The Grange is a Citizen and Community based organization that began in the late 1800's to give farmers a voice in Government and other arenas.

The Grange played an important role in the history and development of the United States. One such large impact was a series of laws called the "Grange Laws" you may wish to research those laws to understand the impact the Grange had.

As Grange members we try to carry on this rich history, and if nothing else honor it and remember it. Read more to learn what the Grange was, and what it is today.

The Grange is a national fraternal organization founded in the late 1800’s with local and state “chapters” or groups.

Aptos Grange is one of the local chapters. It was formed as a “citizens organization” developed to give family farmers a collective voice in government and other issues. In the 1800’s and early 1900’s 97% of American citizens were farmers, yet they had no voice in government because they were individuals isolated on private farms of 40 to 400 acres. Many without electricity.

The Grange has a rich history of influence in what made America great. For just a taste you may wish to research what the “Granger Laws” are all about. You may also wish to visit the National Grange web site for more information.

The Grange is a mere shadow of the giant power organization it used to be, but it is still a great organization with a rich history protecting farmers and growing America.

It has evolved to be a grass roots community group and a “Farming and Local issues” based community group.

The Aptos area doesn’t have much farming anymore, but the Aptos Grange has evolved into a great community meeting hall and gathering venue.

All of the Grange members serve as volunteers. Many are retired seniors and some are still working regular jobs and living their lives.

We still advocate for the small farmer and other local issues.