#WeMakeMusic #Create #ArcadiaCMAS

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Artists, Producers, Beat MakersMarketing
Your music, your way

EdWeek.org published an incredible article and feature video about CMAS and music programs in the US that integrate Creativity with Technology and real world, Music Industry experiences

NO experience required
NO public performance requirement
Any instrument, any style
GRAMMY® nominated instructor
Recognized as one of the top music programs in the United States
Only at Arcadia High School
Love music but not sure where to start? Enroll in History of Rock/Music Appreciation Fine Arts & College Credit Eligible

CMAS named one of "Our 8 Favorite High School Music Programs in the US Right Now" by Soundfly.com, a leading online source for Creativity based Music Education resources, reviews, commentary and more. (October, 2018)

It may be neccessary to press "Look for more" to load calendar eventsScrolling down, within the calendar window itself, will also load additional CMAS events.
The 2020-2021 Songwriter Night Concerts are:
7pm Tuesday, 12/8/20 & Thursday 5/6/21
in the Arcadia Auditorium. These events will be live-streamed, and NOT in the auditorium, if remote learning continues.(Attendance is required, at both Songwriter Nights, of all current CMAS students. All other CMAS events are optional.)

The nationally recognized Arcadia High School CMAS (Creative Musical Arts and Sciences) program, Phoenix, Arizona, is considered by many Music Education and Industry experts to be the model for Creativity based music programs. Students gain significant, real world, industry training while learning to develop and refine their own Creative process. Intended as a completely open creative platform, with no musical restrictions of any kind, students need no experience to be part of the program, and earn Fine Arts, Career and Technical Education, and even college credit, for their work. Each year CMAS presents dozens of original student performances, releases multiple albums, produces community events, and hosts numerous university Music Education student interns and student teachers. The program was created and is facilitated by Musician/Producer, and GRAMMY® nominee Richard Maxwell.

Education is not just about what came before, or what’s happening now, but what will be in the future. Everything you create is a reflection of not just who you are but who you will become.Your creative process is the key to all your dreams.CMAS is intended to allow you to explore your own creative process with no creative restrictions of any kind.To allow you to thrive in an atmosphere specifically attuned to your creative goals.To give you the tools and the experience to be successful.To help you unlock your dreams.