January 24th Workshop

The Darling Center

8:00 -3:00PM

The first Aquaculture me! Conference was held at the Darling Center on January 24th 2020.

You can find the complete Maine Sea Grant Blog Post Here

"There are MANY organizations and local farmers willing to support educators (I can't even BEGIN to express my gratitude for bringing so many networking opportunities together!) -Aquaculture is doable in the classroom -Aquaculture is an ideal study for fostering problem solving which Maine's workforce needs"

"The community is ready for partnerships between educators, researchers, farmers and communities."

"There are a lot of people doing really cool stuff all around the state and there are a lot of connections to be made."

The agenda for the Aquaculture me! - Making Connection Professional Development Day can be found below.

AGENDA January 24th 2020

Aquaculture ME Agenda- Draft

The following are links to presentations:


Education Institutions



The following are links to handouts from following educational institutions.

Boothbay Sea Science Center - Pauline Dion

Hurricane Island - Jenn Page

Herring Gut

Gulf of Maine Research Institute

4-H -University of Maine Cooperative Extension

The Maine Ocean School - pdf

A FREE Lesson Plan from Herring Gut - Seaweed Aquaculture Photosynthesis Game. Click Here to Access

This will take you to the Final Reflection Google Form for the Day

Click here or the logo to access