Beck

Alexander Hampel

28-05-2024 Mardi - Tuesday

Fabian Kugler

Michel Ferrero

Kristjan Haule

29-05-2024 Mercredi - Wednesday 

Philipp Werner

Martin Eckstein

Alessandro Toschi

Anna Kauch

30-05-2024 Jeudi - Thursday 

Sangcook Choi

Nicolas Lanata


Postodoc positions 

Internships and postdoc positions 


ABINIT tutorials


PYQCM for exact diagonalization solver for cluster DMFT (David Sénéchal)

Haule DMFT+DFT implementation

OmegaMaxEnt for analylitic continuuation

Nonequilibrium DMFT (NESSI)