1. The medium for the conference is Google Meet.

  2. Participant must sign in using profile information

Paper ID-Name

3. All presenters are highly suggested to make yourself ready earlier before the conference day.

4. Each presenters will be allocated for 15 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of Q&A session.

5. All presenters must stay in their respective online room until the end of the session.

6. All presenter is COMPULSORY to attend the respective appointed session.

Day of the conference

  1. Presenters are advised to log in the Google Meet at least 15 minutes before the session starts. Use the link shared in the email or in the website to join online.

  2. During the session, presenter are advised to mute their headset, microphone or speakerphone. Only the appointed presenters is allowed to unmute and perform the presentation.

  3. Presenters must be prepared for their presentation as in the time set in the program tentative.

  4. Each session will be chaired by a chairperson. The chairperson will introduce the presenters, handling the Q&A session, and closes the session.

  5. In case of any connection or technical problem encounter by the presenter, the session will be continued with the next presenter. The previous presenter will continue his/her presentation at the end of the session.

  6. Presenters are advised to present within the allocated time given (15 min). A reminder will be provided to the presenter two minutes prior to the end of the presentation time that he/she should start to wrap up his/her presentation. In the case when presenters go unreasonably long with their presentations, chairperson has the right to cut them off for a good time management of the conference.

  7. For Q&A, participants are advised to present their questions in the chat box before one presentation ends. The chairperson will read the written questions to the presenter by the end of the session.

  8. All presenters are highly encouraged to stay online and remain for the entire session.

  9. All presenters should ensure that their surrounding background (sound and image) are not disturbing the other participants and also ensure the suitable light conditions when the tuning-on the video.