AP Seminar Capstone Project

The Money Majority

Research Question: to what extent does legal political influence impact legislation and that legislations impact on voters in the United States during the last century?

Problem Statement: Over the last few decades Americans have become ever growingly discontent with the American political system. The divide within our country has never been more apparent and Americans are dissatisfied with the lack of change.

According to a study by Princeton University Professor of Politics Martin Gilens and Northwestern University Professor of Decision-Making Benjamin I. Page they found that, “Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence.”

With such evidence the question arises, who rules this country?

Argument: It is evident that the financial elite of this country hold such sway in politics that they currently are the majority overruling the bottom 90% with legislation that is meant to solely benefit their own self-interests.

Click below to access the 3 stages of the AP Seminar Process for this Project:

My name is Varun Kamath, I am a Senior at Chapin High School involved in the Engineering Magnet Program and the Tennis program. After high school, I will be attending Texas A & M University where I plan to study General Engineering and move into the Computer Science Pathway.