Bibliography of Niko Duboković Nadalini In chronologic order

in 1938

Relation Italo-Yugoslav de 1914-1920. Dissertation presented _ l'Ecole des sciences sociales et politiques, Faculté de droit de l'Université de Lausanne... par Niko Dubokovitch. Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, Imprimerie la Concorde, 1938, 164 pages. with literature.

in 1948

Jelsa sailing boats outside the Adriatic Sea. [Les voillers de Jelsa naviguant hors de l'Adriatique.] Maritime, III/1948, no. 10, p. 420–422 with 3 figs.; Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 182–189.


One Jelsa-Dubrovnik ship in the XVII century [Un navire de Jelsa et Dubrovnik au XVII s.] Pomorstvo, V/1950, no. 12, p. 469; Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 176.

in 1952

Shipmen and shipping in Jelsa in the ancient past. [Les armateurs et la navigation de Jelsa au passé plus lointain.] Pomorstvo, VII/1952, no. 3, p. 80–81; Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 171–175.

About the construction of roads in Dalmatia during the French rule. [La construction des routes en Dalmatie au temps de l'administration française.] Slob. Dalm., January 1, 1952; Adj. swaddle. of the island of Hvar, IV/1974, p. 68–79; Discussions and articles, I/1988, p. 238–246.

Maritime tradition in numbers. [La tradition maritime en chiffres.] Maritime, VII/1952, no. 6, p. 173.

Development of the port of Jelšan. [Le développement du port de Jelsa.] Maritime, VII/1952, no. 2; Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 167; Discussions and articles, III/1991, p. 54–56.

A rare picture of our sailors. [Une rare photographie de nos hommes de mer.] Maritime, VII/1952, no. 10.


The shipping of the island of Hvar between 1808 and 1884. [Les navires de l'île de Hvar entre 1808 et 1884.] Pomorstvo, VIII/1953, no. 7, p. 270–271; Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 178–181.

Names of the owners of sardine hunting grounds on Hvar, Vis and Brač at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries [Les pecheurs de sardines _ Hvar, Vis et Brač entre la fin du XVIII et le debut du XIX s.] Pomorstvo, VIII/1953 , no. 11; Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 191–194.

From maritime-sanitary practice in Split during the French rule. [Usages sanitaires _ Split au temps de l'administration française.] Medicinski glasnik, 1953, no. 8.

L'île et ville de Hvar. Hvar, Bureau de tourisme, 1954. [Prospect.]

Historical archive of Hvar district. [Les archives historiques du district de Hvar.] Slob. Dalm., 10. XII. in 1953

Protection of forests in Dalmatia under French rule. [La protection des fôrets en Dalmatie au temp de l'administration française.] Slob. Dalm., 10. XII. in 1953

in 1954

Where was Civitas vetus Ielsae. [O_ se trouvaite Civitas vetus Ielsae.] Zadarska revija, III/1954, no. 4, p. 342–346 with 1 fig.; Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 15–20; Discussions and articles, I/1988, p. 183–186.

Jelšan torrents. [Les torrents de Jelsa.] Geodetski list, 1954, no. 1–4; Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 103–109.

Pabirci from the local chronicle. [Petits mélanges de la chronique locale.] Slob. Dalm., 11. XI., 13. XI., 20. XI., 29. XI.–1. XII. 1954; January 29, 1955

in 1955

Part of the island of Hvar called Plame. [La partie de l'île de Hvar dénommée Plame.] Zadarska revija, IV/1955, no. 4, p. 262–265; Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 24–30; Discussions and articles, I/1988, p. 259–262.

Jelsa in the XV century [Jelsa au XV si_cle.] Man and space, 1955, no. 39 of 19. IX. 1955; Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 31–36; Discussions and articles, I/1988, p. 193–195.

An attempt to reconstruct the way of dressing on Hvar. [Essai de reconstitution du mode d'habillement _ Hvar.] Split, 1955, 15 pages. + boards. (Publication of the Historical Archives in Hvar, No. 1); Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 110–121 with 3 figs.; Discussions and articles, I/1988, p. 101–108.

Breaking through the passage for ships between the island of Vir and the peninsula of Privlaka. [Le percement du passage pour navires entre l'île de Vir et la presqu'île de Privlaka.] Morostvo, X/1955, no. 5, p. 152–153.

Signaling on the Adriatic 150 years ago. [Les signauls maritimes d'il y a 150 ans.] Guardian of the Adriatic, 15. VII. in 1955

The beginnings of Vrboska on the island of Hvar. [Les débuts du village de Vrboska sur l'île de Hvar.] Slob. Dalm., May 15, 1955.

Inventory of public, church and private archives of the island of Hvar. [Inventaire des archives publics, ecclésiastiques et privées de l'île de Hvar.] Split, 1955, 39 p. (Publication of the Historical Archives of Hvar, no. 2.)

The Historical Archive on Hvar was founded. Archivist, 1955, no. 3, p. 39–40

Bučić, Grgur. Maritime encyclopedia, 1955, vol. 2.

Burton, Richard. Maritime encyclopedia, 1955, vol. 2. Richard Francis Burton, English travel writer and explorer (1821-1890).

Pabirci from the local chronicle. Measures against pirates on Hvar in the XVII century Slob. Dalm., 29 January 1955.


From the Historical Archive on Hvar. [Des Archives historique de Hvar.] Slob. Dalm., 23. VIII. in 1956

Mostir on the island of Ščedr. [Mostir sur l'île de Ščedro.] Man and space, 3./1956, no. 46; Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 150–156.

About the medieval Dominican monastery on the island of Hvar.

Theater performance on Hvar in 1831. Slob. Dalm., 22. IX. in 1956

About the problem of the museum on Hvar. News of the Society of Museum and Conservation Workers of the Republic of Croatia, 1956, no. 4, p. 100–101.

On sphragistics and stemology of the island of Hvar. [Sur la sigillographie et l'héraldique de l'île de Hvar.] Archivist, 6/1956, no. 3–4, p. 61–73.

Creation and development of a land property on Hvar. [Création et développement d'un domaine agricole sur le versant sud de l'île de Hvar.] Anali Hist. JAZ Institute in Dubrovnik, IV–V/1956, p. 659-672; Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 122–140; Discussions and articles, I/1988, p. 9–18.


St. Sunday on Hvar. [Le village Sv. Sunday _ Hvar.] Zadarska revija, VI/1957, no. 2, p. 153–155; Records of the homeland, IV/1973, p. 177–180; Discussions and articles, III/1991, p. 18–19.

Ščedro island. [L'île de Ščedro.] Gazette of the Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, 37/1957, no. 2, p. 127–153; Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 141–149; Discussions and articles, I/1988, p. 263–267.

Naval flag of the Kingdom of Italy in 1802. [Le pavillon du Royaume d'Italie en 1802.] Zadarska revija, VI/1957, no. 1, p. 76–77.

Inventory of public, church and private archives, II. (Supplement.) [Inventaire des archives publiques, ecclésiastiques et privées II.] Split, 1957, 31 p. (Publication of the Hvar Historical Archives, no. 4.)

Historical archive in Hvar. [Les Archives historiques de Hvar.] Slob. Dalm., 11. IV. in 1957

Village chronicler from Svirač on Hvar. [Le chroniqueur de village de Svirče sur l'île de Hvar.] Slob. Dalm., 29 May 1957; Records of the homeland, IV/1973, p. 166–169.

Contribution to the topography of Jelsa and Vrboska in the XV century [Contribution _ la topographie de Jelsa et Vrboska au XV s.] Slob. Dalm., 4. XI. in 1957

One patrician marriage in Dalmatia in 1801. Zadarska revija, VI/1957, no. 1, p. 373–375.


Medieval and recent monuments of the island of Hvar. [Monuments médiévaux et plus récents de l'île de Hvar.] In: List of monuments of the island of Hvar, Split, 1958. p. 59–87. (Publication of the Hvar Historical Archives, no. 7)

"Ecclesia in Mari" — in Ščedr. [Ecclesia in Mari sul l'île de Ščedro.] Man and space, 15. III. 1958; Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 157–163.

One "gratia" of Anton Lucić, father of the poet Hanibal from 1488 [Une donation _ Antoine Lucić, p_re du po_te.] Zadarska revija, VII/1958, no. 1, p. 65–68.

Balance of the work of archives, protection of monuments and picture galleries in Hvar in 1957.

Machiedo John the Baptist. Maritime encyclopedia, vol. 5, 1958.

Obradić Ivan (Bevilaqua, Undipota). Maritime encyclopedia, vol. 5, 1958.

Hvar. [guide, leaflet.] Hvar, Tourist Association, 1958.


Addendum and correction to the "List of monuments on the island of Hvar". [Annexes and corrections — L'inventaire des monuments de l'île de Hvar.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, I/1959, no. 1, p. 1–6 + 1 board. (Publication of the Hvar Historical Archives, no. 7)

Centuriation of the Hvar ager. [La centuriation de l'ager romain de Hvar.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, I/1959, no. 1, p. 10–12.

The latest archaeological findings. [Les plus recentes trouvailles archéologiques.] Bulletin of the Historical Archive, I/1959, no. 1, p. 13–14.

Contribution to the solution of the issue of the establishment of the Hvar commune. [Contribution _ la solution du probl_me de l'origine de la Comune de Hvar.] Contributions to the history of the island

Several topographical property notes from Hvar from the XV century [Quelques notes topographiques et patrimoniales au XV c. _ Hvar.] Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, I/1959, p. 40–47; Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 37–47; Discussions and articles, I/1988, p. 268–273.

Emancipation of the settlements of the Hvar Plain from the feudal form of church administration. [L'émancipation de la plaine de Hvar de la forme féodale de l'administration écclesiastique.] Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, I/1959. p. 48–70; Records of the homeland, II/1970. p. 63–94; Discussions and articles, I/1988, p. 19–24.

Modern administrative municipalities on Hvar. [Les communes administratives modernes _ Hvar.] Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, I/1959, p. 122–125; Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 98–102.

About some protection issues on Hvar. [Quelques questions sur la conservation de monuments de l'île de Hvar.] News of Croatian museums and conservators, VIII/1959, no. 3, p. 77–81 with 4 figs.

One patrician marriage in 1801. [Un mariage patricien en 1801.] Zadarska revija, VI/1959, no. 4, p. 373–375.

Protection of the cultural heritage of the island of Hvar. Annual report of the NO Municipality Commission for the Protection of Monuments. [Rapport annuel de la Commission communale pour la conservation de monuments.] News of Croatian museums and conservators, VIII/1959, no. 1, p. 10–13 with 1 fig.


Contributions to the "Inventory of the Monuments of the Island of Hvar" [Annexes _ L'inventaire des monuments de l'île de Hvar.] Bulletin of the Historical Archive, II/1960, p. 3–12 with 1 fig.

More about the monastery of St. Venerande on Hvar. [Notes sur Monast_re de la Ste. Venerande _ Hvar.] Bulletin of the Historical Archive, II/1960, p. 22–23.

IO the coast called Fabrika in Hvar. [Sur le quai denommé Fabrika _ Hvar.] Bulletin of the Historical Archive, II/1960, p. 29–34 with 5 figs; Discussions and articles, III/1991, p. 33–34.

Inventory of goods and benefits of St. Mary in Jelsa. [L'inventaire du patrimonie de Ste Marie _ Jelsa.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, II/1960, p. 38–39; Periodic report, 1984, no. 144, p. 8–9; Discussions and articles, III/1991, p. 52–53.

One gratia of Antoine Lucić, father of the poet Hanibal, 1488. [Une investiture _ Antoine Lucić, p_re du po_te, en 1488.] Historical Archives Bulletin, 2/1960, p. 40–41.

A few words about our trines. [Quelques mots sur nos trins.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, II/1960, p. 42–46, with 3 figs.; Discussions and articles, III/1991, p. 86–87.

Hygiene society in Hvar. [Sociéte hygiénique a Hvar.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, II/1960, p. 47; Discussions and articles, III/1991, p. 42.

Scientific works of academician Dr. Grga Novak. [Les traveaux scientifique du Professeur Grga Novak.] Bulletin of the Historical Archive, II/1960, p. 51–52.

"Chronicle" of Thomas the Archdeacon translated by Prof. Vladimir Rismond. [La Chronique de l'Archidiacre Thomas, dans la traductions du Professeur Vladimir Rismondo.] Bulletin of the Historical Archive, II/1960, p. 52–54. [View of the book.]

Two stone busts in Milna. [Deux bustes en pierre _ Milna.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, II/1960, p. 65–66 with 1 fig.

On the construction development of the town of Hvar in the middle of the 15th century [Le développement urbain de la ville de Hvar aux millieu du XV s.] Contributions to the history of art in Dalmatia, 12/1960, p. 164–171.

Historical archive of the commune of Hvar. Summary of work in 1959. [Les Archives historiques de la Commune de Hvar.] Arhivski vijesnik, III/1960, p. 536–537.

Hvar. Tourist historical guide on the island. Hvar, Tourist Association of the municipality [around 1960], 55 pages. with fig.

New studies by Dr. Kruna Prijatelja on Hvar paintings. Bulletin of the Historical Archives, II/1960, p. 54. [View.]

News and notes. Bulletin of the Historical Archives, II/1960, p. 59–72.

The following was published there:

— Historical archive, p. 59–61;

— Archives and inventories, p. 61–62;

— Sfragist archival collections, p. 62;

— Construction administration, p. 62–64;

— Market and fish market in Hvar, p. 64–65;

— Consulting for the location and construction of catering facilities in Hvar, p. 65–66 with 1 fig.

— Paintings awaiting restoration, p. 67;

— For the ethnographic museum in Stari Grad, p. 67–69 with 2 figs.

— Celebration of the 30th anniversary of the death of the academic painter Juraj Plančić, p. 69–70;

— The work of sculptor Šima Dujmović, p. 70 + 1 figure;

— Documentary film "Centuries of Hvar", p. 70;

— Choreographic treatment of Hvar dances, p. 72;

— Evenings of Hvar poetry, p. 72.


Funds in the possession of the Historical Archive. [Les fondes en possession des Archives historiques.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, III/1961, no. 3–4, p. 1–4.

Report on the work of the Historical Archives in Hvar for 1961. [Rapport sur l'activité des Archives historiques en 1961] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, III/1961, no. 3–4, p. 18–22.

Several documents about Hvar's monuments. [Qulelques documents sur les monuments de Hvar.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, III/1961, no. 3–4, p. 23–27 with 1 fig.

Gothic palace on the square in Hvar. [Le palais gothic sur la place de Hvar.] Bulletin of the Historical Archive, III/1961, no. 3–4, p. 30–33 with 2 figs.

St. Rok in Hvar. [WITH. Roque _ Hvar.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, III/1961, no. 3–4, p. 37–39 with 1 fig.

Attachment to the "Inventory of Monuments" [Annexe – L'inventaire des monuments.] Bulletin of the Historical Archive, III/1961, no. 3–4, p. 40–41.

Folklore research by prof. Dr. Vinko Žganac on Hvar. [Etudes folkloriques du Professeur Vinko Žganec _ Hvar.] Bulletin of the Historical Archive, III/1961, no. 3–4, p. 45–46.

Report on the protection of cultural monuments for 1961 [Rapport sur la conservations de monuments en 1961] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, III/1961, no. 3–4, p. 47–57.

About an old but always interesting book (Ida von Düringsfeld: Aus Dalmatien.). [A propos d'un livre ancien mais toujours intéresant, Ida von Düringsfeld: Aus Dalmatien.] Bulletin of the Historical Archive, III/1961, no. 3–4, p. 58–61.

Bibliographic notes. [Notes bibliographiques.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, III/1961, no. 3–4, p. 62–65.

Antun Ilijić. [Antoine Ilijić, conservator _ Stari Grad.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, III/1961, no. 3–4, p. 67–68.

Some information about the social and general situation on Hvar at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of XIX century. [Quelques informations sur la situation sociales et les conditions générales _ Hvar _ at the end of the XVIII and at the beginning of the XIX century] Archives of the island of Hvar, I/1961, p. 59–68. (Publication of the Historical Archives of Hvar, no. 12.)


Nautical properties of the port of the city of Hvar. [Les qualités maritime du port de la ville de Hvar.] Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, II/1962, p. 9–17.

Municipal organization and conditions on Hvar from 1807 to 1818. 92–113.

Dominican monastery and church on Hvar. [L'Eglise et le couvent dominicains _ Hvar.] Annals of the Historical Institute JAZU in Dubrovnik, VIII–IX/1962, p. 439–446; Discussions and articles, I/1988, p. 204–210.

Petar Hektorović's house in the town of Hvar. [La maison de Petar Hektorović _ Hvar.] News of Croatian museums and conservators, 11/1962, no. 4, p. 103–107 with 2 figs.

The former appearance of the prince's palace complex in Hvar. [Aspect d'origine des bâtiments constituant le Palais du comte _ Hvar.] Contributions to the history of art in Dalmatia, 14/1962, p. 189–207 with 5 figs.

Fonds de testaments des XVII-XVIII s. aux Archives historiques de Hvar.] Arhivski vjesnik, IV-V/1962, p. 263–268.


