Energy, Water and Climate Risk

I am Aradhana Yaduvanshi and welcome to my personal homepage. I am working as a consultant at Environmental Resource Management (ERM), India. Mostly looking at the corporate Sustainability, TCFD, EP4 physical risk assessments.

Prior joining to ERM, I was working as a post-Doc fellow at IITB. My research work was mostly on Energy and Water Sustainability under the supervision of Prof Riddhi Singh. I have applied risk assessment methods to identify urban districts of India with high risk of cooling demand based on source of energy, GDP, population and cooling degree days. Find more about my work and interest in respective pages.

Prior to that I have worked (October 2016-February 2020) in the development sector (an NGO, namely Watershed Organization Trust, WOTR, Pune) as a senior researcher, There I worked on looking at the regional impacts of global 1.5 and 2 degree warming world with university of Cape town.

Dr. Aradhana Yaduvanshi


Corporate Sustainability and Climate Change (CSCC)

Environmental Resource Management

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