Hi! As you know my name is Araminta Lees. I graduated university where I studied Film and Television Studies for 3 years. I have always had a passion for film and filmmaking, pretty much ever since I was a child. I did media at school, which is where I first learnt how to edit, and haven't looked back since. Editing is an exciting process as it allows you to see the film and feel it in a way most people never will. Editing things gives you an insight into how things are put together and, most importantly, why. The satisfaction of matching scenes to music or sound is one of the best feelings I've ever come across whilst editing something.

Have I always wanted to be an editor? The short answer is no. I have always, and still do, wanted to be an actress. My absolute love and admiration for film comes solely down to one film. The Phantom of the Opera. The first time I saw the Phantom was when I was about 8 years old. My sister had her friend over who had brought the film with her to watch. They both ended up falling asleep (how hurtful) whilst I found myself captivated. I know some of you might think that's ridiculous because I was 8, but I honestly was captivated. It had me from the very beginning. I fell more and more in love with it as it went on, the chandelier rising, the beautiful music everything was brilliant. I instantly knew I wanted to be in it. I wanted to act in some way. However, the thing that really cemented the idea in me was The Phantom himself. Yes yes many people complain about Gerard Butlers portrayal, but I fell in love with him, the character and the film completely. I wanted to be able to portray that kind of emotion, I wanted to be able to get people to feel the way that film made, and makes, me feel. It is so passionate, raw, romantic and just beautiful that I knew that I wanted to do that. At 8 years old I knew.

I fell in love with editing much later in life, in high school in fact. I realised I could create emotion through editing. Through piecing together music and scene. I do have a great passion for editing, my goal will always be to be an actress, but I want to get into the film industry any way I can. The fact that I have managed to fall in love with editing as well as acting is a bonus.

I hope you enjoy watching my edits as much as I do making them. You will be able to tell the old from the new, I'm hoping I've advanced in my abilities, please give me a shout if ever you want something edited!

Thank you