Report on the work of the Historical Archives in Hvar for 1962. [Rapport annuel des Archives historiques _ Hvar pour 1962.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, IV–V/1963, no. 5–6, p. 1–7.

One acquisition of the Historical Archive. [Une acquisition des Archives historiques.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, IV–V/1963, no. 5–6, p. 8–11 with 1 fig.

Short News. Bulletin of the Historical Archives, IV–V/1963, no. 5–6, p. 13–18.

Contents: Significant commemoration; Diocesan service of archives and libraries; Hvar municipal coat of arms; Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the National Revival in Stari Grad; New international recognition for Grgur Bučić; Argentine award to Ivan Vučetić; A gift to the Historical Archive. [Nouvelles br_ves: Une importante commémoration; le service diocésain des archives et biblioth_ques; les armoires communales de Hvar; le centenaire du renouveau national _ Stari Grad; une nouvelle distinction internationale pour Grgur Bučić; une distinction argentine décernée _ Ivan Vučetić, inventeur de la dactyloscopie; un don aux Archives historiques.]

Appendix - to the list of monuments. [Annex – l'inventaire des monuments.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, IV–V/1963, no. 5–6, p. 59–60.

An important underwater archaeological find near Hvar. [Une importante découverte d'archéologie soumarine pr_s de Hvar.] Bulletin of the Historical Archive, IV–V/1963, no. 5–6, p. 60–63 with 2 figs.

About the finding of a lead cross from a Roman anchor of enormous dimensions.

A few notes about the construction of the Hvar port and city. [Quelques notes concernant la construction de la ville et du port de Hvar.] Bulletin of the Historical Archive, IV–V/1963, no. 5–6, p. 64–65 with 1 fig.

Underwater archaeology. [L'archéologie soumarine.] Bulletin of the Historical Archive, IV–V/1963, no. 5–6, p. 66–67.

One new archaeological site. [Un nouveau site archéologique.] Bulletin of the Historical Archive, IV–V/1963, no. 5–6, p. 74–75.

Miscellanea from the chronicle of Hvar. [Chronique de Hvar — miscellanea.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, IV–V/1963, no. 5–6, p. 77–78.

Some information about bluefish hunting on Hvar, Vis and Brač at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. /1963, no. 5–6, p. 80–83.

More about the port of Jelšan. [Informations supplémentaires sur le port de Jelsa.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, IV–V/1963, no. 5–6, p. 83–87 with 1 fig.

Something about the role of the people from the people in the battles with the Turks in the 17th and 18th centuries in Dalmatia. [Sur le role des gens du peuple dans les combats contre les Turcs aux XVII et XVIII s. en Dalmatie.] Bulletin of the Historical Archive, IV–V/1963, no. 5–6, p. 94–95.

One theatrical performance in Hvar in 1831. [Une rappresentation théatrale _ Hvar en 1831.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, IV–V/1963, no. 5–6, p. 101–105 with 1 fig.

Bibliographic notes. [Notes bibliographiques.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, IV–V/1963, no. 5–6, p. 113–115.

The grave of Fran Biundović in Aubonne, Switzerland. [Le tombeau de François Biundović _ Aubonne en Suisse.] News of Croatian museums and conservators, 1963, no. 2.

The church-fortress in Vrboska. [L'église de Vrboska.] Contributions to the history of art, 15/1963, p. 111–125 + 8 figs.; Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 48–60.

Machiedo Archive. [Co-author:] Laca Machiedo. Bulletin of the Historical Archives, IV–V/1963, no. 5–6, p. 49–51.

Marriage on Hvar in 1801. Bulletin of the Historical Archives, IV–V/1963, no. 5–6, p. 96–101.


Hvar — tourist and historical guide to the island. [Hvar — guide touristique et historique]. Hvar, Tourist Association of the Municipality of Hvar, 1964.

Hvar — ein turistischer und historischer Führer durch die Insel. Hvar, Tourist Association of the Municipality of Hvar, 1964.

Franciscan collection in Hvar. [Guide.] Hvar, 1964, [4] p. (Orientation notes of the Museum of the Municipality of Hvar, No. 2.)

Art collection of the Hvar Cathedral. Hvar, 1964, [3] p. (Orientation notes of the Museum of the Municipality of Hvar, No. 3.)


From the work of the Historical Archive. [Sur les activités des Archives historiques.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, VI–VII/1965, no. 7–8, p. 1–4.

Inventory of Gazzari files. [L'inventaire des documents Gazzari.] Bulletin of the Historical Archive, VI–VII/1965, no. 7–8, p. 28–29.

From the work of the Commission for the Protection of Monuments. [Sur les activités de la Commission pour la conservation de monuments.] Bulletin of the Historical Archive, VI–VII/1965, no. 7–8, p. 33–39.

Continuation of "List of monuments". [Annexe _ l'inventaire de monuments.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, VI–VII/1965, no. 7–8, p. 42–44.

One correction to the "List of monuments of the island of Hvar". [Une correction de l'inventaire des monuments.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, VI–VII/1965, no. 7–8, p. 45–46.

Our Hvar ethnography. [Notre étnographie _ Hvar.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives VI–VII/1965, no. 7–8, p. 47–48.

Nature preservation. [Protection de la nature.] Bulletin of the Historical Archive, VI–VII/1965, no. 7–8, p. 48–50.

Archaeological notes. Bulletin of the Historical Archives, VI–VII/1965, no. 7–8, p. 51–57.

Contents: New Neolithic site; One archaeological data; Roman material from the location of Soline on S. Klement; An interesting old find in Hvar; The latest archaeological findings; One Roman find in Srednja Street in Stari Grad; Another Roman site; Two small details about Hvar; Quarries for the extraction of slabs used to cover roofs; St. Juraj in Sućurj; Something else about the walls at Gradina in Jelsa; One piece of information about the development of the port and the city; [Notes archéologiques: Une localité néolithique nouvelle; Une donnée archéologique; Roman materiel originating from the locality of Soline sur l'île de S. Clement; Une trouvaille interessante _ Hvar; Constatations archéologiques récentes; Une trouvaille romaine dans la rue centrale de Stari Grad; Encore une localité romaine; Deux petites informations sur Hvar; Localités d'extraction de plaques servant _ couvrir les toits; S. Georges _ Sućuraj; Encore sur les murailles de Gradina _ Jelsa; Une information sur le développement de la ville et du port de Hvar.]

Genealogy and heraldry of Hvar. [Généalogie et héraldique de Hvar.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, VI–VII/1965, no. 7–8, p. 65–67.

Some topographical and historical information about Hvar and the Old Town. [Quelques données topographiques et historiques sur Hvar et Stari Grad.] Bulletin of the Historical Archive, VI–VII/1965, no. 7–8, p. 70–71.

Reviews. [Reviews.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, VI–VII/1965, no. 7–8, p. 76–80.

New publications about Hvar.

Petar Novak, a humble scientific worker from Hvar. [L'entomologue de Hvar Petar Novak.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, VI–VII/1965, no. 7–8, p. 81–82, with portrait.

Ivo Hajduk Vinkov. [Obituary.] Bulletin of the Historical Archives, VI–VII/1965, no. 7–8, p. 86 with portrait.

About the stages of cultural development on Hvar. [Orientation sketch.] [Sur les phases de l'évolution de la culture _ Hvar.] Hvar, press "Slobodna Dalmacija", Split, 1965, 39 p. with illustrations and literature. (Publication of the Hvar Historical Archives, no. 14); Discussions and articles, I/1988, p. 86–103.

Hvar. Ein touristischer und historischer Führer durch die Insel Hvar. Hvar, Tourist Association, [around 1966], 68 pages. with picture (Turistischer Verein der Gemeinde.)

Saint Stephen and Saint John in the Old Town. Hvar, Historical Archive, 1965, 6 pages. [Guide-leaflet.] (Notes, 5.)


City of Hvar. Overview of history and monuments. [Guide.] Hvar, Hotel company, 1967, 13 pages.

Public lighting in Hvar in 1834. [L'illumination publique _ Hvar en 1834.] Periodic report, I/1967, no. 4, p. 12–13.

The cessation of Augustinian monasteries on Hvar. [La fin de l'existence des couvents augustiniens sur l'île de Hvar.] Periodic report, I/1967, no. 5, p. 5–6.


Hvar — tourist guide. [Hvar–touristique guide.] Hvar, Tourist Association Hvar and Tourist Press Belgrade, Hvar–Belgrade, 1968, 60 pages. with Fig. [Longitudinal format.]

Analytical list of the parish archive - Sućuraj. [Co-author:] Don Drago Lovrić. Periodic report, II/1968, no. 12, p. 9–11.

Philosophical works in the Franciscan and Chapter Library in Hvar. Periodic report, II/1968, no. 9, p. 3.

Names of old streets in Hvar and a list of new ones. Periodic report, II/1968, no. 12, p. 22–23.

About the name Milna. Periodic report, II/1968, no. 11, p. 2–3.


Some comparative data on the first theaters of Europe. Periodic report, III/1969, no. 14, p. 17.

Coats of arms in the former church of Sr. Mark in Hvar. [Pierres tombales dans l'anncienne église de St. Marc.] Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, III/1969, p. 43–54, with 8 figs.

About the coats of arms on the patrician graves in the church of St. Brand

An ancient house in Svirci. [Une maison archa_que _ Svirče.] Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, III/1969, p. 55–56 with 1 fig.

Introductory presentation with reference to the issue of diving in the waters of Hvar. [Communication d'introduction avec compte rendu sur les probl_mes de la plongé dans les eaux de Hvar.] Navy Gazette, 1969, no. 22, p. 209–214. (Maritime Library, vol. 22.)

Undersea activities from the point of view of medical and social sciences. (Scientific discussions.)

Ager pharensis — archaeological notes. [Ager pharensis — Archäologische Notizen.] Journal of Dalmatian archeology and history, LXIII–LXIV/1961–1962, Split, 1969, p. 91–97 + 1 map.

Something about the Vučetič family. Periodic report, III/1969, no. 13, p. 10–11. In one chapter parchment in Hvar from 1481, the presence of Vučetić was established.

About two inscriptions on the island of Hvar. Periodic report, III/1969, no. 14, p. 16.

These are, in fact, three inscriptions, one in Croatian and two in Latin, which warn foreigners how to move around the place.

Vrboska and her works of art. Hvar, Center for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, 1969, 4 p.


Ager pharensis. Archaeological notes. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 5–14.

Where was Civitas vetus Ielsae. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 15–20.

Something else about the walls of Gradina in Jelsa. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 21–23.

Part of the island of Hvar called Plame. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 24–30.

Jelsa in the XV century. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 31–36 with 1 fig.

Several topographical and property records from the 15th century. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 37–47.

Church-fortress in Vrboska. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 48–60 with 2 figs.

Emancipation of the settlements of the Hvar Plain from the feudal form of church administration. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 63–95.

Modern administrative municipalities on Hvar. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 98–102.

Jelšan torrents. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 103–109.

The old way of dressing in Jelsa. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 110–121 with 3 figs.

Creation and development of land holdings in Zavala. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 122–140.

The island of Šćedro. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 141–156 with 3 figs.

»Ecclesia in mari«_in Šđer. Records of the homeland, p. 157–163.

Development of the port of Jelšan. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 164–171 with 3 figs.

Shipmen and shipping in Jelsa in the ancient past. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 171–175.

A Jelšan-Dubrovnik ship in the 17th century. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 176–177.

Shipping on the island of Hvar between 1808 and 1884. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 178–181.

Names of the owners of sardine hunting grounds on Hvar, Vis and Brač at the turn of the 18th to the 19th century. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 191–194.

Jelšan sailing boats outside the Adriatic Sea. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 182–190 with 2 figs.

From the local chronicle. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 200–202.

About various historical and economic events in Jelsa and Old Town from 1795 to 1860.

Several dates on the development of Jelsa and its surroundings between 1535 and 1911. Homeland Records, II/1970, p. 202–207.

Sućuraj: Geophysical location, approach, landscape and statistical data. Guide. Publisher: Mjesna zajednica Sućuraj, 1970, 38 pages. with fig + table.

Construction and history of the small church-fortress in Jelsa. [L'église forteresse de Jelsa.] Contributions to the art history of Dalmatia, 18/1970, p. 101–129 with 7 pictures; Discussions and articles, I/1988, p. 220–238.

About the settlements of the Hvar lowland. [Sur les agglomerations de la plaine de Hvar.] Record of homeland, II/1970, p. 61–62.

Humac. Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 62.

Measures against the danger of pirates in the central part of the island of Hvar in the 17th century [Mesures contre le danger de la piraterie dans la zone centrale de l'île de Hvar au XVII s.] Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 95–97.

Jelsa shipping in numbers. [La marine de Jelsa en chiffres.] Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 190–191.

List of Jelsa families from 1750. [Les familles de Jelsa en 1750.] Records of homeland, II/1970, pp. 195–196.

Houses in Jelsa and their owners in 1767. [Les maisons _ Jelsa et leurs proprietaires en 1767.] Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 197–199.

A few demographics. [Quelques données démographiques.] Records of the homeland, II/1970, p. 199.

Tourism and monuments of culture and art. [Le tourisme et les monuments historiques et artistiques.] Periodic report, IV/1970, no. 19, p. 1–3.

Yugoslav flag and the island of Hvar. [Le pavillon youugoslave et l'île de Hvar.] Periodic report, IV/1970, no. 22, p. 8–9.

Baroque-Renaissance coffered ceiling in the Arsenal. Periodic report, IV/1970, no. 18, p. 3–4.

Don Dino Luković (1887–1970). Necrology. Periodic report, IV/1970, no. 18, p. 19–20.

Material from the French era in the State Archives in Zadar. Periodic report, IV/1970, no. 17, p. 6–7.

List of individual subjects with the number of folders of material on which Duboković worked in 1949–1950. year

Jurisdiction of the Jelšan parish priest in Gromin Dolac, Na Vrh, Humac, Prapatna, Zagradac. Periodic report, IV/1970, no. 18, p. 16–17.

About the church of St. Deadline in Jelsa. Periodic report, IV/1970, no. 18, p. 17.

List of the old Venetian court fund, which is kept in the State Archives in Zadar. Periodic report, IV/1970, no. 20, p. 1–4.

Statute of the Brotherhood of St. Spirit. Periodic report, IV/1970, no. 18, p. 13–14.

Tricolor of the Jelšan reading room, municipal flag and coat of arms. Periodic report, IV/1970, no. 18, p. 14–16.

More than the sad problems of the amphora. Periodic report, IV/1970, no. 17, p. 12–14.


Table by Ivan Obradić from Machiedo house in Jelsa. [La table en pierre d'Ivan Obradić originating from la maison Machiedo _ Jelsa.] Periodic report, V/1971, no. 27, p. 20–21.

Hvar's citadel — a first-class catering facility. [La citadelle de Hvar — édifice touristique de premi_re ordre.] Periodic report, V/1971, no. 30, p. 1.

Fortress Napoleon in Hvar — astronomical observatory. [Le fort Napoleon _ Hvar — observatoire astronomique.] Periodic report, V/1971, no. 30, p. 1.

Congress of the International Federation for Urban Planning and Housing in Belgrade. [Congr_s de la Federation internationale pour l'urbanisme et le logement _ Belgrade — report.] Periodic report, V/1971, no. 30, p. 2–5.

Shooting clouds to defend against hail. [Tir au canon contre la gr_le.] Periodic report, V/1971, no. 30. p. 16–17.

Bells for Jelšan churches. [Cloches pour les églises de Jelsa.] Periodic report, V/1971, no. 30, p. 17.

Austrian bell requisition 1915–1917. [La réquisition autrichienne des cloches d'églises 1915–1917.] Periodic report, V/1971, no. 30, p. 17–18.

Benefit simplex ss. Kuzma and Damjan in Hvar. [Le benefice ecclesiastique simple de Sts. Côme et Damien _ Hvar.] Periodic report, V/1971, no. 30, p. 20–23.

Ritual volume in Croatian from the XVIII century [Un petit volume rituel en croate du XVIII s.] Periodic report, V/1971, no. 30, p. 18–23.

The problem of typology of modern construction. [Probl_me de la typologie dans la construction moderne.] Periodic report, V/1971, no. 30, p. 25.

Shops and inns in the town of Hvar in 1819 [Boutiques et bustrots dans la ville de Hvar en 1819] Periodic report, V/1971, no. 28, p. 4.

The question of the name of the fortress in Hvar. [Question relative _ l'appellation de la citadelle de Hvar.] Periodic report, V/1971, no. 31, p. 20–21.

Coat of arms with a double-headed eagle in Hvar. Periodic report, V/1971, no. 32, p. 9–10.

A lintel from a monastery building from 1651 in Sućurj. Periodic report, V/1971, no. 32, p. 14.

A new fragment of a Bosnian inscription in Sućurj from the 17th century, Periodical report, V/1971, no. 32, p. 14.

Repair of cultural monuments on the island of Hvar in 1970. News of Croatian museums and conservators, XX/1971, no. 6, p. 24–27 with 3 figs.


