About Me


I am a research engineer in the Neuroengineering Initiative at Rice University. My academic interests include neuroimaging, building wearable devices, imaging through scattering media, image processing, and reconstruction algorithms, and machine learning. I enjoy working in teams and like to be involved in all aspects of problem-solving (theory, software, hardware). When I'm not working, I like to play and watch sports, play board games, relax with friends, and travel with my wife.

Email: ar89@rice.edu


  • Capstone Design Expo Winner in Biomedical Engineering and InVenture Prize Semi-Finalist 2015

  • Dean’s List, Summa Cum Laude; TBP, AEMB, and GBP honor societies at Georgia Tech 2012-2015

  • NSF IGERT Neuroengineering Fellowship Recipient 2017-2018

  • Best Paper Award Runner Up ICCP 2021


Georgia Institute of Technology

B.S. in Biomedical Engineering
(Minor in Computer Science)

Rice University

M.S./Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Favorite Teams

Philadelphia Eagles

Miami Heat