In Arabic, the writing is done from right-to-left, not left-to-right. What I am trying to achieve is italicizing the font so that it is tilted to the left instead of to the right. Any suggestions? You do not have to include Arabic letters in your answer. I want something that does the opposite of font-style:italic; in any language.

This will get you out of the hassle of actually manipulating the font itself. This will transform the whole block your text is in tho. You might need some kind of validation to check each line-break and separate them to be new tags each time. So as this might not be a real solution, you might take it into consideration if you want to shear shorter (single-line) text.

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This is veeeery far fetched but here's a dirty example that finds out the individual lines in your text block and puts each of them in a new span, what will cause each line to be separately styled with the skewX styling. Here you go:

You might consider using jQuery's resize() binding to update the blocks of text that have percentile widths. Also I'm not sure what happens with very long words that won't fit in one line. Not that this might actually happen, but keep in mind it's not tested and might cause words to get lost. Really need to do more testing for actual publishing.

If this font isn't to your liking, you can use other other web fonts. Here are some to test with. If non of those work for you - I guess you can find a font that is to your liking, alter its italic version and embed it on your page in the same fashion.

Unfortunately there is no way to do this with the font-style property. See page here: _font_font-style.asp. I'm not sure if there are Arabic fonts out there that might italicize in the opposite direction. If there are, they probably aren't widely supported.

Arabic text doesn't show properly in Adobe Illustrator. Even with a font that supports Arabic text (e.g. Arial), the text is back to front (left to right, not right to left) and the letters don't join up properly. To an Arabic speaker, it's gibberish.

Edit: Thanks to Supamike in this question about this problem in Photoshop there's what looks like a simpler solution that also works in Illustrator for point text (it screws up if you have area text that spans more than one line, so you need to use point text then manually put line breaks in and re-order the lines of text, else the first line is at the bottom and the last is at the top).

Type or copy your text into the top box on, then copy and paste the output text in the bottom box into Illustrator, and it seems to keep the joins correctly applied and the text appears the correct way round.

Note that illustrator still treats it like it's left-to-right text, so while it looks correct, editing it will feel strange if you normally type in Arabic. So, if you need to edit the Arabic text, I'd recommend doing the edits in a separate word processor, then copy into the above site, then copy into Illustrator.

You'll also need to set it to right-align. Basically, it seems to forcibly replace the characters with their appropriate joined ligatures. The software doesn't treat it as Arabic text, but the characters you are pasting are the correct joined forms of the characters.

Here's a side-by-side comparison of the Arabic word for Arabic (tag_hash_108), copied and pasted into a variety of applications with default settings, with suggested best approach at the end. Here's the original from Wikipedia as a screenshot image for comparison:

So it seems like the best, most reliable low/no cost solution to Alex's problem is to have a copy of Inkscape handy. When an issue like this comes up, write and style the text in Inkscape as you would do in Illustrator (Inkscape's interface seems weird when used to illustrator, lettering options like tracking, kerning, line height etc seem to be controlled through keyboard shortcuts, but comparable features are there), then copy and paste the Inkscape text object directly into Illustrator when it is ready. For me (on Windows) copying and pasting translates it into vector paths maintaining the correct lettering. Here's how it looks pasted in to Illustrator and selected (next to Illustrator's earlier attempt for comparison):

If keeping a copy of Inkscape installed just for occasional things like this sounds like a pain, those open source guys have thought of that: there's a portable version which you can run off a pen drive. I've never used it so I won't recommend a place to download it that I haven't tried, but it seems to exist and work.

TaDa! You can now edit the arabic text and shift the font etc. You can even copy/paste it flawlessly, as long as your Illustrator was able to load the original PSD file (try also other types of files, like EPS files generated with a Illustrator ME version maybe? I didn't try that). Just look for free PSD files containing arabic text (generated with a ME version) on the web and use them. Or use the one I included in step 2 if it's still available. Hope it will work for you!

