Alice Down the Hole

A young blond girl named Alice followed the small white rabbit who kept sputtering "I'm late!" until she came to a hole. She saw the rabbit jump down the hole and contemplated going after him or not. She looked back at her sister reading on the hillside and thought to herself, "There is no way I am going back to be that bored." So she got down on her hands and knees and peered into the rabbit hole to see what she could find.

The hole was very dark so she squinted to see if she could see a clearer picture. She still couldn't see anything so she leaned in to see if that would clear up her vision. Once she started to lean the ground started to crumble out from under her. She started to push back to leave the hole but the ground just started to crumble more. Her hands slipped out from under her and she fell into the hole.

Alice let out a piercing scream, then another, then another. She was frantically yelling due to the fear that she would splat on the ground. She just kept screaming and falling until she realized that there was no splat. Her screams eventually wavered, then stopped. She started to look around and she saw that the light from the top of the hole was gone now. This hole was strangely illuminated, almost if the walls of the hole were bioluminescent with a purple glow. She realized she had been falling for what felt like at least five minutes and there was no use in wasting her breath. She kept falling and falling, so much so that she became quite bored. While she was falling she noticed that the walls of the hole had changed from dirt to bookshelves. The bookshelves weren't flying past either. These bookshelves were just slowly moving upwards. It was like they were falling at a slightly slower pace than Alice, which was weird because she thought they were attached to the walls.

Alice thought to herself, "What if I never quit falling? What if I fall for the rest of my life? Will I grow old in this hole? Will I get hungry? I see cans of marmalade jam floating past me and I'm sure I can grab one and snack on it, but alas I cannot snack on jam forever. Will I ever catch up to the rabbit? I wonder if one of us falls quicker than the other. Was the rabbit even real? Is this rabbit hole real? Did I slip and bump my head on the bottom of a very regular-sized rabbit hole and send myself into an unconscious dream where I am falling down an endless rabbit hole?" Alice asked herself these questions until she ran out of questions to ask herself, when that happened she just passed the time by watching the walls.

Alice had been falling forever. She had read books, watched the shelves fly by, even contemplated how much of a fall she had to go. All of this activity had made her quite sleepy. So sleepy in fact that she contemplated taking a nap. She thought to herself before she slipped into a slumber, "How crazy would it be to fall asleep in a dream. Is that even possible? How can I be sleepy if I am already asleep and this is already a dream? What if I am not asleep and this is all real. Does that permit me to take a nap? All of these questions made her sleepier and sleepier until she slowly started to shut her eyes and right before she fell out of consciousness, she plopped down on a pile of leaves, unscathed.

Author's Note: Hello, thank you for reading my story. With this rendition of the story of Alice I wanted to follow her and her journey down the rabbit hole. I think with each story told there are parts of it that can be expanded into its own story. I think this is especially true with the Alice in Wonderland stories. This story, along with the Mad Tea Party, the Queen of Hearts, The Cookies, and many more have the ability to be expanded upon. I chose to retell the story of Alice falling down the hole. I wanted to showcase what thoughts an individual might have when falling endlessly in a hole filled with books and jars of jam. I did want to change the story in some ways to make it my own. When Alice fell down the hole it was more of an accident than it was in the original story. She was also very sleepy when falling down the hole which was an original addition. I tried to ask myself what kind of questions I would have if were falling down an endless hole. I didn't know if it would be appealing to read question after question but after going back and reading it now it reads like a general train of thought would read. At least that's how I perceive it. The original version of this story was slightly longer than this version but I chose to leave out some details in order to be more descriptive about things I thought were important like the initial fall and her falling asleep Thank you for reading my retelling of Alice falling down a rabbit hole. Hopefully I was able to expand this part of the story into its own tale.

Bibliography: This story is part of the Alice in Wonderland unit. Story source: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (1865).

Image Information: This is an illustration of Alice falling down the rabbit hole for the theatre production "Alice down the rabbit hole"