
Stephen Brooke
Stephen Brooke’s first book of poetry includes some of his best earlier work, including national and regional award winners. With pen and ink illustrations by the author.PRINT ISBN 978-1-937745-05-9
Stephen Brooke
To sleep: perchance to dreamThis is a book of dreams: dreams of love, dreams of darkness, dreams of life and death. Dream with the poet through these pages, through these poems.The second book of poetry from Stephen Brooke, Dreamwinds features some of his more fantastic and romantic work. PRINT ISBN 978-1-937745-03-5
Stephen Brooke
The third collection from Stephen Brooke, these poems and vignettes are the stories of a life, retold.The pieces in this book are roughly chronological, and grouped in ‘acts’ accordingly, carrying the poet from Ohio and southern Florida to, eventually, the Florida Panhandle where he now resides.PRINT ISBN 978-1-937745-10-3
AWFUL ALVIN and Other Peculiar Poems
Stephen Brooke
Some children are as good as gold,
As sweet as sugar, I am told;
Like little angels, some will say,
But Alvin never was that way.
So begins Stephen Brooke's collection of poems for young readers, fully illustrated with the author's pen and ink art. Join Alvin in discovering the friend he needed, help Lynn and Pete decide what might be found down a really deep hole, or teach the Frog King how to sing.PRINT ISBN 978-1-937745-23-3
Stephen Brooke
For I dream, and dream again.A quest. A distant tower, a distant dream. Journey with these poems across star-lit plains and sky-kissed mountains, to the furthest marches of reality.Seek into the dawn and over the sea for oracles and signs, for meanings and symbols. Seek THE TOWER. A collection of poetry from Stephen BrookePRINT ISBN 978-1-937745-27-1
Stephen Brooke
Will you taste July
with me? It promises
to be sweeter this year
than any I have known.
Visit the fields we remember, the fields we walked in summers past. We knew joy there, we knew regret, and both have faded now into the golden hazes of memory.The Fields of Summer wait for our return. A collection of poems by Stephen Brooke.PRINT ISBN 978-1-937745-35-6
Stephen Brooke
The wind on the prairie, the wind on the sea...These are poems and songs of sea and of land, of yearning for distant horizons and the welcoming hearths of home. Voyage with poet Stephen Brooke across the known and unknown. Visit the fog-shrouded ports, the wide plains rising to vast sky-touching mountains. Glimpse uncharted jungle coasts and those once familiar in the days of youth.Life is made of such VOYAGES. A collection of poems from Stephen Brooke.PRINT ISBN 978-1-937745-46-2
Stephen Brooke
Every poem is a magic spell, words crafted to entrance, to transform. Illusion and reality mingle in the lines, and none can say which is which, where one ends, where one begins. Nothing here’s real, and nothing is false; these poems are the stuff of dreams and of magic. Magic is a collection of poems from Stephen Brooke.PRINT ISBN 978-1-937745-56-1
Stephen Brooke
“Having a poet’s day” is a British-ism, meaning to leave work at noon and spend the rest of the day drinking in a pub. The author of this collection does not do such things—he would, of course, take the whole day off. He also invites you to spend this poet’s day in his company. A POET’S DAY is the latest offering of poet Stephen Brooke.PRINT ISBN 978-1-937745-70-7
Stephen Brooke
The moon and I conversed last night ~ these poems are conversations with the moon, with the night, with the soul. The birds and the wind, dreams and memory, speak in this collection from Stephen Brooke, THE MOON AND I.PRINT ISBN 978-1-937745-77-6
Stephen Brooke
Bring me tomorrow in
a tall glass and I
shall toast the memories
that were my comrades 
These poems by Stephen Brooke speak of time, of things that were, of things that will be, remembering that through it all the clock keeps Ticking.PRINT ISBN 978-1-937745-82-0
Stephen Brooke 
We seek the islands of our dreams, whether upon the sea or along the empty streets of cities. We seek love. We seek our way, our way to far lands, our way to home. Through the pages of ‘Islanders,’ poet Stephen Brooke voyages far and returns, bearing a cargo of dream and poetry.PRINT ISBN 978-1-937745-87-5

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