One page informative book with a special reference to the transport conditions of Europe at the end of the 18th century. Periodic report, VI/1972, no. 44, p. 7–11. About the French almanac »Almanach Royal« for 1791.

Humac, Grapceva cave — guide. [Guide touristique, Reisefürer.] Prev. Madeleine Denegri and Živko Vekarić. Publisher: Jelsa, "Jelsa" Commercial Company, 1972, 31 pages. with fig.

The first communal theater in Europe. [Premier théâtre municipal d'Europe.] Slobodna Dalmacija, Split, October 1, 1972; Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, IV/1974, p. 49–51; Discussions and articles, III/1991, p. 50–51.

Some information about Hvar from the Botteri notebook. [Quelques informations sur Hvar sourcent du code Botteri.] Periodic report, VI/1972, no. 42, p. 3–4.

Some archival data on school conditions on Hvar in the first two decades of the XIX century [Quelques informations d'archives sur les condition scolaires _ Hvar au cours des deux premi_res décennieas du XIX s.] Periodic report, VI/1972, no. 42, p. 4–8.

The first organized post office in Dalmatia. [La premi_re organization des postes en Dalmatie Napoléonienne.] Periodic report, VI/1972, no. 42, p. 8–9.

The history of Hvar as a war port in the past. [L'histoire de Hvar comme port de guerre.] Periodic report, VI/1972, no. 42, p. 10–12.


Municipal House in Jelsa. Records of the homeland, IV/1973, p. 130–135. with 4 figures; Discussions and articles, III/1991, p. 60–62.

The geographical position of the town of Hvar and the creation of its cultural superstructure. Riassunto: La posizione geografica della citt_ di Hvar e la formazione della sua soprastruttura culturale. Encyclopedia moderna, VII/1973, no. 22, p. 96–100; Hvarski zbornik, 5/1977, p. 319–327; Discussions and articles, I/1988, p. 123–129.

Defensive situations on the northern side of the island of Hvar in the 15th–17th centuries and the Battle of Lepanto. [Les conditions de défense sur le versant nord de l'île de Hvar aux XV–XVII s. et la bataille de Lepante.] Records of the homeland, IV/1973, p. 5–21; Adriatica maritima, 1/1974. (Collection of the Battle of Lepanto — The role of Croatian sailors in the Battle of Lepanto in 1571, Zadar, 1974)

Vrbovac chronicle. [Chronique de Vrboska.] Records of the homeland, IV/1973, p. 107–113; Discussions and articles, III/1991, p. 45–49.

About the history of the village.

Zaraće on the island of Hvar. [Le village de Zaraće sur Hvar.] Record of hometown, IV/1973, p. 181–189.

Conception of ways to protect monuments on Hvar. [La conception du syst_me de sauvegarde des monuments sur l'île de Hvar.] Hvarski zbornik, 1/1973, p. 299–307 + 1 map.

Illumination of cultural monuments and old parts of the town on Hvar. [L'illumination des monuments historiques et des anciens qartiers _ Hvar.] Introductory presentation at the symposium of the Yugoslav Committee for Illumination. [Hvar, 17–19. V. 1973.] [Rapport d'introduction au symposium du Comité yougoslave pour l'éclairage – Hvar 17–19 V. 1973.]

Student coats of arms in the courtyard, porticos and hall of the University of Padova. [Les armories des étudiants dans la cour, sous les portiques et dans le hall de l'Université de Padou.] Periodic report, VII/1973, no. 49.

Village chronicler from Svirač. Records of the homeland, IV/1973, p. 166–168.

St. Sunday on Hvar. Records of the homeland, IV/1973, p. 177–180.


dr. Zorko Plenković from Svirač — a distinguished scientific worker in the field of pedagogy and sociology. Periodic report, VIII/1974, no. 54, p. 15–16.

Plenković's biography and a bibliography of his works are included.

Our homeland in the era of Matija Ivanić. [Riassunto: Il nostro paese al tempo di Matteo Ivanić.] Hvarski zbornik, 2/1974, p. 23–27.

Hvar, Stari Grad, Vrboska, Jelsa. Text: Dr. Niko Duboković Nadalini. Translator: Simone Miquel. Zagreb, »Turistkomerc«, 1974, 110 pages. with a picture (Biblioth_que des petites monographies touristiques, 15.)

2nd ed.

3rd ed. 1988.

4th ed. 1989.

Hvar, Stari Grad, Vrboska, Jelsa. Text: Dr. Niko Duboković Nadalini. Uebersetzer: Josip Rittig. (Kleine touristiche Monographien.)

2nd ed. 1979. 6th ed. 1983.

3rd ed. 1980. 7th ed. 1984.

4th ed. 1981. 8th ed. 1985.

5th ed. 1982. 9th ed. 1986.

Urban and construction development of the Old Town. [Le développement urbain et architectural de la ville de Stari Grad.] [Co-author:] Vinko Ružević. Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, IV/1974, p. 16–31.

The first communal theater in Europe. [Le premier théâtre municipal en Europe.] Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, IV/1974, p. 49–51.

Several Hvar notes from the XVIII century [Note sul protocollo ecclesiastico e civile e su certi rapporti sociali _ Hvar nella seconda met_ del Settecento.] Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, IV/1974, p. 52–62.

About the construction of roads in Dalmatia during the French era. [La construction des routes au temps de l'administration française en Dalmatie.] Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, IV/1974, p. 68–79.

Ante Tadic. A short biography on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Grgur Bučić's appointment as head of the cabinet. Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, IV/1974, p. 118.

Prof. Frano Maroević. [Obituary.] Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, IV/1974, p. 119–121 with portrait.

Data on Hvar ports from the archives of the Maritime Government in Trieste. Periodic report, VIII/1974, no. 61, p. 6–11.

Receptive tourism in Hvar in the past. Periodic report, VIII/1974, no. 61, p. 2–6.

List of articles published in the newspaper "Slobodna Dalmacija" from 1951 to 1972. Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, IV/1974, p. 120–121.

The articles refer to the island of Hvar.


Some thoughts about Matija Ivanić as a leader of the people, politician and diplomat. [Quelques réflexions sur Matija Ivanić, chef du peuple, homme politique et diplomate.] Hvarski zbornik, 3/1975, p. 159–172.

Museum collections on Hvar. [Les collezioni museali dell'isola di Hvar.] Hvarski zbornik, 3/1975, p. 323–333; Discussions and articles, I/1988, p. 58–67.

Il primo teatro comunale d'Europa. Cooperazione, 15, Basilea [Bâle], 10. IV. in 1975

About the Hvar theater. [Sur le théâtre de Hvar.] Slobodna Dalmacija, Split, 12. IV. in 1975

Hvar–Yugoslavie — une action regionale. Civitas nostra, Friborg, 1975.

Some information about the construction of the port in Stari Grad. [Quelques données sur la construction du port _ Stari Grad.] Periodic report, IX/1975, no. 63, p. 9–11.

Some more information about the construction of the port in Jelsa. [Encore quelques informations sur la construction du port _ Jelsa.] Periodic report, IX/1975, no. 63, p. 11–12.

Pabirci from the past of Jelsa. [Mélanges sur le passé de Jelsa.] Periodic report, IX/1975, no. 64, p. 16–17.

The meaning of the Jelšan toponym LIBORA. [Le toponyme LIBORA _ Jelsa.] Periodic report, IX/1975, no. 64. p. 17–18.

One Napoleonic mailbox in Split. [Une boîte postale napoléonienne _ Split.] Periodic report, IX/1975, no. 62, p. 12–13.

Documents from the French era in the State Archives in Zadar. [Documents de la période française aux Archives d'Etat de Zadar.] Bulletin on the state of monuments, 3/1975.


Revitalized heritage. [L'héritage revitalisé.] Vjesnik, Zagreb, 27 January 1976.

Until you lose your breath — Wills and troubles of the Hvar Center for the Protection of Cultural Heritage. [Les probl_mes du Center pour la sauvegarde des monuments de Hvar.] Večernji list, Zagreb, 6–7. III. in 1976

Transfer of the remains of Niko Karković to his native Hvar. [Le transfert des restes de Niko Karković dans sa ville natale de Hvar.] Hvarski zbornik, 4/1976, p. 396–397.

Symposium on Matija Ivanić. [Symposium sur Matija Ivanić.] Periodic report, X/1976, no. 74, p. 11–16.

Two Hvar monuments in the Swiss canton of Vaud. [Deux monuments de Hvar au canton de Vaud en Suisse.] Periodic report, X/1976, no. 79, p. 2.

Ivanić and Sr. Jerolim Hospice. [Ivanić et l'hospice de s. Jeronime.] Periodic report, X/1976, no. 79, p. 2–5.

Niko Karković, Maritime encyclopedia, II ed., vol. 3, 1976.

Jelsa — Maritime encyclopedia, II. ed., vol. 3, 1976.

A note about the house Vučetić, today Marchi, in Hvar. Periodic report, X/1976, p. 6–7.


The significance of fraternities for the development of social consciousness on Hvar in the XIV, XV and XVI centuries. Summary: The significance of fraternities in the development of social consciousness on the island of Hvar in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries. Proceedings of the Institute for Croatian History, 10/1977, p. 65–67; Discussions and articles, I/1988, p. 130–139.

Monument protection and the typicality of our architecture. [La protection des monuments et les valeurs typique de notre architecture.] Periodic report, XI/1977, no. 88, p. 2–6.

About the name of the Hvar suburb called Burak. [Intuitive thought of architect A. Mišetić.] [Considerations sur le nom du fauburg de Hvar dit Burak — une pensée intuitive de l'architecte A. Mišetić.] Periodic report, XI/1977, no. 85, p. 2–5.

Something about Biundović and his environment. [Quelques informations sur Biundović et son milieu vital.] Periodic report, XI/1977, no. 85, p. 17–22.

Ferali on the Hvar square and part of the coast. Periodic report, XI/1977, no. 89, p. 4–5.


Protection of monuments and typical architecture. Man and space, 1978, no. 12.

Gradina in Jelsa. [La localité dite Gradina _ Jelsa.] Record of homeland, V/1978, p. 44–51.

One 18th century marriage in Jelsa viewed through the prism of the bride's dowry. [Un mariage _ Jelsa au XVIII s.] Records of the homeland, V/1978, p. 65–70.

Changing the appearance of the Mala Banda section in Jelsa. [Modification de l' aspect du petit Côté du Port de Jelsa.] Records of the homeland, V/1978, p. 52–64.

About the works of the middle of the 19th century on the formation of the harbor of the city of Hvar. [La construction des ouvrages portuaires _ Hvar au milieu du XIX s.] Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, V/1978, p. 89–94 with 2 figs.

How the obligation to arm the municipal galley in case of war ended in Hvar. [Comment prit fin l'obligation de la Commune de Hvar d'armer la gal_re comunale en cas de guerre.] Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, V/1978, p. 24–26.

Memories. [Commémorations.] Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, V/1978, p. 113–114.

Hvar People's Uprising (Ivo Kasandrić), review. [Le soul_vement populaire de Hvar – par Ivo Kasandrić – review.] Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, V/1978, p. 178.

Milan Kukurin (1901–1968), obituary, Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, V/1978, p. 180.

Biologist Prof. Josip Plančić [1888–1978], obituary. Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, V/1978, p. 180.

Commemoration of Prof. Ivko Radovanović. [Commémoration de Ivko Radovanović.] Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, V/1978, p. 181.

Some thoughts of Master Ivo Babić. [Quelques pensées de Ivo Babić.] [On the spirit of nativeness.] Periodic report, XII/1978, no. 97, p. 5.

Humanization of tourism. [L'humanisation du tourisme.] Periodic report, XII/1978, no. 97, p. 6.

Academy in honor of Antun Dobronić and Juraj Carić in Jelsa. [Commémoration d'Antoine Dobronić et Georges Carić _ Jelsa.] Periodic report, XII/1978, no. 100, p. 7–8.

Some of our toponyms and Romansh toponyms. [Certains toponymes de chez nous et la toponymie rhétoromaine.] Periodic report, XII/1978, no. 99, p. 6–10.

Nikola Ugrinović. Periodic report, XII/1978, no. 101, p. 8.

Another old idea of ours - now realized in Europe (Museum Office). [Une de nos anciennes idées maintenant realisé en Europe. (Bureau de muséologie.)] Periodic report, XII/1978, no. 102, p. 4–5.

Coat of arms of the Machiedo family. [Les armoiries de la famille Machiedo.] Periodic report, XII/1978, no. 103, p. 15.

New work by Dr. Zaninović. [Un nouveau ouvrage du Dr. Zaninović.] Periodic report, XII/1978, no. 104, p. 8.

Head of Janus in Pitva. [Riassunto: La divinit_ di Janus (Giano) _ Pitve.] Hvarski zbornik, 6/1978, p. 203–208 with 1 fig.


Inventories of archival funds [of the island of Hvar.] Volume 3. Hvar, 1979, 4 pages.

St. 1. was made by Professor Ante Tadić.

St. 2 and 4 were made by Kruno Carić.

Duboković house complex in Malja Banda in Jelsa - designated for the construction of a hotel. Periodic report, Bulletin on the state of monuments, 1979, no. 9, p. 7–9.

Interview with President Vicko Maričić. Periodic report, XIII/1979, no. 110, p. 5–7.

About the problems of cultural heritage in Hvar.

Old city lighting lamps. Periodic report, Bulletin on the state of monuments, 1979, no. 9, p. 4–5.

The fate of museums in the province. Periodic report, XIII/1979, no. 110, p. 3–5

Destroyed or missing Hvar cultural property. Periodic report, Bulletin on the state of monuments, 1979, no. 9, p. 5–6.


For saving Hektorović's palace in Hvar. Man and space, 1980, no. 1.

Archive column. Periodic report, XIV/1980, no. 116, p. 11–15; XV/1981, no. 127, p. 16–18.

About the contents of the archives of the Kasandrić family in Hvar and about a map from 1500 in the state library in Munich, which shows the roads in the Alps and the northern Adriatic, called "Das Venedisch Meer". Apart from Istria, there are also our towns in Dalmatia, and the islands of Pag, Brač and Hvar.

In 1981 under the title: General cultural information. Leafy.

Archive column. Periodic report, XIV/1980, no. 118, p. 13–19.

Register of the archive fund of the Hektorović house from Tvrdalje.

From the archive fund of Ivo Kasandrić in Hvar. Riassunto: Dall'archivio di Ivo Kasandrić riassunto _ Hvar. Split, Issue of the Historical Archives in Split, 10/1980, p. 187–201.

Horugvenica. Periodic report, XIV/1980, no. 119, p. 7–9.

About the small church above the town of Hvar (from the 16th century), its purpose and the origin of the name "horugvenica". See also Periodic Report, XVII/1983.

Genealogical sketch of the groups of the Duboković tribe in Pitva. [Co-author:] Pio Duboković. [Hvar, own edition, /198?/ 2 p. Flyer.]


Monumental issues of Dalmatian Zagora, Čovjen i protorso, 1981, no. 2.

A note about Mirko Barbarić's family house in Bogomolje. Bulletin of the Historical Archives, Hvar, 1963, no. 5–6, p. 59; Bulletin on the condition of the monuments of the island of Hvar, 1981, no. 15, p. 19.

Content: Behind the fireplace in Mirko Barbarić's house; One short encounter; The problem of the development process of upper Hvar.

Row of apple trees in Jelsa. Periodic report, XV/1981, no. 126, p. 16–17.

The tree line dates back to 1871, when it was called "J.J. Strossmayer Promenade".

New information about the ark of Sr. Prošper in Hvar. Periodic report, XV/1981, no. 129, p. 5–6.

About our famous three hundred and seventy-year-old Municipal Theater in Hvar. Periodic report, XV/1981, no. 132, p. 5–6.

Project of the bell tower in Zastražišće from 1927. Bulletin on the state of monuments on the island of Hvar, 1981, no. 15, p. 25–26.

Old tombstone saved in Jelsa. Periodic report, XV/1981, no. 129, p. 9.

Documents of the Andreis house in Jelsa. Periodic report, XV/1981, no. 132, p. 7–8.

Summary list of documents.

Record of events on the occasion of the Turkish conquest of Hvar in 1571. Periodic report, XV/1981, no. 132, p. 14–15.


Genealoške i heraldičke bilješke o obitelji Jakša. U: Od Isse do Visa. Književnost, povijest, eseji. Vis, Skupština općine Vis, 1982, str. 108–114 + 1 tabla.


Horugva. Periodic report, XVII/1983, no. 142, p. 9–10.

The author tries to explain this toponym, which is included in the name of the small church "Horugvica" above the town of Hvar.

Information from the center for the protection of cultural heritage at the consultation of archivists. Periodic report, Bulletin on the condition of the monuments of the island of Hvar, 1983, no. 17, p. 5–11.

Announcement to the Society of Folklorists. Periodic report, Bulletin on the condition of the monuments of the island of Hvar, 1983, no. 18, p. 5–15.

About the tasks and goals of the Center for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Hvar.

