What It Do

A Series of Webcasts to Inspire Critical Dialogue and Meaningful Action

APTLY OUTSPOKEN! is presenting nine (9) public webcasts about the ongoing fatal racial dynamics in the USA and Canada during our 2020-2021 season. These town hall-style webcasts will be moderated by members of the Aptly Outspoken! Collective, will feature guest speakers who will engage in critical conversations on anti-racism, and will provide action steps and resources for effecting change. Webinars will take place on Sundays at 2PM EST.

Webcast One

Welcome Back: Why We Persist; Why We Continue

Moderator: Y'Shanda

4 October, 2020

2:00PM EST

Webcast Two

White Supremacy and the Manipulation of Data

Moderator: Mike

18 October, 2020

2:00PM EST

Webcast Three

What Just Happened?! Racism, White Supremacy, and the US Election

Moderator: Frankie

8 November, 2020

2:00PM EST

Webcast Four

Black Prophetic Fire

Moderator: Neisha-Anne

17 January, 2021

2:00PM EST

Webcast Five

From One Generation to Another: Forging Cultural, Professional, and Spiritual Legacies

Moderator: Y'Shanda with Claudia Castillo, Nayeli Contreras, Beyonca Johnson, Dominic Parker, Dr. Katrinia Riley, D’je Rivera, Niana Rivera Angelica Vazquez, Angelina Vazquez, Dorothy Young, Katrina Young, and

The Aptly Outspoken! Collective

7 February, 2021 at 2:00PM EST

Webcast Six

The N-Word: Appropriate Cultural and Educational Uses

Moderator: Vershawn

7 March, 2021

2:00PM EST

Webcast Seven


Moderator: Neisha Anne Green and Frankie Condon

25 April, 2021

2:00PM EST

Webcast Eight

The Versatility of White Supremacist Rhetoric

Moderator: Frankie with Special Guest, James Sanchez


2:00PM EST