
Fallen Not Stirred

"So, what'll it be?" the bartender asked. "Oh, I, um..." The young man couldn't have been much

older than twenty one, fresh to

the bar scene and intimidated by the amount of choice the world suddenly awarded him. "That


"Tell me," the bartender repeated. "What it is you truly desire." "I thought this was a bar?" the

young man squeaked. "I was just looking for a drink." "Please dear boy, you're in Nirvana. We

do much more than sell mere booze. Surely

you've heard the rumors?" The bartender leaned in uncomfortably close. "S-So... If I say I

wanted, like... a girl..." "Easy enough," the older man waved dismissively, "I'm talking about what

you really

want. In your heart of hearts, what is it you desire?" The young man's eyes glazed over ever so

slightly, losing himself in the amber pools

staring back at him.His voice was slurred, almost drunk though he hadn't taken a drink yet. "I

really just... want to get a bucket of tar, some feathers, and a pig and-"

Suddenly, a massive explosion rocked the bar behind him, snapping him from the trance.

The roof had collapsed above the dance floor, dragging the lights and some of the sound

system into the lit flooring. What really shattered it though, was the distinctly human body that

had cratered itself into the floor. Patrons screamed and scattered, many rushing to leave, some

staying behind out of

curiosity. The freaky young man had taken a mood light to the cranium, becoming thusly

unconscious. The bartender had been blasted back into his shelves, ended up in a mess of

cracked and broken bottles on the floor. There was a long, tense moment of silence as the dust

drifted. Then the emergency fire system kicked in, spraying water from the ceiling and clearing

the dust, though a broken pipe

sprayed water directly on the body in the crater. "Ow. Throwing me that hard was unnecessary."

A smooth voice muttered to the aether

from the crater. Pulling himself to his feet, Akiel placed a hand on the side of his neck and

cracked it.

Hand on his hip, he looked around to get a bearing of his surroundings. He frowned a little,

seeing a dozen or so humans staring at him in fright. "Whoever made that entrance, I hope you

have life insurance... Because you're going to absolutely regret damaging my bar." The

bartender promised loudly, slamming one hand then

another onto the bar to pull himself to his feet. "Wait," Akiel said, looking at the bar, "I know that

voice... Briathos?" The bartender froze. He stared at the person that crashed into his place,

studying him.

"No... Akiel!?" Faster than a human could blink, Akiel rushed each of the remaining humans.


them lightly across the forehead, he applied his power, putting them into a deep slumber.

Alighting on the opposite side of the bar from Briathos, Akiel sized his old acquaintance up.

"You're going to pay for wrecking my bar, you bastard." Briathos growled as booze

dripped from his face and hair. He muttered a phrase in the infernal language of Hell and, in an

instant, the moisture evaporated, leaving him dry."Not likely," Akiel said. He concentrated his

energies on creating a small fireball in the

palm of his hand, which he extended to the devilish angel. "Those who seek to harm mortals will

receive swift retribution." "High and mighty as ever, Akiel," Briathos said, seemingly unphased

by this display of

power. "When will you learn that humans are here to be taken from?" "To my last breath, I will

not allow it," Akiel argued, flexing his mismatched wings for effect. "Even should I myself fall

from grace, I cannot allow harm to come to our grandfather's

dearest people." "Are we going to talk all night, or shall we duel?" Briathos spat. Faster than

light, faster than sound, the two beings clashed. Akiel threw his fireballs

delicately, targeting only his enemy, while Briathos quenched each one with his own power over


"How many of these humans have you deceived in this cursed place?" Akiel asked. "Only as

many as deserved it, of course," Briathos answered. "You'll do it no longer." "Is that a threat?"

Akiel paused for just a moment, inheriting a vision of the future. He could see with utter

clarity the path to defeating his opponent. Every step of the battle was his to command now.

"No. That's a fact."

Written by: https://business.fiverr.com/freelancers/laikavtuber

Akiel Chooses Duty

Once upon a time, in the heavenly realms, there was an archangel named Akiel. He was a

mighty warrior, renowned for his courage and strength in battle. But there was a secret that only

a few knew: Akiel was the son of Lucifer, the fallen angel who had been cast out of heaven for

his rebellion against God. 

Akiel had grown up among the angels, but he had always felt like an outsider. He had inherited

some of his father's rebellious spirit, and he often questioned the strict rules and hierarchy of

heaven. But he also knew that he had a destiny to fulfill, a destiny that would require him to

choose between his loyalty to his father and his duty to God.

One day, a great war broke out in heaven. The forces of darkness had launched a massive

assault, and the angels were struggling to defend their home. Akiel fought bravely alongside his

fellow angels, wielding his sword with skill and determination. But as the battle raged on, he

began to see the flaws in the heavenly hierarchy. The archangels were distant and aloof, and

the lesser angels were treated like disposable pawns.

In the midst of the chaos, Akiel had a vision. He saw a world beyond heaven, a world where

angels and humans lived together in harmony. He saw himself as a bridge between these two 

worlds, a messenger of peace and unity. And he knew that in order to bring about this vision, he

would have to make a difficult choice.

In the end, Akiel made the ultimate sacrifice. He chose to turn against his father, to fight on the

side of the angels, and to embrace his destiny as a leader of the heavenly host. His decision

was not without consequences, for he knew that he would be shunned by some of his fellow

angels, and that he would never be able to fully reconcile with his father.

But Akiel was at peace with his choice. He knew that he had followed his heart, and that he had

chosen the path of righteousness. And in the end, he became known as the archangel of

redemption, a symbol of hope for all those who sought to overcome their past and create a

better future.