

  • (P.G.) Mobile and Distributed Systems (IS 708) : Term1 - 2014/15, Term2 - 2014/15, Term1 - 2015/16, Term1 - 2016/17, Term 1-2017/18, Term 1--2018/2019; Term 1-2019/20; Term2-2020/21.

  • (U.G.) Software Foundations (IS 200): Term1 - 2011/12, Term1 - 202/13, Term1 - 2013/14, Term1 - 2014/15, Term1 2015/16, Term1 - 2016/17

  • (U.G.) IS Final Year Application Project (IS 480): Term1 - 2011/12, Term1 - 2012/13

  • (U.G.) Technopreneurship Study Mission (TSM) (IS 427): Term2 - 2010/11

Ph.D. Students


  • Ila Gokarn (Aug 2019 - now).

  • Dulanga Weerakoon (Aug 2019 - now).


  • Meera Radhakrishnan (Jan 2015-Aug 2020). First job: Post-doctoral Research Fellow, SMU. Thesis Title: Gesture-based Profiling of Commonplace Lifestyle and Physical Activity Behaviors

  • Kasthuri Jayarajah (Aug 2014 - July 2019). First job: Post-doctoral Research Fellow, SMU. Thesis Title: Exploiting Mobillity for Predictive Urban Systems.

  • Tran Huy Vu (Jan 2015 - Dec 2019). Current: Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Oxford University. Thesis Title: Enhanced Gesture Sensing using Battery-less Wearable Motion Trackers

  • Sougata Sen (Jan 2012 - June 2017). Current: Asst. Professor, BITS Pilani, Goa Campus. First job: Post-doctoral scholar, Dartmouth College. Thesis Title: Fusing Mobile,Wearable and Infrastructure Sensing for Daily Lifestyle Analytics.