Why Chess?

Thinking In Chess

Suppose if you go for a war. You do plan for battle right? In any battle Kings do plan before going to war. Consider that you and your opponent are the kings. You should make plan, order to your ministers, cavalry, infantry, elephantry and chariotry. Be alert for every move to win the game.

Chess has infinite creative ideas. Chess helps you to enhance your

memory & creativity which leads to solving tactical problems while playing games.

So I analyze games, watch grand master's games, solve puzzles and also share beautiful winning puzzle moves. My goal is to become better at chess everyday and bring our National flag on the top of the world. what about yours?

How We Help?

We provide training in a systematical manner for our students. They will learn Chess basics, Tactical puzzles, Openings, middle-game & end-game strategies & more.

Benefits Of Playing Chess

1) Apt way of thinking

2) Creating New Ideas

3) Improvement of thinking future moves

4) Improving both side of our brain - Left side ( Analytical Logical thinking) and Right side ( Artistic Creative thinking in the most intuitive way )

5) Enhances problem solving skills

6) Teaches planning & foresight

7 ) Improvement In Memory , Focus, Concentration, Patience, Visualization

Consistency And Continuous Improvement In Chess

1) Be physical fit - Doing daily exercise like yoga, jogging, gym helps you to stay fit as well as improves stamina to play chess game longer time in chess tournament. Stronger stamina helps you to stay focused at your game position.

2) Solve tactics daily for continuous improvement in your chess game performance

3) Learn principles, theories, rules of playing chess to keep your King is safe place and also to win games

4) Play one game (rapid or long time ) and analyze daily for continuous improvement of your game performance

5) Watch live chess tournaments to know how super grandmasters creating new ideas and adopt these skills in your games

6) For rapid improvement in your chess career -

a) Read chess books usually takes more time &

b) If you have a chess coach then he have over all knowledge of chess and he will identify your weakness and he will show you right way to improve your game performance