Thanks for the tips! The PC trick sort of helped me. I opened up an old (ME version) InDesign file with editable Arabic text in it on my Mac's non-ME version InDesign CS6, and copied the Arabic text I needed from TextEdit/email straight into the Arabic text box in the ME InDesign Arabic file, and it showed perfectly right and editable as well. Thankfully I had Arabic fonts installed already so the text didn't appear funny or broken.

You may have a look at this plug in ScribeDOOR :ScribeDOOR allows you to edit and work in one or several of the following languages at the same time: Arabic, Azeri, Bengali, Farsi, Georgian, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer/Cambodian, Lao, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, Thai, Urdu, Vietnamese.

I just pasted the text into fontbook using the font "Baghdad" then took a screenshot and used image trace to get the curves of the Arabic word I needed. Worked like a charm! Word would not copy correctly for me. I am using CS6.

its seems rapidweaver is forcing mac arabic fonts on arabic text , making it very very hard to fomat it on foundry or font pro , the only way is to use html stack which making it like hell to format it , please please fix this problem .

the image above to show how much i suffer , it create even span for every word , making it very hard to use any font stack to format my text with the font i want because there is inline html created by force from rapidweaver

In Styled Text, you may want to select the entire text block and format is as paragraph via the format menu. Then you can force your own font and styles onto all paragraphs using Font Pro. I have helped some Japanese users do exactly this with Font Pro.

@joeworkman it actualley work , also the paragraph idea also some times work and somtimes not , the html stack work all the time , but i am stuck to one stack which html only , i need to use what rapidwraver and stacks provide of a ton of stuff , but i am stuck because of this problem auto formatting arabic text is really nightmare .

regard your comment

some times only i need it to make it H2 or H3 , or making its alignment center , and most of times for font , but that do not work because of rapidweaver forcing other fonts , so i lose power of choosing style and choosing font and alignment , i want to be easy for me to that stuff .

will i know there is a lot of talk about markdown , but i do not think it will be easy to do with arabic also i am worry that in the end i still not be able to chose the font , what do you recommended .

So here's where I' facing some difficulties. I'm trying to build an English and Arabic store. So far I have managed to do that smoothly plus change the layout to RTL. The problem is that the Arabic text does not look that good on the Helvetica (default Debut theme font). and if I try to change it, it changes for both the english and arabic stores. I have tried to dig in the code and added the specific code to the (theme.css.liquid) file:

Hello! I am new to shopify and I haven't yet finished my shop. I am just learning it and I have the same problem with the greek fonts. Open sans usually can show them properly. I have set as a default, the english characters change but the greek are set to Arial.

I tried the above solution unfortunately with no success.

My site is

San Francisco is an Apple designed typeface that provides a consistent, legible, and friendly typographic voice. Across all Apple products, the size-specific outlines and dynamic tracking ensure optimal legibility at every point size and screen resolution. Numbers have proportional widths by default, so they feel harmonious and naturally spaced within the time and data-centric interfaces people use every day.

This neutral, flexible, sans-serif typeface is the system font for iOS, iPadOS, macOS and tvOS. SF Pro features nine weights, variable optical sizes for optimal legibility, four widths, and includes a rounded variant. SF Pro supports over 150 languages across Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts.

Sharing many features with SF Pro, SF Compact features an efficient, compact design that is optimized for small sizes and narrow columns. SF Compact is the system font for watchOS and includes a rounded variant.

This monospaced variant of San Francisco enables alignment between rows and columns of text, and is used in coding environments like Xcode. SF Mono features six weights and supports Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts.

A companion to San Francisco, this serif typeface is based on essential aspects of historical type styles. New York features six weights, supports Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts, and features variable optical sizes allowing it to perform as a traditional reading face at small sizes and a graphic display face at larger sizes.

Gain insight into typographic principles and how they apply to the San Francisco fonts, the result of a deep collaboration between design and engineering teams. This typeface defers to the content it displays to give text unmatched legibility, clarity, and consistency. 152ee80cbc

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