TL dating method

TL dating method consists of four major steps.

    1. Preparing of the sample. In the case of TL method fine grains (4-11μm) or coarse grains (100-150 μm) of quartz are selected from pottery, silex, flint stone or soil. Grains are treated with HCl and H2O2 to eliminate carbonates and organic content of the sample. In the case of coarse grain method HF is added to dissolve feldspar and for quartz etching of the outer parts of the grains. In the case of fine grain analyses no HF is used.

    2. Measuring the TL signal of 4-5 aliquots (natural) and the TL signal of pre-irradiated aliquots (4-5 for each set) with progressively increased dose (additive dose method). Performing plateau test to decide which part of the TL spectrum will be used to calculate the equivalent dose (ED). Calculating the equivalent dose.

    3. Measuring the radioactivity of natural decay series, 238U, 235U, 232Th and 40K in the surrounding soil, and calculating the annual dose rate by using appropriate conversion factors. Correcting the dose rate for organic and water content of the soil and for cosmic rays.

    4. Calculating the age of the sample by dividing the equivalent dose by the annual dose rate.