The last male Hektorović in Old Town and some life aspects of his time on the island of Hvar. Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, VII/1983, p. 37–58; Discussions and articles, I/1988, p. 140–158.


Archaeological collection and lapidary of Dr. Grga Novak. [Co-authors:] Marin Zaninović and Marinko Petrić. Hvar, Center for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, 1984. [Longitudinal format. Unpaginated. Guide-leaflet.] The same guide in English.

A document that tells us how and when the statue of Our Lady came to Jelsa. Periodic report, XVIII/1984, no. 144, p. 10.

Inventory of benefits of the church-fortress [in Jelsa.] Periodic report, XVIII/1984, no. 144, p. 8–9.

Some observations from the Hektorović archive. Periodic report, XVIII/1984, no. 151, p. 8–12.

Septemvir Remigia Bučić (1874–1951). Periodic report, XVIII/1984, no. 153, p. 44.

About the life and archival work of a distinguished judge from Hvar.

Stijepo Plančić. Periodic report, XVIII/1984, no. 153, p. 41–42.


Vlado Magaric. Periodic report, XVIII/1984, no. 153, p. 42.



Hvar in the XIII century. Possibilities, 8–9/1985, p. 870–878; Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, III/1987, p. 27–36; Discussions and articles, II/1989, p. 30–38.

The fate of Mali Grablje. Periodic report, XIX/1985, no. 154, p. 18–19.

About Mali Grablje, a village-monument, which could become a unique tourist object.

La ville de Hvar: son histoire et ses monuments. Traduit du croat par Stjepan Lapenda. Hvar, Hotel company, 1985, 13 pages.


Nickname Ormanica in Jelsa. Periodic report, XX/1986, no. 155, p. 5–6.

Our dead. Periodic report XX/1986, no. 155, p. 10–12.

Obituaries: long sea captain Toni Buić (1848–1915); Dinko Damjanic; advisor Vinko Kovačić and Dr. Pierin Ružević.

The incredible fate of the archives. Periodic report, XX/1986, no. 156, p. 22–23.

The center for the protection of cultural heritage in Hvar was sent a copy of the »fantastic horse head« by the painter Mersad Beber, which was painted on archive files from Jelsa.

Prof. Dr. Branimir Gabričević. Periodic report, XX/1986, no. 155, p. 9.

About our famous archaeologist, on the occasion of receiving the city of Sinj's lifetime achievement award.


About Petar Hektorović as a man. Voice of the Hvar commune, IV/1987, no. 16, p. 11.


Discussions and articles [I]. Split, Vl. published, 1988. 281 p.


Preface, p. 5.

Political history and social relations:

— Creation and development of the largest land holding on Hvar, p. 9-18.

— Emancipation of the settlements of the Hvar Plain from the feudal form of church administration, p. 19–36.

— Contribution to the solution to the question of the creation of the commune of Hvar, p. 37–48.

— Defensive conditions on the northern side of the island of Hvar in the XV-XVII centuries. and the Battle of Lepanto, p. 49–57.

— Some thoughts about Mati Ivanić as a leader of the people, politician and diplomat, p. 58–67.

— Several letters of Nana Kasandrić to his sons, p. 68–80.

Cultural history:

— Grave of Ivan Fran Biundović in Aubonne in Switzerland, p. 83–85.

— On the stages of cultural development on Hvar (orientation sketch), p. 86–103.

— Reconstruction of the way of dressing on the island of Hvar, p. 104–108.

— Illumination of cultural monuments and old parts of the city in Hvar, p. 109–113.

— Museum collections on Hvar, p. 114–122.

— Geographical position of the city of Hvar and the creation of its cultural superstructure, p. 123–129.

— The significance of brotherhoods for the development of social awareness on Hvar in the XIV, XV. and XVI century, p. 130–139.

— The last male Hektorović in Old Town and some life aspects of his time on the island of Hvar, p. 140–158.

— Commentary on the inventory of the Hektorović family archives, p. 159–162.

— Commentary on the Inventory of Petr Nisite's archives, p. 163–164.

Economic history:

— Beneficium simplex ss. Kuzma and Damjan in Hvar, p. 167–169.

— Our homeland in the era of Matij Ivanić, p. 170–180.

Architectural heritage:

— Where was the civitas vetus Ielsae on the island of Hvar, p. 183–186.

— Church-fortress in Vrboska, p. 187–192.

— Jelsa in the XV. century, p. 193–195.

— "Ecclesia in mari" in Šđedr, p. 196–199.

— Petar Hektorović's house in the town of Hvar, p. 200–203.

— Dominican monastery and church in Hvar, p. 204–209.

— Former appearance of the Duke's Palace complex in Hvar, p. 210–219.

— Construction and history of the church-fortress in Jelsa, p. 220–237.

— On the construction of roads in Dalmatia during the time of the French, p. 238–246.

— Monumental problems of Dalmatian Zagora, p. 247–248.

Archeology and history of antiquity:

— Janus' head in Pitva, p. 251–254.

— Centuriation of the Hvar ager, p. 255–256.

Onomastics and toponomastics:

— Part of the island of Hvar, which is called Plame, p. 259–262.

— Šćedro Island, p. 263–267.

— Several topographical and property notes from Hvar from the 15th century. century, p. 268–273.

— Some of our toponyms and Romansh toponyms, p. 274–276.

Chronology of some events on our coast from 1914. Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, IX/1988, p. 43–64.

People at Roški Slap. [Co-authors:] Jasna Skelin Duboković, Duško Rašković, Ante Marasović. Split [Vl. ed.], 1988. [Guide-leaflet, 4 pages]

About our genealogies. (The family of Šjor Pavot Carić from Svirač). Periodic report, XXII/1988, no. 160, p. 15–16.

500th year birth of Petar Hektorović. Periodic report, XXII/1988, no. 160, p. 6–7.

About the printing of the Inventory of the archives of Petra Hektorović and Petra Nisite.


Discussions and articles [II]. (Dedicated to collaborators). Split, Vl. published, 1989. 64 p.


— Preface, p. 5–6.

— On the aesthetic values of Hvar settlements, p. 7–16.

— On sphragistics and stemology of the island of Hvar, p. 17–29.

— Hvar in XIII. century, p. 30–38.

— A few thoughts about wine, p. 39–40.

— About the construction development of the town of Hvar in the middle of the 15th century. century, p. 41–46.

— About Petar Hektorović as a man, p. 47–48.

— One "gratia" of Antun Lucić, the poet's father, from 1488, p. 49–52.

Notes I., Split–Hvar, [Vl. ed.], 1989, 12 p.

Sketches – biographical information about various people from the island of Hvar or related to the island through their work.


Presentation of the "Inventory of the Hektorović Archive". Periodic report, XXIV/1990, no. 161, p. 76–77.

Treatises and Articles (III) and Contributions of His Friends and Associates. Notes and obituaries. Hvar, Vl. published, 1991. 168 p.

— Preface, p. 5.

— Origin and development of settlements on Hvar, p. 7–17.

— St. Sunday on Hvar, p. 18–20.

— Articles from the past of Hvar. Miscellanea from the Chronicle of Hvar, p. 21.

— The conclusion of a marriage on Hvar in 1801, p. 22–25.

— Several Hvar notes from the 18th century, p. 26–32.

Riassunto: Note sul protocollo ecclesiastico e civile su certi rapporti sociali a Hvar nella seconda met_ del Settecento.

— About the coast called "Fabrika" in Hvar, p. 33–34.

— One theater performance in Hvar in 1831, p. 35–37.

— An important archaeological underwater find near Hvar, p. 38–39.

— Several notes on the construction of Hvar's port and city, p. 40–41.

— Hygiene Association in Hvar, p. 42.

— Gothic palace on the square in Hvar, p. 43–44.

— Zaraće on the island of Hvar, p. 45–49.

— The first communal theater in Europe, p. 50–51.

— Inventory of the benefits of St. Mary in Jelsa, p. 52–53.

— Development of the port of Jelšan, p. 54–56.

— More about the port of Jelšan, p. 57–59.

— Municipal House in Jelsa, p. 60–62.

— Changing the appearance of the part of Mala Banda in Jelsa, p. 63–67.

— One marriage in the XVII [XVIII!] century in Jelsa viewed through the prism of the bride's dowry, p. 68–71.

— Some forms of work in viticulture on the Duboković Nadalini estate on Hvar, Knin and Baška (Krk), p. 72–77.

— Gradina in Jelsa, p. 78–81.

— Tricolor of the Jelšan reading room, municipal flag and coat of arms, p. 82–83.

— Something about the role of people from the people in the battles with the Turks in the XVII and XVIII centuries in Dalmatia, p. 84–85.

— A few words about our trines, p. 86–87.

— About an old but always interesting book (Ida v. Düringsfeld "Aus Dalmatien"), p. 88–90.

— An ancient house in Svirci, p. 91.

— Village chronicler from Svirač on Hvar, p. 92–93.

— Urban and construction development of the Old Town in the past, p. 94–104.

— Vrbovac Chronicle, p. 105–108.

— The road from Jelsa to Humac and the prehistoric Grabčev Cave, p. 109–112.

— Work imbued with creativity. (On the occasion of the seventy years of prominent educator Ivo Mlikota), p. 115–118.


Knight Niko Duboković and the People's Party in Dalmatia

Alphabetical order/not translated

Ager pharensis — arheološke bilješke. [Ager pharensis — Archäologische Notizen.] Vjesnik za arheologiju i historiju dalmatinsku, LXIII–LXIV/1961–1962, Split, 1969, str. 91–97 + 1 karta; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 5–14.

Akademija u čast Antuna Dobronića i Jurja Carića u Jelsi. [Commémoration d’Antoine Dobronić et Georges Carić _ Jelsa.] Periodični izvještaj, XII/1978, br. 100, str. 7–8.

Analitički popis župskog arhiva – Sućuraj. [Suautor:] don Drago Lovrić. Periodični izvještaj, II/1968, br. 12, str. 9–11.

Ante Tadić. Kratka biografija u povodu 10. godišnjice imenovanja za predstojnika kabineta Grgura Bučića. Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, IV/1974, str. 118.

Antun Ilijić. [Antoine Ilijić, conservateur _ Stari Grad.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, III/1961, br. 3–4, str. 67–68.

Arheološka zbirka i lapidarij dr. Grga Novak. [Suautori:] Marin Zaninović i Marinko Petrić. Hvar, Centar za zaštitu kulturne baštine, 1984. [Uzdužni format. Nepaginirano. Vodič–letak.] Isti vodič i na engleskom jeziku.

Arheološke bilješke. Bilten Historijskog arhiva, VI–VII/1965, br. 7–8, str. 51–57.

Sadržaj: Novi neolitski lokalitet; Jedan arheološki podatak; Rimski materijal s položaja Soline na Sv. Klementu; Interesantan stari nalaz u Hvaru; Najnovije arheološke konstatacije; Jedan rimski nalaz u Srednjoj ulici u Starom Gradu; Još jedan rimski lokalitet; Dva sitna podatka o Hvaru; Kamenolomi za vađenje ploča kojima se pokrivaju krovovi; Sv. Juraj u Sućurju; Još nešto o zidinama na Gradini u Jelsi; Jedan podatak o razvoju luke i grada; [Notes archéologiques: Une localité néolithique nouvelle; Une donnée archéologique; Materiel romain provenant da la localité Soline sur l’île de S. Clement; Une trouvaille interessante _ Hvar; Constatations archéologiques récentes; Une trouvaille romaine dans la rue centrale de Stari Grad; Encore une localité romaine; Deux petites informations sur Hvar; Localités d’extraction de plaques servant _ couvrir les toits; S. Georges _ Sućuraj; Encore sur les murailles de Gradina _ Jelsa; Une information sur le développement de la ville et du port de Hvar.]

Arhiv Machiedo. [Suautor:] Laca Machiedo. Bilten Historijskog arhiva, IV–V/1963, br. 5–6, str. 49–51.

Arhivska rubrika. Periodični izvještaj, XIV/1980, br. 116, str. 11–15; XV/1981, br. 127, str. 16–18.

O sadržaju arhiva obitelji Kasandrić u Hvaru i o jednoj zemljopisnoj karti iz 1500. godine u državnoj biblioteci u Münchenu na kojoj su prikazani putovi u Alpama i sjeverni Jadran, nazvan »Das Venedisch Meer«. Osim Istre tu su i naši gradovi u Dalmaciji, te otoci Pag, Brač i Hvar.

U godini 1981. pod naslovom: Opće kulturne informacije. Lisna.

Arhivska rubrika. Periodični izvještaj, XIV/1980, br. 118, str. 13–19.

Regesta arhivskog fonda kuće Hektorović iz Tvrdalja.

Austrijska rekvizicija zvona 1915–1917. [La réquisition autrichienne des cloches d’églises 1915–1917.] Periodični izvještaj, V/1971, br. 30, str. 17–18.

Barokno–renesansni kasetirani strop u Arsenalu. Periodični izvještaj, IV/1970, br. 18, str. 3–4.

Beneficij simplex ss. Kuzme i Damjana u Hvaru. [Le bénéfice écclesiastique simple de Sts. Côme et Damien _ Hvar.] Periodični izvještaj, V/1971, br. 30, str. 20–23; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 167–169.

Bibliografske bilješke. [Notes bibliographiques.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, III/1961, br. 3–4, str. 62–65; IV–V/1963, br. 5–6, str. 113–115.

Bilans rada arhiva, zaštite spomenika i galerije slika u Hvaru 1957. [Bilan de l’activité des archives, de la conservation de monuments et de la gallerie d’art de Hvar en 1957.] Slobodna Dalmacija, 4. I. 1958.

Bilješka o kući Vučetić, danas Marchi, u Hvaru. Periodični izvještaj, X/1976, str. 6–7.

Bilješka o obiteljskoj kući Mirka Barbarića u Bogomolju. Bilten Historijskog arhiva, Hvar, 1963, br. 5–6, str. 59; Bilten o stanju spomenika otoka Hvara, 1981, br. 15, str. 19.

Sadržaj: Za kaminom u kući Mirka Barbarića; Jedan kratki susret; Prob-lem razvoja procesa gornjeg Hvara.

Bilješke I., Split–Hvar, [Vl. izd.], 1989, 12 str.

Crtice–biografski podaci o raznim ljudima s otoka Hvara ili vezanima svojim radom uz taj otok.

Biolog Prof. Josip Plančić [1888–1978]. Nekrolog. Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, V/1978, str. 180.

Brodari i brodarstvo Jelse u starijoj prošlosti. [Les armateurs et la navigation de Jelsa au passé plus lointain.] Pomorstvo, VII/1952, br. 3, str. 80–81; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 171–175.

Brodarstvo otoka Hvara između 1808. i 1884. [Les navires de l’île de Hvar entre 1808 et 1884.] Pomorstvo, VIII/1953, br. 7, str. 270–271; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 178–181.

Bučić, Grgur. Pomorska enciklopedija, 1955, knj. 2.

Burton, Richard. Pomorska enciklopedija, 1955, knj. 2.

Richard Francis Burton, engleski putopisac i istraživač (1821.–1890.).

Centurijacija hvarskog agera. [La centuriation de l’ager romain de Hvar.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, I/1959, br. 1, str. 10–12; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 255–256.

Crkva–tvrđava u Vrboski. [L’église de Vrboska.] Prilozi povijesti umjetnosti, 15/1963, str. 111–125 + 8 sl.; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 48–60 s 2 sl.; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 187–192.

Dio otoka Hvara što se zove Plame. [La partie de l’île de Hvar dénommée Plame.] Zadarska revija, IV/1955, br. 4, str. 262–265; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 24–30; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 259–262.

Do gubitka daha — Volje i nevolje hvarskog Centra za zaštitu kulturne baštine. [Les probl_mes du Centre pour la sauvegarde des monuments de Hvar.] Večernji list, Zagreb, 6–7. III. 1976.

Dodatak i ispravak »Popisa spomenika otoka Hvara«. [Annexe et corrections — L’inventaire des monuments de l’île de Hvar.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, I/1959, br. 1, str. 1–6 + 1 tabla. (Publikacija Historijskog arhiva Hvar, br. 7.)

Dokumenat po kojem saznajemo kako je i kada došao u Jelsu kip Gospe. Periodični izvještaj, XVIII/1984, br. 144, str. 10.

Don Dino Luković (1887–1970). Nekrolog. Periodični izvještaj, IV/1970, br.18, str. 19–20.

Dr. Zorko Plenković iz Svirača — istaknuti naučni radnik na polju pedagogike i sociologije. Periodični izvještaj, VIII/1974, br. 54, str. 15–16.

Donosi se Plenkovićev životopis i bibliografija njegovih radova.

Drvored jablanova u Jelsi. Periodični izvještaj, XV/1981, br. 126, str. 16–17.

Drvored potječe iz 1871. godine, kada je bio nazvan »Šetalište J. J. Strossmayera«.

Dućani i gostione u gradu Hvaru 1819. g. [Boutiques et bustrots dans la ville de Hvar en 1819.] Periodični izvještaj, V/1971, br. 28, str. 4.

