Who We Be

APTLY OUTSPOKEN! is a collective of anti-racist, cross-racial allies/accomplices who are disgusted and saddened by the senseless killing of Mr. George Floyd (1973-2020), another Black man, by police.

APTLY OUTSPOKEN! is committed to using speech communication and writing to intervene into the daily and oppressive treatment of living black bodies in the USA and Canada.

APTLY OUTSPOKEN! is mostly --but not only--a group of academics, PhD type folk, who teach and research in the areas of American studies, Canadian history, education, language, law, performance, theatre, and more.

The Aptly Outspoken! Collective

Vershawn Ashanti Young

Twitter: @YoungVershawn

Y'Shanda Rivera



Christopher Stuart Taylor

Twitter: @DrCSTaylor

Mike Condon

Twitter: @condonfnm

Neisha-Anne Green

Twitter: @neisha_anne

Frankie Condon

Twitter: @Frankie_Condon