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Next Speaker

Date: 19 June (Wed), 2024

Time: 11:00 (India) = 

13:30 (Singapore)=

14:30 (Japan) = 

15:30 (Syd, Australia) = 

17:30 (NZ)

Name: Yuta Koike

Download abstract 


The Asia-Pacific Seminar in Probability and Statistics was created in Septeember 2020 as a permanent forum for good research in the field. It was our way to counterbalance, then, the restrictions imposed on us by pandemic and to still promote scientific exchange and cooperation. It is run using Zoom.

Topics: probabilistic models for natural phenomena in general, stochastic processes and statistical inference, statistical problems in high-dimensional spaces, asymptotic methods, statistical theory of diversity. At the same time, there are no restrictions on other topics for the seminar presentations. 

Style: In this seminar series the emphasis is on novelty, beauty, and clarity.  Where possible,  heuristic arguments are preferred to presentation of technical details.  Speakers are encouraged to discuss meaningful applications and open problems.  Good reviews are welcome.  Presentations should be accessible to good postgraduate students in probability and mathematical statistics.