Dva hvarska spomenika u švicarskom kantonu Vaud. [Deux monuments de Hvar au canton de Vaud en Suisse.] Periodični izvještaj, X/1976, br. 79, str. 2.

Dva kamena poprsja u Milni. [Deux bustes en pierre _ Milna.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, II/1960, str. 65–66 s 1 sl.

»Ecclesia in Mari« — na Šćedru. [Ecclesia in Mari sul l’île de Šćedro.] Čovjek i prostor, 15. III. 1958; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 157–163; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 196–199.

Emancipacija naselja hvarske ravnice od feudalnog oblika crkvene uprave. [L’émancipation de la plaine de Hvar de la forme féodale de l’administration écclesiastique.] Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, I/1959. str. 48–70; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970. str. 63–94; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 19–24.

Ferali na hvarskoj pjaci i dijelu obale. Periodični izvještaj, XI/1977, br. 89, str. 4–5.

Filozofska djela u Franjevačkoj i kaptolskoj biblioteci u Hvaru. Periodični izvještaj, II/1968, br. 9, str. 3.

Folklorna istraživanja prof. dr. Vinka ?ganca na Hvaru. [Etudes folkloriques du Professeur Vinko ?ganec _ Hvar.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, III/1961, br. 3–4, str. 45–46.

Fond oporuka u Historijskom arhivu u Hvaru [XVII–XVIII st.] [Fonds de testaments des XVII–XVIII s. aux Archives historiques de Hvar.] Arhivski vjesnik, IV–V/1962, str. 263–268.

Fondovi u posjedu Historijskog arhiva. [Les fondes en possession des Archives historiques.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, III/1961, br. 3–4, str. 1–4.

Franjevačka zbirka u Hvaru. [Vodič.] Hvar, 1964, [4] str. (Orijentacione bilješke Muzeja općine hvarske, br. 2.)

Gdje je bila Civitas vetus Ielsae. [O_ se trouvait Civitas vetus Ielsae.] Zadarska revija, III/1954, br. 4, str. 342–346 s 1 sl.; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 15–20; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 183–186.

Genealogija i heraldika Hvara. [Généalogie et héraldique de Hvar.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, VI–VII/1965, br. 7–8, str. 65–67.

Genealoška skica grupacija plemena Duboković u Pitvama. [Suautor:] Pio Duboković. [Hvar, vlastito izdanje, /198?/ 2 str. Letak.]

Genealoške i heraldičke bilješke o obitelji Jakša. U: Od Isse do Visa. Književnost, povijest, eseji. Vis, Skupština općine Vis, 1982, str. 108–114 + 1 tabla.

Geografski položaj grada Hvara i stvaranje njegove kulturne nadgradnje. Riassunto: La posizione geografica della citt_ di Hvar e la formazione della sua soprastruttura culturale. Encyclopedia moderna, VII/1973, br. 22, str. 96–100; Hvarski zbornik, 5/1977, str. 319–327; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 123–129.

Glava Janusa u Pitvama. [Riassunto: La divinit_ di Janus (Giano) _ Pitve.] Hvarski zbornik, 6/1978, str. 203–208 s 1 sl.; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 251–254.

Gotička palača na trgu u Hvaru. [Le palais gothique sur la place de Hvar.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, III/1961, br. 3–4, str. 30–33 s 2 sl.; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 43–44.

Grad Hvar. Pregled povijesti i spomenika. [Vodič.] Hvar, Hotelsko poduzeće, 1967, 13 str.

Gradina u Jelsi. [La localité dite Gradina _ Jelsa.] Zapisi o zavičaju, V/1978, str. 44–51; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 78–81.

Gradivo francuske ere u Državnom arhivu u Zadru. Periodični izvještaj, IV/1970, br.17, str. 6–7.

Popis pojedinih predmeta s brojem fascikala građe na kojoj je Duboković radio 1949–1950. god.

Gradnja i povijest crkvice–tvrđave u Jelsi. [L’église forteresse de Jelsa.] Prilozi povijesti umjetnosti Dalmacije, 18/1970, str. 101–129 sa 7 slika; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 220–238.

Grb obitelji Machiedo. [Les armoiries de la famille Machiedo.] Periodični izvještaj, XII/1978, br. 103, str. 15.

Grb sa dvoglavim orlom u Hvaru. Periodični izvještaj, V/1971, br. 32, str. 9–10.

Grbovi u bivšoj crkvi s. Marka u Hvaru. [Pierres tombales dans l’anncienne église de St. Marc.] Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, III/1969, str. 43–54, s 8 sl.

O grbovima na patricijskim grobovima u crkvi sv. Marka

Grob Frana Biundovića u Aubonne u Švicarskoj. [Le tombeau de François Biundović _ Aubonne en Suisse.] Vijesti muzealaca i konzervatora Hrvatske, 1963, br. 2; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 83–85.

Higijeničko društvo u Hvaru. [Sociéte hygiénique a Hvar.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, II/1960, str. 47; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 42.

Historijat Hvara kao ratne luke u prošlosti. [L’histoire de Hvar comme port de guerre.] Periodični izvještaj, VI/1972, br. 42, str. 10–12.

Historijski arhiv komune hvarske. Sumarni prikaz rada u 1959. godini. [Les Archives historiques de la Commune de Hvar.] Arhivski vijesnik, III/1960, str. 536–537.

Historijski arhiv kotara Hvar. [Les archives historiques du district de Hvar.] Slob. Dalm., 10. XII. 1953.

Historijski arhiv u Hvaru. [Les Archives historiques de Hvar.] Slob. Dalm., 11. IV. 1957.

Horugva. Periodični izvještaj, XVII/1983, br. 142, str. 9–10.

Autor pokušava objasniti ovaj toponim, koji je uključen u naziv crkvice »Horugvica« iznad grada Hvara.

Horugvenica. Periodični izvještaj, XIV/1980, br. 119, str. 7–9.

O crkvici iznad grada Hvara (iz XVI st.), njezinoj namjeni i porijeklu naziva »horugvenica«. Vidi o tome i Periodični izvještaj, XVII/1983.

Humac, Grapčeva špilja — vodič. [Guide touristique, Reisefürer.] Prev. Madeleine Denegri i Živko Vekarić. Izdavač: Jelsa, Privredno poduzeće »Jelsa«, 1972, 31 str. sa sl.

Humac. Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 62.

Humanizacija turizma. [L’humanisation du tourisme.] Periodični izvještaj, XII/1978, br. 97, str. 6.

Hvar u XIII st. Mogućnosti, 8–9/1985, str. 870–878; Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, III/1987, str. 27–36; Rasprave i članci, II/1989, str. 30–38.

Hvar — ein turistischer und historischer Führer durch die Insel. Hvar, Turistički savez Općine Hvar, 1964.

Hvar — turistički i historijski vodič po otoku. [Hvar — guide touristique et historique]. Hvar, Turistički savez Općine Hvar, 1964.

Hvar — turistički vodič. [Hvar–guide touristique.] Hvar, Turističko društvo Hvar i Turistička štampa Beograd, Hvar–Beograd, 1968, 60 str. sa sl. [Uzdužni format.]

Hvar, Stari Grad, Vrboska, Jelsa. Text: dr. Niko Duboković Nadalini. Traducteur: Simone Miquel. Zagreb, »Turistkomerc«, 1974, 1l0 str. sa sl. (Biblioth_que des petites monographies touristiques, 15.)

2. izd.

3. izd. 1988.

4. izd. 1989.

Hvar, Stari Grad, Vrboska, Jelsa. Text: dr. Niko Duboković Nadalini. Uebersetzer: Josip Rittig. (Kleine touristiche Monographien.)

2. izd. 1979. 6. izd. 1983.

3. izd. 1980. 7. izd. 1984.

4. izd. 1981. 8. izd. 1985.

5. izd. 1982. 9. izd. 1986.

Hvar. Ein touristischer und historischer Fürer durch die Insel Hvar. Hvar, Turističko društvo, [oko 1966], 68 str. sa sl. (Turistischer Verein der Gemeinde.)

Hvar. Turistički historijski vodič po otoku. Hvar, Turistički savez općine [oko 1960], 55 str. sa sl.

Hvar. [Vodič, letak.] Hvar, Turističko društvo, 1958.

Hvarska citadella — prvorazredni ugostiteljski objekt. [La citadelle de Hvar — édifice touristique de premi_re ordre.] Periodični izvještaj, V/1971, br. 30, str. 1.

Hvarski pučki ustanak (Ivo Kasandrić), recenzija. [Le soul_vement populaire de Hvar – par Ivo Kasandrić – recension.] Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, V/1978, str. 178.

Hvar–Yougoslavie — une action regionale. Civitas nostra, Fribourg, 1975.

Il primo teatro comunale d’Europa. Cooperazione, 15, Basilea [Bâle], 10. IV. 1975.

Imena vlasnika trata za lov na srdele na Hvaru, Visu i Braču na prijelazu iz XVIII u XIX st. [Les pecheurs de sardines _ Hvar, Vis et Brač entre la fin du XVIII et le debut du XIX s.] Pomorstvo, VIII/1953, br. 11; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 191–194.

Informacija centra za zaštitu kulturne baštine na savjetovanju arhivista. Periodični izvještaj, Bilten o stanju spomenika otoka Hvara, 1983, br. 17, str. 5–11.

Inventar beneficija crkve–tvrđave [u Jelsi.] Periodični izvještaj, XVIII/1984, br. 144, str. 8–9.

Inventar dobara beneficija Sv. Marije u Jelsi. [Iventaire du patrimonie de Ste Marie _ Jelsa.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, II/1960, str. 38–39; Periodični izvještaj, 1984, br. 144, str. 8–9; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 52–53.

Inventar javnih, crkvenih i privatnih arhiva otoka Hvara. [Inventaire des archives publics, ecclésiastiques et privées de l’île de Hvar.] Split, 1955, 39 str. (Publikacija Historijskog arhiva Hvar, br. 2.)

Inventar javnih, crkvenih i privatnih arhiva, II. (Dodatak.) [Inventaire des archives publiques, ecclésiastiques et privées II.] Split, 1957, 31 str. (Publikacija Historijskog arhiva Hvar, br. 4.)

Inventar spisa Gazzari. [L’inventaire des documents Gazzari.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, VI–VII/1965, br. 7–8, str. 28–29.

Inventari arhivskih fondova [otoka Hvara.] Svezak 3. Hvar, 1979, 4 str.

Sv. 1. izradio je profesor Ante Tadić.

Sv. 2. i 4. izradio je Kruno Carić.

Ivanić i Hospic s. Jerolima. [Ivanić et l’hospice de s. Jeronime.] Periodični izvještaj, X/1976, br. 79, str. 2–5.

Ivo Hajduk Vinkov. [Nekrolog.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, VI–VII/1965, br. 7–8, str. 86 s portretom.

Iz arhivskog fonda Ive Kasandrića u Hvaru. Riassunto: Dall’archivio di Ivo Kasandrić riassunto _ Hvar. Split, Izdanje Historijskog arhiva u Splitu, 10/1980, str. 187–201.

Iz domaće kronike. Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 200–202.

O raznim povijesnim i gospodarskim događanjima u Jelsi i Starom Gradu od 1795. do 1860. godine.

Iz Historijskog arhiva na Hvaru. [Des Archives historique de Hvar.] Slob. Dalm., 23. VIII. 1956.

Iz pomorsko–sanitarne prakse u Splitu u vrijeme francuske vladavine. [Usages sanitaires _ Split au temps de l’administration française.] Medicinski glasnik, 1953, br. 8.

Iz rada Historijskog arhiva. [Sur les activités des Archives historiques.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, VI–VII/1965, br. 7–8, str. 1–4.

Iz rada Komisije za zaštitu spomenika. [Sur les activités de la Commission pour la conservation de monuments.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, VI–VII/1965, br. 7–8, str. 33–39.

Izvještaj o radu Historijskog arhiva u Hvaru za 1961. [Rapport sur l’activité des Archives historiques en 1961.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, III/1961, br. 3–4, str. 18–22.

Izvještaj o radu Historijskog arhiva u Hvaru za 1962. [Rapport annuel des Archives historiques _ Hvar pour 1962.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, IV–V/1963, br. 5–6, str. 1–7.

Izvještaj o zaštiti spomenika kulture za 1961. [Rapport sur la conservations de monuments en 1961.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, III/1961, br. 3–4, str. 47–57.

Javna rasvjeta u Hvaru g. 1834. [L’illumination publique _ Hvar en 1834.] Periodični izvještaj, I/1967, br. 4, str. 12–13.

Jedan ispravak »Popisa spomenika otoka Hvara«. [Une correction de l’inventaire des monuments.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, VI–VII/1965, br. 7–8, str. 45–46.

Jedan jelšansko–dubrovački brod u XVII st. [Un navire de Jelsa et Dubrovnik au XVII s.] Pomorstvo, V/1950, br. 12, str. 469; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 176–177.

Jedan napoleonski poštanski sanduk u Splitu. [Une boîte postale napoléonienne _ Split.] Periodični izvještaj, IX/1975, br. 62, str. 12–13.

Jedan novi arheološki lokalitet. [Un nouveau site archéologique.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, IV–V/1963, br. 5–6, str. 74–75.

Jedna akvizicija Historijskog arhiva. [Une acquisition des Archives historiques.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, IV–V/1963, br. 5–6, str. 8–11 s 1 sl.

Jedna »gratia« Antuna Lucića, oca pjesnika Hanibala iz 1488. [Une donation _ Antoine Lucić, p_re du po_te.] Zadarska revija, VII/1958, br. 1, str. 65–68; Bilten Historijskog arhiva, 2/1960, str. 40–41; Rasprave i članci, II/1989, str. 49–52.

Jedna kazališna priredba u Hvaru 1831. [Une rappresentation théatrale _ Hvar en 1831.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, IV–V/1963, br. 5–6, str. 101–105 s 1 sl.; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 35–37.

Jedna patricijska ženidba u Dalmaciji 1801. godine. Zadarska revija, VI/1957, br. 1, str. 373–375.

Jedna prastara kuća u Svirčima. [Une maison archa_que _ Svirče.] Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, III/1969, str. 55–56 s 1 sl.; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 91.

Jedna strana informativna knjiga sa osobitim osvrtom na prometne prilike Evrope koncem XVIII st. Periodični izvještaj, VI/1972, br. 44, str. 7–11.

O francuskom almanahu »Almanach Royal« za 1791. god.

Jedna udaja XVIII v. u Jelsi gledana kroz prizmu nevjestina miraza. [Un mariage _ Jelsa au XVIII s.] Zapisi o zavičaju, V/1978, str. 65–70; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 68–71.

Jelsa u XV st. [Jelsa au XV si_cle.] Čovjek i prostor, 1955, br. 39 od 19. IX. 1955; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 31–36; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 193–195.

Jelsa — Pomorska enciklopedija, II. izd., knj. 3, 1976.

Jelšanske bujice. [Les torrents de Jelsa.] Geodetski list, 1954, br. 1–4; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 103–109.

Jelšanski jedrenjaci izvan Jadranskog mora. [Les voillers de Jelsa naviguant hors de l’Adriatique.] Pomorstvo, III/1948, br. 10, str. 420–422 s 3 sl.; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 182–190 s 2 sl.

Još jedna naša stara ideja – sada ostvarena u Europi (Muzejski ured). [Une de nos anciennes idées maintenant realisé en Europe. (Bureau de muséologie.)] Periodični izjveštaj, XII/1978, br. 102, str. 4–5.

Još nešto o zidinama na Gradini u Jelsi. Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 21–23.

Još o jelšanskoj luci. [Informations supplémentaires sur le port de Jelsa.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, IV–V/1963, br. 5–6, str. 83–87 s 1 sl.; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 57–59.

Još o manastiru Sv. Venerande na Hvaru. [Notes sur Monast_re de la Ste. Venerande _ Hvar.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, II/1960, str. 22–23.

Još par podataka o izgradnji luke u Jelsi. [Encore quelques informations sur la construction du port _ Jelsa.] Periodični izvještaj, IX/1975, br. 63, str. 11–12.

Jugoslavenska zastava i otok Hvar. [Le pavillon yougoslave et l’île de Hvar.] Periodični izvještaj, IV/1970, br. 22, str. 8–9.

Kako je prestala u Hvaru obaveza naoružanja općinske galije u slučaju rata. [Comment prit fin l’obligation de la Commune de Hvar d’armer la gal_re comunale en cas de guerre.] Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, V/1978, str. 24–26.

Karković, Niko. Pomorska enciklopedija, II izd., knj. 3, 1976.

Kazališna priredba na Hvaru 1831. Slob. Dalm., 22. IX. 1956.

Komemoracija prof. Ivka Radovanovića. [Commémoration de Ivko Radovanović.] Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, V/1978, str. 181.

Kompleks kuća Duboković u Maloj Bandi u Jelsi – određen za gradnju hotela. Periodični izvještaj, Bilten o stanju spomenika, 1979, br. 9, str. 7–9.

Koncepcija načina zaštite spomenika na Hvaru. [La conception du syst_me de sauvegarde des monuments sur l’île de Hvar.] Hvarski zbornik, 1/1973, str. 299–307 + 1 zemljopisna karta.

