This may well be a fool's errand, but this is an attempt at creating an integrated database about the various races mentioned by Dante Santori, with the Alien Races Book (ARB) at the core of this effort.

I'm aware that since releasing the ARB, Dante has modified some of his statements regarding the content of the documents he 'found'. As I come across evidence of these modifications, I will include them on the relevant Race page.

I'll also add links to any videos that feature any of these Alien Races.

And I'll comment on any dots that I connect.

Oh, and be aware that this site is FAR from being finished. Consider it a work in progress.

Below is a copy of Dante's Alien Races Book, of which there are a number of free versions online, as pdf's. Don't pay for a copy. It's not necessary.

This book is the first Alien Races Book, aka ARB 1. There is currently a second volume being released incrementally. See the tab, ARB 2.

Individual races, both from the first and second volumes are discussed on their own pages. Reminder: This is a work in progress, so there may be gaps for a while.

The ARB map (short preview).mp4

 The  ARB Map