Arabian Acres Property Owner Association

A Covenant & Architecturally Controlled Community

Our next public for the AAPOA will be held

November 2nd,  11:00 at the 

Florissant Public Library

334 Circle Dr


The July 20th annual meeting was fantastic!!  Lots of business taken care of, news shared, and several new neighbors met.  and then such a great picnic.  BBQ pork, baked beans, many homemade salads, salsa and dip.  and the cupcakes!  WOW!!.  What a great time.  Thanks to Chris and Nickie Napeirala for offering the corn hole game, the generator to keep the crockpots going, and the side by side to drive folks back and forth from the road to the pond.  Another thanks to Steve and Lydia Willauer for the help with the picnic planning and counting the ballots.  Thanks to Nell Carnein for working on the picnic planning and a big thanks to Karen Dudley for working on the picnic setup.  Thanks to all the board members and neighbors, new and established for coming down and making this a super fun event. 


Rich Dudley President

Chris Napierala Vice President

Kelly Goocher Treasurer

Carl (Bob) Carnein Secretary

Karen Dudley At large

Lanny Hoel At Large

Steve Willauer At Large  (New Member)

Thanks to all that  returned ballots.  Hope to see you in September.  

Greetings From the Board

Hello, Neighbors!  This past year has been a successful one for the Arabian Acres Property Owners Association (AAPOA).  The annual Chipper Day event was well used by our residents to clear slash from yards, and Dumpster Days helped to clean up properties and keep Arabian Acres an inviting place to live.  Besides these events, there were several fire mitigation projects, with assistance from NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse, that will make our neighborhood safer from wildfire.

Dates for this year’s Dumpster Days and Chipper Day have not been selected yet, but will be announced on social media, our web site, and signage in the bulletin board at the school-bus stop.  Mitigation projects will be announced in the same way.  

We are working on building an up-to-date email list to provide better communication with residents.  If you would like to be included, please send an email to and we will make sure you receive updates and more.  We want to use email as our preferred method of communication.

You will notice that a ballot for this year’s Board election and budget approval is included with this newsletter.  Please turn in your ballot(s) at or before the Annual Meeting, which is July 20 at the pond (see below).  You can bring them to the meeting; mail them to the AAPOA, PO Box 33, Divide, CO 80814; or drop them in the black box at the bus stop.

Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the Annual Meeting and Picnic, starting at 11AM on July 20, 2024 at the Arabian Acres pond, off of Tidi.  The Association will provide meat, water, and lemonade.  If you attend, please bring a side dish or dessert and, if you wish, a beverage of your choice.  We invite you to take this opportunity to get to know the Board, mingle with your neighbors, and enjoy the beautiful outdoors with us.

Architectural Control Committee

Arabian Acres is a covenant-controlled subdivision.  As stated in the Covenants, any construction of a new structure, significant modification of an existing structure, excavation, grading, or other site work must be pre-approved by the Arabian Acres Architectural Control Committee.  You can find copies of our covenants and by-laws by going to the POA website:  

If you know of a derelict property that could be an attractive nuisance in Arabian Acres, please get in touch with a Board member.  We will investigate and, if necessary, contact the property owner.

Other Issues

Nuisance animals (especially dogs) are a continuing problem in our subdivision.  Dogs are not allowed to roam free in Teller Co.  Our Covenants empower the AAPOA to impose fines on residents who allow dogs to disturb the peace or threaten residents.  If you have a problem with a nuisance animal, please first contact Teller Co. Animal Control at 719-687-9652.

Letter from the President

Hi,  My name is Richard Dudley, and I have served as President of AAPOA for the last 2 ½ years.  My wife and I have lived in Arabian Acres for 7 years and enjoy the area, neighbors, and the multitude of activities this area offers.

The current Board of Directors consists of me, Vice President Chris Napierala, Treasurer Kelly Goocher, Secretary Bob Carnein, and Directors Karen Dudley and Lanny Hoel.  One Director position is vacant at this time.  Over the past year, our work has focused on providing a stable governing Board and on revising the AAPOA By-Laws.  We are trying to develop some basic guidelines for short-term rentals and clarify unclear verbiage in the By-Laws, which have not been revised since 2013.  Proposals for changes will be considered at a future AAPOA meeting.

Another topic of interest to the Board and to residents is the dangerous intersection where Deer Ridge Trail intersects the Lower Twin Rock Road.  A bad accident a few weeks ago saw 2 people taken to the hospital with serious injuries.  Last year, a group of concerned A.A. residents and neighbors met with representatives of Teller Co. Public Works to seek a solution to this hazard.  A proposal was discussed, and it seemed to be moving forward, but it appears to have stalled.  I am asking all concerned residents to reach out to our Board of County Commissioners, and particularly to our Commissioner Dan Williams, to make a comment about our concerns.  Please reference “Concerned Citizens of Teller County”, which is the subject head that we have been using.  Please also send a copy of your letter to the AAPOA Board.  For your information, I will be posting past letters written to Fred Clifford, Director, Teller Co. Dept. of Public Works, on our web site.

If you have any questions or concerns, as always, you can email the Board at  Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you at the Picnic or at a Board meeting.