Kongres Međunarodne federacije za urbanizam i stanovanje u Beogradu. [Congr_s de la Federation internationale pour l’urbanisme et le logement _ Belgrade — rapport.] Periodični izvještaj, V/1971, br. 30, str. 2–5.

Kratke Vijesti. Bilten Historijskog arhiva, IV–V/1963, br. 5–6, str. 13–18.

Sadržaj: Značajna komemoracija; Diocezanska služba arhiva i biblioteka; Hvarski općinski grb; Proslava 100. godišnjice Narodnog preporoda u Starom Gradu; Novo međunarodno priznanje Grguru Bučiću; Argentinsko priznanje Ivanu Vučetiću; Poklon Historijskom arhivu. [Nouvelles br_ves: Une importante commémoration; le service diocésain des archives et biblioth_ques; les armoires communales de Hvar; le centenaire du renouveau national _ Stari Grad; une nouvelle distinction internationale pour Grgur Bučić; une distinction argentine décernée _ Ivan Vučetić, inventeur de la dactyloscopie; un don aux Archives historiques.]

»Kronika« Tome Arhiđakona u prijevodu prof. Vladimira Rismonda. [La Chronique de l’Archidiacre Thomas, dans la traductions du Professeur Vladimir Rismondo.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, II/1960, str. 52–54. [Prikaz knjige.]

Kronologija nekih zbivanja na našoj obali iz 1914. god. Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, IX/1988, str. 43–64.

Kuća Petra Hektorovića u gradu Hvaru. [La maison de Petar Hektorović _ Hvar.] Vijesti muzealaca i konzervatora Hrvatske, 11/1962, br. 4, str. 103–107 sa 2 sl.; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 200–203.

Kuće u Jelsi i njihovi vlasnici 1767. [Les maisons _ Jelsa et leurs propriétaires en 1767.] Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 197–199.

L’île et ville de Hvar. Hvar, Bureau de tourisme, 1954. [Prospect.]

La ville de Hvar: son histoire et ses monuments. Traduit du croate par Stjepan Lapenda. Hvar, Hotelsko poduzeće, 1985, 13 str.

Ljudi na Roškom Slapu. [Suautori:] Jasna Skelin Duboković, Duško Rašković, Ante Marasović. Split [Vl. izd.], 1988. [Vodič–letak, 4 str.]

Machiedo Ivan Krstitelj. Pomorska enciklopedija, knj. 5, 1958.

Milan Kukurin (1901–1968), nekrolog, Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, V/1978, str. 180.

Miscellanea iz kronike Hvara. [Chronique de Hvar — miscellanea.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, IV–V/1963, br. 5–6, str. 77–78.

Mjere protiv opasnosti od gusara na središnjem dijelu otoka Hvara u XVII st. [Mesures contre le danger de la piraterie dans la zone centrale de l’île de Hvar au XVII s.] Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 95–97.

Moderne administrativne općine na Hvaru. [Les communes administratives modernes _ Hvar.] Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, I/1959, str. 122–125; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 98–102.

Mostir na otoku Šćedru. [Mostir sur l’île de Šćedro.] Čovjek i prostor, 3./1956, br. 46; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 150–156.

O srednjovjekovnom dominikanskom samostanu na otoku Hvaru.

Muzejske zbirke na Hvaru. [Les collezioni museali dell’isola di Hvar.] Hvarski zbornik, 3/1975, str. 323–333; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 58–67.

Nadimak Ormanica u Jelsi. Periodični izvještaj, XX/1986, br. 155, str. 5–6.

Nadležnost jelšanskog župnika u Gromin Dolcu, na Vrhu, Humcu, Prapatni, Zagradacu. Periodični izvještaj, IV/1970, br. 18, str. 16–17.

Nadvratnik sa jednog samostanskog objekta iz 1651. godine u Sućurju. Periodični izvještaj, V/1971, br. 32, str. 14.

Najnoviji arheološki nalazi. [Les plus recentes trouvailles archéologiques.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, I/1959, br. 1, str. 13–14.

Nastavak »Popisa spomenika«. [Annexe _ l’inventaire de monuments.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, VI–VII/1965, br. 7–8, str. 42–44.

Naš zavičaj u doba Matije Ivanića. [Riassunto: Il nostro paese al tempo di Matteo Ivanić.] Hvarski zbornik, 2/1974, str. 23–27; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 170–180.

Naša hvarska etnografija. [Notre étnographie _ Hvar.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva VI–VII/1965, br. 7–8, str. 47–48.

Naši mrtvi. Periodični izvještaj XX/1986, br. 155, str. 10–12.

Nekrolozi: kapetan duge plovidbe Toni Buić (1848.–1915.); Dinko Damjanić; savjetnik Vinko Kovačić i dr. Pierin Ružević.

Naučni radovi akademika dr. Grge Novaka. [Les traveaux scientifique du Professeur Grga Novak.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, II/1960, str. 51–52.

Nautička svojstva luke grada Hvara. [Les qualités maritime du port de la ville de Hvar.] Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, II/1962, str. 9–17.

Nazivi starih ulica u Hvaru i popis novih. Periodični izvještaj, II/1968, br. 12, str. 22–23.

Neka zapažanja iz arhiva Hektorović. Periodični izvještaj, XVIII/1984, br. 151, str. 8–12.

Nekadašnji izgled sklopa kneževe palače u Hvaru. [Aspect d’origine des bâtiments constituant le Palais du comte _ Hvar.] Prilozi povijesti umjetnosti u Dalmaciji, 14/1962, str. 189–207 sa 5 sl.; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 210–219.

Neke misli magistra Iva Babića. [Quelques pensées de Ivo Babić.] [O duhu zavičajnosti.] Periodični izvještaj, XII/1978, br. 97, str. 5.

Neke misli o Matiji Ivaniću kao vođi pučana, političaru i diplomatu. [Quelques réflexions sur Matija Ivanić, chef du peuple, homme politique et diplomate.] Hvarski zbornik, 3/1975, str. 159–172; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 49–57.

Neki naši toponimi i retoromanska toponomastika. [Certains toponymes de chez nous et la toponymie rhétoromaine.] Periodični izvještaj, XII/1978, br. 99, str. 6–10; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 274–276.

Nekoliko arhivskih podataka o školskim prilikama na Hvaru u prva dva decenija XIX st. [Quelques informations d’archives sur les condition scolaires _ Hvar au cours des deux premi_res décennies du XIX s.] Periodični izvještaj, VI/1972, br. 42, str. 4–8.

Nekoliko bilježaka o izgradnji hvarske luke i grada. [Quelques notes concernant la construction de la ville et du port de Hvar.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, IV–V/1963, br. 5–6, str. 64–65 s 1 sl.; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 40–41.

Nekoliko datuma o razvitku Jelse i okolice između 1535. i 1911. Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 202–207.

Nekoliko demografskih podataka. [Quelques données démographiques.] Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 199.

Nekoliko dokumenata o hvarskim spomenicima. [Qulelques documents sur les monuments de Hvar.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, III/1961, br. 3–4, str. 23–27 s 1 sl.

Nekoliko hvarskih zabilješki iz XVIII st. Riassunto: Note sul protocollo ecclesiastico e civile e su certi rapporti sociali _ Hvar nella seconda met_ del Settecento. Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, IV/1974, str. 52–62. Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 26–32.

Nekoliko podataka o društvenom i općem stanju na Hvaru krajem XVIII i poč. XIX vijeka. [Quelques informations sur la situation sociales et les conditions générales _ Hvar _ la fin du XVIII et au début du XIX s.] Arhivska građa otoka Hvara, I/1961, str. 59–68. (Publikacija Historijskog arhiva Hvar, br. 12.)

Nekoliko podataka o Hvaru iz sveska Botteri. [Quelques informations sur Hvar provenant du code Botteri.] Periodični izvještaj, VI/1972, br. 42, str. 3–4.

Nekoliko podataka o izgradnji luke u Starom Gradu. [Quelques données sur la construction du port _ Stari Grad.] Periodični izvještaj, IX/1975, br. 63, str. 9–11.

Nekoliko podataka o lovu na plavu ribu na Hvaru, Visu i Braču na prelazu iz XVIII u XIX st. [Quelques informations sur la p_che _ la sardina _ la fin du XVII et au debut du XIX s.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, IV–V/1963, br. 5–6, str. 80–83.

Nekoliko riječi o našim trinima. [Quelques mots sur nos trins.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, II/1960, str. 42–46, s 3 sl; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 86–87.

Nekoliko topografskih i povijesnih podataka o Hvaru i Starom Gradu. [Quelques données topographiques et historiques sur Hvar et Stari Grad.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, VI–VII/1965, br. 7–8, str. 70–71; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 37–47.

Nekoliko topografskih posjedovnih bilježaka sa Hvara iz XV st. [Quelques notes topographiques et patrimoniales au XV s. _ Hvar.] Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, I/1959, str. 40–47; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 37–47; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 268–273.

Nekoliko usporednih podataka o prvim kazalištima Evrope. Periodični izvještaj, III/1969, br. 14, str. 17.

Nešto o Biundoviću i njegovoj životnoj sredini. [Quelques informations sur Biundović et son milieu vital.] Periodični izvještaj, XI/1977, br. 85, str. 17–22.

Nešto o rodu Vučetiča. Periodični izvještaj, III/1969, br. 13, str. 10–11.

U jednoj kaptolskoj pergameni u Hvaru iz 1481. godine ustanovljeno je prisustvo Vučetića.

Nešto o ulozi ljudi iz naroda u borbama s Turcima u XVII i XVIII st. u Dalmaciji. [Sur le role des gens du peuple dans les combats contre les Turcs aux XVII et XVIII s. en Dalmatie.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, IV–V/1963, br. 5–6, str. 94–95; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 84–85.

Nevjerojatna sudbina arhiva. Periodični izvještaj, XX/1986, br. 156, str. 22–23.

Centru za zaštitu kulturne baštine u Hvaru poslana je kopija »fantastične konjske glave« slikara Mersada Bebera koja je naslikana na arhivskim spisima iz Jelse«.

Nikola Ugrinović. Periodični izvještaj, XII/1978, br. 101, str. 8.

Nove studije dr. Krune Prijatelja o hvarskim slikama. Bilten Historijskog arhiva, II/1960, str. 54. [Prikaz.]

Novi podatak o arki s. Prošpera u Hvaru. Periodični izvještaj, XV/1981, br. 129, str. 5–6.

Novi rad dr. Zaninovića. [Un nouveau ouvrage du Dr. Zaninović.] Periodični izvještaj, XII/1978, br. 104, str. 8.

Novi ulomak bosaničkog natpisa u Sućurju iz XVII st. Periodični izvještaj, V/1971, br. 32, str. 14.

O crkvi sv. Roka u Jelsi. Periodični izvještaj, IV/1970, br. 18, str. 17.

O dvjema natpisima na otoku Hvaru. Periodični izvještaj, III/1969, br. 14, str. 16.

Radi se, u stvari, o tri natpisa, jednom na hrvatskom i dvaju na latinskom jeziku, kojima se upozorava strance kako se treba kretati po mjestu.

O fazama razvitka kulture na Hvaru. [Orjentaciona skica.] [Sur les phases de l’évolution de la culture _ Hvar.] Hvar, tisak »Slobodna Dalmacija«, Split, 1965, 39 str. sa sl. i literaturom. (Publikacija Historijskog arhiva Hvar, br. 14); Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 86–103.

O gradnji cesta u Dalmaciji u doba vladavine Francuza. [La construction des routes en Dalmatie au temps de l’administration française.] Slob. Dalm., 1. I. 1952; Pril. povij. otoka Hvara, IV/1974, str. 68–79; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 238–246.

O građevinskom razvoju grada Hvara polovinom XV st. [Le développement urbain de la ville de Hvar aux millieu du XV s.] Prilozi povijesti umjetnosti u Dalmaciji, 12/1960, str. 164–171; Rasprave i članci, II/1989, str. 41–46.

O hvarskom kazalištu. [Sur le théâtre de Hvar.] Slobodna Dalmacija, Split, 12. IV. 1975.

O imenu hvarskog predgrađa zvanog Burak. [Intuitivna misao arh. A. Mišetića.] [Considérations sur le nom du fauburg de Hvar dit Burak — une pensée intuitive de l’architecte A. Mišetić.] Periodični izvještaj, XI/1977, br. 85, str. 2–5.

O imenu Milna. Periodični izvještaj, II/1968, br. 11, str. 2–3.

O jednoj staroj ali uvijek interesantnoj knjizi (Ida von Düringsfeld: Aus Dalmatien.). [A propos d’un livre ancien mais toujours intéresant, Ida von Düringsfeld: Aus Dalmatien.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, III/1961, br. 3–4, str. 58–61; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 88–90.

O naseljima hvarske nizine. [Sur les agglomerations de la plaine de Hvar.] Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 61–62.

O našem slavnom tristasedamdesetgodišnjem Općinskom kazalištu u Hvaru. Periodični izvještaj, XV/1981, br. 132, str. 5–6.

O našim genealogijama. (Obitelj šjor Pavota Carića iz Svirača). Periodični izvještaj, XXII/1988, br. 160, str. 15–16.

O nekim pitanjima zaštite na Hvaru. [Quelques questions sur la conservation de monuments de l’île de Hvar.] Vijesti muzealaca i konzervatora Hrvatske, VIII/1959, br. 3, str. 77–81 sa 4 sl.

O obali zvanoj Fabrika u Hvaru. [Sur le quai denommé Fabrika _ Hvar.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, II/1960, str. 29–34 s 5 sl; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 33–34.

O Petru Hektoroviću kao čovjeku. Glas hvarske komune, IV/1987, br. 16, str. 11; Rasprave i članci, II/1989, str. 47–48.

O problemu muzeja na Hvaru. Vijesti Društva muzejsko–konzervatorskih radnika NRH, 1956, br. 4, str. 100–101.

O radovima sredine XIX st. na formiranju luke grada Hvara. [La construction des ouvrages portuaires _ Hvar au milieu du XIX s.] Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, V/1978, str. 89–94 s 2 sl.

O sfragistici i stematologiji otoka Hvara. [Sur la sigillographie et l’héraldique de l’île de Hvar.] Arhivist, 6/1956, br. 3–4, str. 61–73.

Obradić Ivan (Bevilaqua, Undipota). Pomorska enciklopedija, knj. 5, 1958.

Obrambene prilike na sjevernoj strani otoka Hvara XV–XVII st. i Lepantska bitka. [Les conditions de défense sur le versant nord de l’île de Hvar aux XV–XVII s. et la bataille de Lepante.] Zapisi o zavičaju, IV/1973, str. 5–21; Adriatica maritima, 1/1974. (Zbornik o Lepantskoj bitci — Udio hrvatskih pomoraca u Lepantskoj bitci 1571. g. Zadar, 1974.); Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 49–57.

Općinski dom u Jelsi. Zapisi o zavičaju, IV/1973, str. 130–135. s 4 sl; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 60–62.

Općinsko ustrojstvo i prilike na Hvaru od 1807 do 1818. [L’organisation communale et les conditions sociales _ Hvar de 1807–1818.] Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, II/1962, str. 92–113.

Osnovan je Historijski arhiv na Hvaru. Arhivist, 1955, br. 3, str. 39–40.

Osvjetljenje spomenika kulture i starih gradskih dijelova na Hvaru. [L’illumination des monuments historiques et des anciens qartiers _ Hvar.] Uvodno izlaganje na simpoziju Jugoslavenskog komiteta za osvjetljivanje. [Hvar, 17–19. V. 1973.] [Rapport d’introduction au symposium du Comité yougoslave pour l’éclairage – Hvar 17–19 V. 1973.]

Otok Šćedro. [L’île de Šćedro.] Glasnik srpskog geografskog društva, Beograd, 37/1957, br. 2, str. 127–153; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 141–149; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 263–267.

Pabirci iz domaće kronike. Mjere protiv gusara na Hvaru u XVII v. [Petits mélanges de la chronique locale.] Slob. Dalm., 11. XI., 13. XI, 20. XI, 29. XI–1. XII. 1954; 29. I. 1955.

Pabirci iz prošlosti Jelse. [Mélanges sur le passé de Jelsa.] Periodični izvještaj, IX/1975, br. 64, str. 16–17.

500. god. rođenja Petra Hektorovića. Periodični izvještaj, XXII/1988, br. 160, str. 6–7.

O tiskanju Inventara arhivâ Petra Hektorovića i Petra Nisitea.

Pitanje naziva tvrđave u Hvaru. [Question relative _ l’apellation de la citadelle de Hvar.] Periodični izvještaj, V/1971, br. 31, str. 20–21.

Počeci Vrboske na otoku Hvaru. [Les débuts du village de Vrboska sur l’île de Hvar.] Slob. Dalm., 15. V. 1955.

Podaci o hvarskim lukama iz arhiva Pomorske vlade u Trstu. Periodični izvještaj, VIII/1974, br. 61, str. 6–11.

Podvodna arheologija. [L’archéologie soumarine.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, IV–V/1963, br. 5–6, str. 66–67.

Pokušaj rekonstrukcije načina oblačenja na Hvaru. [Essai de reconstitution du mode d’habillement _ Hvar.] Split, 1955, 15 str. + table. (Publikacija Historijskog arhiva u Hvaru, br. 1.); Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 110–121 s 3 sl.; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 101–108.

Pomorska tradicija u brojkama. [La tradition maritime en chiffres.] Pomorstvo, VII/1952, br. 6, str. 173.

Pomorska zastava talijanske kraljevine 1802. [Le pavillon du Royaume d’Italie en 1802.] Zadarska revija, VI/1957, br. 1, str. 76–77.

Pomorstvo Jelse u brojkama. [La marine de Jelsa en chiffres.] Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 190–191.

Popis jelšanskih obitelji iz 1750. [Les familles de Jelsa en 1750.] Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str.195–196.

Popis starog mletačkog sudskog fonda, koji se čuva u Državnom arhivu u Zadru. Periodični izvještaj, IV/1970, br. 20, str. 1–4.

Popravak spomenika kulture na otoku Hvaru u 1970. godini. Vijesti muzealaca i konzervatora Hrvatske, XX/1971, br. 6, str. 24–27 s 3 sl.

Prestanak postojanja augustinijanskih samostana na Hvaru. [La fin de l’existence des couvents augustiniens sur l’île de Hvar.] Periodični izvještaj, I/1967, br. 5, str. 5–6.

Prezentacija »Inventara arhiva Hektorović«. Periodični izvještaj, XXIV/1990, br. 161, str. 76–77.

Prijenos ostataka Nika Karkovića u rodni Hvar. [Le transfert des restes de Niko Karković dans sa ville natale de Hvar.] Hvarski zbornik, 4/1976, str. 396–397.

Prilog »Popisu spomenika« [Anexe – L’inventaire des monuments.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, III/1961, br. 3–4, str. 40–41.

Prilog – popisu spomenika. [Anexe – l’inventaire des monuments.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, IV–V/1963, br. 5–6, str. 59–60.

Prilog rješenju pitanja postanka Hvarske komune. [Contribution _ la solution du probl_me de l’origine de la Comune de Hvar.] Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, I/1959, str. 17–33; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 37–48.

Prilog topografiji Jelse i Vrboske u XV st. [Contribution _ la topographie de Jelsa et Vrboska au XV s.] Slob. Dalm., 4. XI. 1957.

Prilozi »Popisu spomenika otoka Hvara« [Annexe _ L’inventaire des monuments de l’île de Hvar.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, II/1960, str. 3–12 s 1 sl.

Probijanje prelaza za brodove između otoka Vira i poluotoka Privlake. [Le percement du passage pour navires entre l’île de Vir et la presqu’île de Privlaka.] Pomorstvo, X/1955, br. 5, str. 152–153.

Problem tipologije moderne izgradnje. [Probl_me de la typologie dans la construction moderne.] Periodični izvještaj, V/1971, br. 30, str. 25.

Prof. dr. Branimir Gabričević. Periodični izvještaj, XX/1986, br. 155, str. 9.

O našem poznatom arheologu, u povodu primanja nagrade grada Sinja za životno djelo.

Prof. Frano Maroević. [Nekrolog.] Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, IV/1974, str. 119–121 s portretom.

Projekt zvonika u Zastražišću iz godine 1927. Bilten o stanju spomenika otoka Hvara, 1981, br. 15, str. 25–26.

Promjena izgleda dijela Male Bande u Jelsi. [Modification de l’ aspect du petit Côté du Port de Jelsa.] Zapisi o zavičaju, V/1978, str. 52–64; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 63–67.

Prva organizirana pošta u Dalmaciji. [La premi_re organisation des postes en Dalmatie Napoléonienne.] Periodični izvještaj, VI/1972, br. 42, str. 8–9.

Prvo komunalno kazalište u Europi. [Premier théâtre municipal d’Europe.] Nedjeljna Dalmacija, Split, 1. X. 1972. str. 16 sa 1 sl.; Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, IV/1974, str. 49–51; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 50–51.

Pucanje u oblake radi obrane od tuče. [Tir au canon contre la gr_le.] Periodični izvještaj, V/1971, br. 30. str. 16–17.

Rasprave i članci [I]. Split, Vl. nakl., 1988. 281 str.


Predgovor, str. 5.

Politička povijest i društveni odnosi:

— Stvaranje i razvoj najvećeg zemljišnog posjeda na Hvaru, str. 9-18.

— Emancipacija naselja hvarske ravnice od feudalnog oblika crkvene uprave, str. 19–36.

— Prilog rješenju pitanja postanka komune hvarske, str. 37–48.

— Obrambene prilike na sjevernoj strani otoka Hvara u XV–XVII. st. i Lepantska bitka, str. 49–57.

— Neke misli o Matiju Ivaniću kao vođi pučana, političaru i diplomatu, str. 58–67.

— Nekoliko pisama Nane Kasandrića svojim sinovima, str. 68–80.

Kulturna povijest:

— Grob Ivana Frana Biundovića u Aubonne u Švicarskoj, str. 83–85.

— O fazama razvitka kulture na Hvaru (orijentaciona skica), str. 86–103.

— Rekonstrukcija načina odijevanja na otoku Hvaru, str. 104–108.

— Rasvjeta spomenika kulture i starih gradskih dijelova u Hvaru, str. 109–113.

— Muzejske zbirke na Hvaru, str. 114–122.

— Geografski položaj grada Hvara i stvaranje njegove kulturne nadgradnje, str. 123–129.

— Značenje bratovština za razvoj društvene svijesti na Hvaru u XIV, XV. i XVI. st., str. 130–139.

— Zadnji muški Hektorović u Starome Gradu i neki životni aspekti njegova vremena na otoku Hvaru, str. 140–158.

— Komentar Inventaru arhiva obitelji Hektorović, str. 159–162.

— Komentar Inventaru arhiva Petra Nisitea, str. 163–164.

Gospodarska povijest:

— Beneficium simplex ss. Kuzme i Damjana u Hvaru, str. 167–169.

— Naš zavičaj u doba Matija Ivanića, str. 170–180.

Graditeljska baština:

— Gdje je bila civitas vetus Ielsae na otoku Hvaru, str. 183–186.

— Crkva–tvrđava u Vrboskoj, str. 187–192.

— Jelsa u XV. vijeku, str. 193–195.

— »Ecclesia in mari« na Šćedru, str. 196–199.

— Kuća Petra Hektorovića u gradu Hvaru, str. 200–203.

— Samostan i crkva dominikanaca u Hvaru, str. 204–209.

— Nekadašnji izgled sklopa Kneževe palače u Hvaru, str. 210–219.

— Gradnja i povijest crkve–tvrđave u Jelsi, str. 220–237.

— O gradnji cesta u Dalmaciji u doba Francuza, str. 238–246.

— Spomenička problematika Dalmatinske Zagore, str. 247–248.

Arheologija i povijest antike:

— Janusova glava u Pitvama, str. 251–254.

— Centurijacija hvarskog agera, str. 255–256.

Onomastika i toponomastika:

— Dio otoka Hvara, što se zove Plame, str. 259–262.

— Otok Šćedro, str. 263–267.

— Nekoliko topografskih i posjedovnih bilježaka s Hvara iz XV. vijeka, str. 268–273.

— Neki naši toponimi i retoromanska toponomastika, str. 274–276.

Rasprave i članci [II]. (Posvećeno suradnicima). Split, Vl. nakl., 1989. 64 str.


— Predgovor, str. 5–6.

— O estetskim vrijednostima hvarskih naselja, str. 7–16.

— O sfragistici i stematologiji otoka Hvara, str. 17–29.

— Hvar u XIII. stoljeću, str. 30–38.

— Nekoliko misli o vinu, str. 39–40.

— O građevinskom razvoju grada Hvara polovinom XV. stoljeća, str. 41–46.

— O Petru Hektoroviću kao čovjeku, str. 47–48.

— Jedna »gratia« Antuna Lucića, pjesnikova oca, iz 1488. god., str. 49–52.

Rasprave i članci (III) i doprinosi njegovih prijatelja i saradnika. Bilješke i nekrolozi. Hvar, Vl. nakl., 1991. 168 str.

— Predgovor, str. 5.

— Postanak i razvoj naselja na Hvaru, str. 7–17.

— Sv. Nedjelja na Hvaru, str. 18–20.

— Članci iz prošlosti Hvara. Miscellanea iz kronike Hvara, str. 21.

— Sklapanje jednog bračnog odnosa na Hvaru 1801. godine, str. 22–25.

— Nekoliko hvarskih zabilješki iz XVIII stoljeća, str. 26–32.

Riassunto: Note sul protocollo ecclesiastico e civile su certi rapporti sociali a Hvar nella seconda met_ del Settecento.

— O obali zvanoj »Fabrika« u Hvaru, str. 33–34.

— Jedna kazališna priredba u Hvaru 1831. godine, str. 35–37.

— Važan arheološki podvodni nalaz kod Hvara, str. 38–39.

— Nekoliko bilježaka o izgradnji hvarske luke i grada, str. 40–41.

— Higijeničko društvo u Hvaru, str. 42.

— Gotička palača na trgu u Hvaru, str. 43–44.

— Zaraće na otoku Hvaru, str. 45–49.

— Prvo komunalno kazalište u Evropi, str. 50–51.

— Inventar dobara beneficija sv. Marije u Jelsi, str. 52–53.

— Razvoj jelšanske luke, str. 54–56.

— Još o jelšanskoj luci, str. 57–59.

— Općinski dom u Jelsi, str. 60–62.

— Promjena izgleda dijela Male Bande u Jelsi, str. 63–67.

— Jedna udaja u XVII [XVIII!] stoljeću u Jelsi gledana kroz prizmu nevjestina miraza, str. 68–71.

— Neke forme rada u vinogradarstvu na imanju Duboković Nadalini na Hvaru, Kninu i Baškoj (Krk), str. 72–77.

— Gradina u Jelsi, str. 78–81.

— Trobojnica jelšanske čitaonice, općinska zastava i grb, str. 82–83.

— Nešto o ulozi ljudi iz naroda u borbama s Turcima u XVII i XVIII vijeku u Dalmaciji, str. 84–85.

— Nekoliko riječi o našim trinima, str. 86–87.

— O jednoj staroj, ali uvijek interesantnoj knjizi (Ida v. Düringsfeld »Aus Dalmatien«), str. 88–90.

— Jedna prastara kuća u Svirčima, str. 91.

— Seoski ljetopisac iz Svirača na Hvaru, str. 92–93.

— Urbanistički i građevinski razvoj Starog Grada u prošlosti, str. 94–104.

— Vrbovačka kronika, str. 105–108.

— Put iz Jelse do Humca i predhistorijske Grabčeve špilje, str. 109–112.

— Rad prožet stvaralaštvom. (U povodu sedamdeset godina istaknutog prosvjetnog radnika Iva Mlikote), str. 115–118.

Razgovor s predsjednikom Vickom Maričićem. Periodični izvještaj, XIII/1979, br. 110, str. 5–7.

O problemima kulturne baštine u Hvaru.

Razvoj jelšanske luke. [Le développement du port de Jelsa.] Pomorstvo, VII/1952, br. 2; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 164–171 sa 3 sl.; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 54–56.

Recenzije. [Recensions.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, VI–VII/1965, br. 7–8, str. 76–80.

Nove publikacije o Hvaru.

Receptivni turizam u Hvaru u prošlosti. Periodični izvještaj, VIII/1974, br. 61, str. 2–6.

Relation italo–Yougoslave de 1914–1920. Dissertation presentée _ l’Ecole des sciences sociales et politiques, Faculté de droit de l’Université de Lausanne… par Niko Dubokovitch. Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, Imprimerie la Concorde, 1938, 164 str. s literaturom.

Revitalizirana baština. [L’héritage revitalisé.] Vjesnik, Zagreb, 27. 1. 1976.

Rijetka slika naših pomoraca. [Une rare photographie de nos hommes de mer.] Pomorstvo, VII/1952, br. 10.

Ritualni svezak na hrvatskom iz XVIII st. [Un petit volume rituel en croate du XVIII s.] Periodični izvještaj, V/1971, br. 30, str. 18–23.

Samostan i crkva dominikanaca na Hvaru. [L’Eglise et le couvent dominicains _ Hvar.] Anali Historijskog instituta JAZU u Dubrovniku, VIII–IX/1962, str. 439–446; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 204–210.<

Saopćenje Društvu folklorista. Periodični izvještaj, Bilten o stanju spomenika otoka Hvara, 1983, br. 18, str. 5–15.

O zadacima i ciljevima Centra za zaštitu kulturne baštine Hvara.

Seoski ljetopisac iz Svirača na Hvaru. [Le chroniqueur de village de Svirče sur l’île de Hvar.] Slob. Dalm., 29. V. 1957; Zapisi o zavičaju, IV/1973, str. 166–169; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 92–93.

Septemvir Remigie Bučić (1874–1951). Periodični izvještaj, XVIII/1984, br. 153, str. 44.

O životu i arhivskom radu uglednoga suca, Hvaranina.

Signalizacija na Jadranu pred 150 godina. [Les signaux maritimes d’il y a 150 ans.] Čuvar Jadrana, 15. VII. 1955.

Simpozij o Matiji Ivaniću. [Symposium sur Matija Ivanić.] Periodični izvještaj, X/1976, br. 74, str. 11–16.

Sjećanja. [Commémorations.] Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, V/1978, str. 113–114.

Sklapanje jednog bračnog odnosa na Hvaru 1801. godine. Bilten Historijskog arhiva, IV–V/1963, br. 5–6, str. 96–101; Radovi i rasprave, III/1991, str. 21.

Skromni hvarski naučni radnik Petar Novak. [L’entomologue de Hvar Petar Novak.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, VI–VII/1965, br. 7–8, str. 81–82, s portretom.

Spašena u Jelsi stara nadgrobna ploča. Periodični izvještaj, XV/1981., br. 129, str. 9.

Spisak članaka objavljenih u listu »Slobodna Dalmacija« od 1951. do 1972. god. Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, IV/1974, str. 120–121.

Članci se odnose na otok Hvar.

Spisi francuske ere u Državnom arhivu u Zadru. [Documents de la période française aux Archives d’Etat de Zadar.] Bilten o stanju spomenika, 3/1975.

Spisi kuće Andreis u Jelsi. Periodični izvještaj, XV/1981, br. 132, str. 7–8.

Sumarni popis dokumenata.

Spomenička problematika Dalmatinske Zagore. Čovjek i prostor, 1981, br. 2; Radovi i rasprave, I/1988, str. 247–248.

Srednjovjekovni i noviji spomenici otoka Hvara. [Monuments médiévaux et plus récents de l’île de Hvar.] U: Popis spomenika otoka Hvara, Split, 1958. str. 59–87. (Publikacija Historijskog arhiva Hvar, br. 7.)

Stare gradske rasvjetne lampe. Periodični izvještaj, Bilten o stanju spomenika, 1979, br. 9, str. 4–5.

Stari način oblačenja u Jelsi. Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 110–121 s 3 sl.

Statut bratovštine sv. Duha. Periodični izvještaj, IV/1970, br. 18, str. 13–14.

Stijepo Plančić. Periodični izvještaj, XVIII/1984, br. 153, str. 41–42.


Stol Ivana Obradića iz kuće Machiedo u Jelsi. [La table en pierre d’Ivan Obradić provenant de la maison Machiedo _ Jelsa.] Periodični izvještaj, V/1971, br. 27, str. 20–21.

Studentski grbovi u dvorištu, porticima i auli univerziteta u Padovi. [Les armories des étudiants dans la cour, sous les portiques et dans le hall de l’Université de Padou.] Periodični izvještaj, VII/1973, br. 49.

Stvaranje i razvoj jednog zemljišnog posjeda na Hvaru. [Création et développement d’un domaine agricole sur le versant sud de l’île de Hvar.] Anali Hist. inst. JAZU u Dubrovniku, IV–V/1956, str. 659-672; Zapisi o zavičaju, II/1970, str. 122–140; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 9–18.

Sućuraj: Geofizički položaj, prilaz, pejsaž i statistički podaci. Vodič. Izdavač: Mjesna zajednica Sućuraj, 1970, 38 str. sa sl + tabla.

Sudbina Malog Grablja. Periodični izvještaj, XIX/1985, br. 154, str. 18–19.

O Malom Grablju, selu–spomeniku, koji bi mogao postati jedinstveni turistički objekt.

Sudbina muzeja u provinciji. Periodični izvještaj, XIII/1979, br. 110, str. 3–5

Sv. Nedjelja na Hvaru. [Le village Sv. Nedjelja _ Hvar.] Zadarska revija, VI/1957, br. 2, str. 153–155; Zapisi o zavičaju, IV/1973, str. 177–180; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 18–20.

Sv. Rok u Hvaru. [S. Roque _ Hvar.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, III/1961, br. 3–4, str. 37–39 s 1 sl.

Sveti Stjepan i Sveti Ivan u Starom Gradu. Hvar, Historijski arhiv, 1965, 6 str. [Vodič–letak.] (Bilješke, 5.)

Trobojnica jelšanske čitaonice, općinska zastava i grb. Periodični izvještaj, IV/1970, br. 18, str. 14–16; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 82–83.

Turizam i spomenici kulture i umjetnosti. [Le tourisme et les monuments historiques et artistiques.] Periodični izvještaj, IV/1970, br. 19, str. 1–3.

Tvrđava Napoleon u Hvaru — astronomski observatorij. [Le fort Napoleon _ Hvar — observatoire astronomique.] Periodični izjveštaj, V/1971, br. 30, str. 1.

Uništena ili nestala hvarska kulturna dobra. Periodični izvještaj, Bilten o stanju spomenika, 1979, br. 9, str. 5–6.

Urbanistički i građevinski razvoj Starog Grada. [Le développement urbain et architectural de la ville de Stari Grad.] [Suautor:] Vinko Ružević. Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, IV/1974, str. 16–31; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 94–104.

Uvodno izlaganje s osvrtom na problematiku ronjenja u vodama Hvara. [Communication d’introduction avec compte rendu sur les probl_mes de la plongé dans les eaux de Hvar.] Mornarički glasnik, 1969, br. 22, str. 209–214. (Pomorska biblioteka, sv. 22.)

Podmorske djelatnosti s gledišta medicinskih i društvenih nauka. (Naučne rasprave.)

Važan podvodni arheološki nalaz kod Hvara. [Une importante découverte d’archéologie soumarine pr_s de Hvar.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, IV–V/1963, br. 5–6, str. 60–63 sa 2 sl.; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 38–39.

O nalazu olovnog križa s rimskog sidra ogromnih dimenzija.

Vijesti i bilješke. Bilten Historijskog arhiva, II/1960, str. 59–72.

Tu je objavljeno slijedeće:

— Historijski arhiv, str. 59–61;

— Arhivski fondovi i inventari, str. 61–62;

— Sfragističke arhivske zbirke, str. 62;

— Građevinska administracija, str. 62–64;

— Tržnica i ribarnica u Hvaru, str. 64–65;

— Savjetovanje za lokaciju i gradnju ugostiteljskih objekata u Hvaru, str. 65–66 sa 1 sl.

— Slike koje čekaju zahvat restauratora, str. 67;

— Za etnografski muzej u Starom Gradu, str. 67–69 s 2 sl.

— Proslava 30–godišnjice smrti akademskog slikara Jurja Plančića, str. 69–70;

— Rad kipara Šime Dujmovića, str. 70 + 1 sl;

— Dokumentarni film »Vjekovi Hvara«, str. 70;

— Koreografska obrada hvarskih plesova, str. 72;

— Večeri hvarske poezije, str. 72.

Više nego tugaljivi problemi amfora. Periodični izvještaj, IV/1970, br. 17, str. 12–14.

Vlado Mađarić. Periodični izvještaj, XVIII/1984, br. 153, str. 42.


Vrboska i njene umjetnine. Hvar, Centar za zaštitu kulturne baštine, 1969, 4 str.

Vrbovačka kronika. [Chronique de Vrboska.] Zapisi o zavičaju, IV/1973, str. 107–113; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 45–49.

O povijesti sela.

Za spašavanje Hektorovićeve palače u Hvaru. Čovjek i prostor, 1980, br. 1.

Zadnji muški Hektorović u Starome Gradu i neki životni aspekti njegova vremena na otoku Hvaru. Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara, VII/1983, str. 37–58; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 140–158.

Zapis o događajima povodom turske pohare Hvara 1571. Periodični izvještaj, XV/1981, br. 132, str. 14–15.

Zaraće na otoku Hvaru. [Le village de Zaraće sur Hvar.] Zapisi o zavičaju, IV/1973, str. 181–189; Rasprave i članci, III/1991, str. 45–49.

Zaštita prirode. [Protection de la nature.] Bilten Historijskog arhiva, VI–VII/1965, br. 7–8, str. 48–50.

Zaštita spomenika kulture otoka Hvara. Godišnji izvještaj Komisije NO Općine za zaštitu spomenika. [Rapport annuel de la Commission communale pour la conservation de monuments.] Vijesti muzealaca i konzervatora Hrvatske, VIII/1959, br. 1, str. 10–13 s 1 sl.

Zaštita spomenika i tipičnost naše arhitekture. [La protection des monuments et les valeurs typique de notre architecture.] Periodični izvještaj, XI/1977, br. 88, str. 2–6; Čovjek i prostor, 1978, br. 12.

Zaštita šuma u Dalmaciji za vladavine Francuza. [La protection des fôrets en Dalmatie au temp de l’administration française.] Slob. Dalm., 10. XII. 1953.

Zbirka umjetnina hvarske katedrale. Hvar, 1964, [3] str. (Orijentacione bilješke Muzeja općine hvarske, br. 3.)

Značaj bratovštine za razvoj društvene svijesti na Hvaru u XIV, XV i XVI st. Summary: The significance of fraternities in the development of social consciousness on the island of Hvar in the 14th, 15th and 16th century. Radovi Instituta za hrvatsku povijest, 10/1977, str. 65–67; Rasprave i članci, I/1988, str. 130–139.

Značenje jelšanskog toponima LIBORA. [Le toponyme LIBORA _ Jelsa.] Periodični izvještaj, IX/1975, br. 64. str. 17–18.

Zvona za jelšanske crkve. [Cloches pour les églises de Jelsa.] Periodični izvještaj, V/1971, br. 30, str. 17.

Izvadci iz bibliogafije koji tretiraju tematiku francuske uprave u Dalmaciji - doba Napoleona :

-O gradnji cesta u Dalmaciji u doba vladavine Francuza (La construction des routes en Dalmatie au temps de 1 administration francaise) :Slob.Dal. 1.1.1952; Pril.povij.otoka Hvara,IV/1974,str.68-79;Rasprave i članci,I/1988,str.23 8-246.

-Iz pomorsko-sanitarne prakse u Splitu u vrijeme francuske vladavine. (Usages sanitaires a Split au temps de 1 administration francaise)Medicinski glasnik,1953,br.8.

-Zaštita šuma u Dalmaciji za vladavine Francuza. (La protection des forets en Dalmatie au temp de 1 administration francaise; Slob.Dalmacija,10.XII.1953.

-Signalizacija na Jadranu pred 150 godina(l805) (Les signaux maritimes d il y a l50 ans):

Čuvar Jadrana,15.VII.1955.

-Moderne administrativne općine na Hvaru (Les communes administratives modernes a Hvar);

Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara,I/1959,str. 122-125 ; Zapisi o zavičaju,II/1970,str.98-102.

-Nekoliko podataka o društvenom i općem stanju na Hvaru krajem 18-og i početka 19-vijeka.( Quelques informations sur la situation sociales et les conditions generales a Hvar a la fin du XVIII et au debut du XIXs.); Arhivska građa otoka Hvara.I/!),str.59-68.(Publikacija Historijskog arhiva Hvar,br. 12.)

-Općinsko ustrojstvo i prilike na Hvaru od 1807-1818.

(L organisation communale et les conditions sociales a Hvar de

1807-1818);Prilozi povijesti otoka Hvara,II/1962,str.92-l 13

-Gradivo francuske ere u Državnom arhivu u Zadru. Periodični


Popis pojedinih predmeta s brojem fascikla građe na kojoj je

Duboković radio 1949-1950.god.

-Tvđava Napoleon u Hvar-astronomski observatorij (Le fort Napoleon a Hvar-observatoire astronomique); Periodični izvještaj, V/1971 ,br.30,st. 1.

-Dućani i gostione u gradu Hvaru 1819.g. (Boutiques et bustrots dans la ville de Hvar en 1819.); Periodični izvještaj, V/l 97 l,br.28,str.4.

-Prva organizirana pošta u Dalmaciji.( La premiere organisation des postes en Dalmatie Napoleonienne); Periodični izvještaj,VI/1972,br.42,str.8-9.

-Jedan napoleonski poštanski sanduk u Splitu (Une boite postale napoleonienne a Split) Periodični izvještaj,IX/1975,br.62,str. 12-13.

-Pomorska zastava talijanske kraljevine iz 1802;(Le pavillion du Royaume d Italië en 1802); Zadarska revija,VI/1957,br. l,str.76-74;

-O prilikama na otoku Braču u doba Francuza / nekoliko kronološki poredanih pabiraka po jednom popisu iz Državnog arhiva u Zadru /........arhiv L.Benković Duboković

-Nekoliko misli o vinu:

Rasprave i članci posvećeno suradnicima vl.naklada, Split, 1989.g.

Review of the book "Selected Works" by Niko Duboković Nadalini

Literary circle, Split, 2001, 624 pages.


Ten years after the death of the prominent researcher of the cultural heritage of the island of Hvar, dr. iur. Nika Duboković Nadalini, his Selected Works - a collection of 48 works - were published in one book thanks to his daughter Lukrecija Benković Duboković, and published by the Split Literary Circle as part of a special editions - Hvar literary circle. The book, in addition to Duboković's discussions, contains an introductory dedication by the author's daughter, a foreword by archaeologist Dr. Marin Zaninović, and the articles are followed by a rich bibliography of the book's author, a note about the writer from the pen of the famous medievalist Dr. Željko Rapanić, and an index of personal names and geographical names.

Niko Duboković Nadalini is a person whose tireless enthusiasm for the study of Hvar's heritage represents a succession of excellent researchers of the history of the island of Hvar. He was born in Jelsa on December 25, 1909, in one of the most prominent Dalmatian maritime families of the 19th century. He completed his law degree at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences in Lausanne, where he received the title of Doctor of Social Sciences, defending his thesis on Italian-Yugoslav relations 1914-1920. He returned to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia during the Banovina of Croatia, receiving a position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During the NDH, he served as vice consul in Trieste, and after the war he arrived in Nova Gradiška, where he was rescued by dignitaries whom he helped during the war. After these stormy times, Duboković's scientific and research activity began, which lasted until the end of his life. This activity began with his service in the State Archives in Zadar, where as an employee of JAZU he researched the period of French administration in Dalmatia, the shipping industry of his birthplace Jelsa, and he also arranged the archives of the Pelješki Maritime Society in Orebić. Year 1950. he was named an honorary conservator for the island of Hvar, thereby opening the period of his most fruitful activity in the preservation and research of the cultural heritage of this island. Duboković founded the Historical Archive in Hvar, later renamed the Center for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of the Island of Hvar, a unique institution of its type in Yugoslavia at the time. Having gathered around him a circle of enthusiasts, lovers of the island and its cultural treasures, he approached the hard work, which was not without obstacles and problems. With great efforts, Duboković worked on the protection and conservation of archological, ethnographic, written and other remains of Hvar's heritage. This activity is also visible from the rich journalism carried out by the Center, whose most excellent publications are: Contributions to the history of the island of Hvar, Records of the homeland, Bulletin and Periodical reports. Duboković regularly advertised his offerings in other relevant scientific periodicals. He is also the author of tourist guides on the island and certain settlements (Hvara, Jelsa, Staro Grada, Vrboska). All these guides, as well as his guide through Grapčeva splje, have been translated into several European languages. His most important works were published in three volumes of Discourses and articles (1988, 1989 and 1991) in his own edition.

The selected works thus form a natural sequence in which, in one place, all the most important works of Duboković, previously scattered in various scientific editions or thematically disclosed in Discourses and articles, are collected. The selected works also include one previously unpublished work: "Knight Niko Duboković and the People's Party in Dalmatia" (pp. 138-150), in which Duboković portrays the life and work of his grandfather-namesake-Niko Duboković, a sea captain, shipowner and national man, one from the most prominent figures of the National Revival in Dalmatia.

The works published in this book by Duboković are divided into six separate units, which are connected both spatially and temporally.

In the first section: Political history and social relations, there are eight articles in which Duboković discusses some essential problems from the island's past. Thus, in the discussion Creation and development of the largest land holding on Hvar (pp. 17-31), he considers the creation of an estate on the southern slope of the island , whose center was in the village of Zacima (Zavala, Pitovska Plaža). The article Emancipation of Hvar Plain Settlements from the Feudal Form of Church Administration (pp.32-57) is one of Duboković's most significant contributions, in which he discusses the origin of the villages surrounding the Hvar ager, their ecclesiastical emancipation and brotherhoods that played a major role in the organization of parishes. From this whole, it is necessary to highlight the discussion of the Defense situation on the northern side of the island of Hvar in the 15th-17th centuries. and the Battle of Lepanto (p. 90-130), which was originally published in the magazine Adriatica maritima in 1974 on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto. The discussion problematizes the crisis period of the Turkish expedition to the Adriatic under the leadership of Uluč-Alija, which initiated a lively urban planning activity for the purpose of anti-Turkish defense and protection of the island settlements of Jelsa and Vrboska.

The second, and at the same time, the most comprehensive volume - Cultural history - brings a series of works of various author's preoccupations. Among them, it is necessary to highlight the work Grave of Ivan Fran Biundović in Aubonne, Switzerland (pp.151-154), in which Duboković provides a biography of this famous native of Hvar, historian of the English Civil War (Wars of the Two Roses), and then briefly describes his grave with heraldic analysis of the coat of arms on the tombstone. The author's knowledge of island ethnography, folklore and the art of living is also visible in the works Reconstruction of the way of dressing on the island of Hvar (pp. 183-190). The last male Hektorović in Stari Grad and some life aspects of his time on the island of Hvar (pp. 237-263), Marriage on Hvar in 1801 (pp. 273-278) etc. Duboković's special preoccupation was the study of the activity of island brotherhoods and the social role they played among the population. This is visible in his work The meaning of fraternities for the development of social consciousness on Hvar in the XIV, XV and XVI centuries. (p. 222-236). around the magazine ANNALES discusses all aspects of life on which the fraternities had a direct or indirect, but in any case decisive influence.

Economic history is the title of the third volume, which includes three contributions. The first is the Beneficium simplex of ss. Kuzma and Damjan in Hvar (p. 321-324), in which the author analyzes the so-called Codex Kasandrić, which provides the chronotax of the rector of this benefice from 1496. until the beginning of the 20th century The discussion Our Homeland in the Age of Matija Ivanić (pp.325-341) in a popularizing way evokes the regions and villages where Matij Ivanić, the leader of the Hvar People's Revolution, grew up and moved. The last discussion of this section is devoted to the village of Sv. Nedjelja n Hvar (p. 342-345), which is located on the southern slopes of the island.

The fourth whole is dedicated to the Architectural Heritage. In this part of the Selected Papers, a series of discussions by Duboković are presented, in which his knowledge of the island's urban history is visible, as well as the development of ports, the construction of churches, etc. The author discusses the origin and development of his birthplace Jelsa in articles: Where was Civitas Vetus Ielsae on the island Hvar (pp. 347-351) Jelsa in the XV century (pp. 361-364), Construction and history of the church-fortress in Jelsa (pp. 401-426) and Development of the port of Jelsa (pp. 468-471).

In any case, the most valuable discussion of this whole is the origin and development of the settlement on Hvar and the factors that influenced this development (pp. 443-460). It is, in the true sense of the word, a historical-urbanistic study of all the settlements on the island of Hvar and the area belonging to it (the island of Ščedro), in which the author, in addition to the origin and development of individual settlements, considers and linguistically interprets the more significant toponyms of the island. The characteristic of this whole dedicated to construction are two discussions that do not deal with Hvar's heritage. These are the construction of roads in Dalmatia during the French era (pp. 427-439) and the issue of monuments in Dalmatian Zagora (pp. 440-442).

That Duboković dealt with Archeology and the history of antiquity is evident in the fifth whole. The head of Janus in Pitva (pp. 485-490) is a discussion in which the author considers the reasons for finding this two-faced head (ancient Roman deity) in the area of the village of Pitva. The following are short announcements:

Centuriation of the Hvar ager (pp. 491-493) and About the construction development of the town of Hvar in the middle of the 15th century (pp. 494-500).

The last part of the Selected Papers is devoted to island onomastic and toponomastic. Thus, in the article, the part of the island of Hvar called Plame (p. 501-506), Duboković discusses the area southeast of Jelsa, explaining the toponym Plame, which was first recorded in the Hvar statute from 1331. Mr. At the same time, on the basis of the source, he accurately gives the position and demarcation that covers this toponym. Here it is also necessary to mention the discussion Ščedro Island (p. 507-513) in which the natural-geographic characteristics of this islet located on extremely important navigation route. Duboković also discusses in this paper the name of the island, as well as other island toponyms.

Space limitations do not allow us to list all of Duboković's discussions in Selected Works, each of which represents an original and important contribution to the history of the island of Hvar and to the development of both island and national historiography in general. Niko Duboković Nadalini and his work are living proof that love for heritage, dedication to work and the scientific basis of any research can make a significant contribution to the historiography of small island entities, which is briefly presented on this occasion in the above lines.

Mateo Bratanic

Proceedings of the Institute for Historical Sciences HAZU in Zadar, no. 44, 2002.