2024 Hot Topics: May

This month:  We are Celebrating Mother's Day  & World Meditation Day!!


MAY 12, 2024

We appreciate everything that you do for us!

TO MOM............

MOTHER – you are the person who gives us a second chance when we mess up - again, and again, and again. You stand in our corner and cheer us on through all of our challenges and confrontations. You are, for the most part, patient, and demonstrate unwavering love and dedication - even when we are undeserving. You try to guide us through life from your past experiences in hopes to shield us from a world filled with unfair trials. For most of us, you are our Safety Net, our Rock. You are our unconditional Safe Place…. You are “Home.”

Today is exceptionally special, because we get to attempt to show you how we feel. We know that our meager tokens of love such as cards, flowers, a dinner, does not begin to communicate the depth of gratitude that we feel and that you deserve. But we will try, on this one day, to express how much you mean to us. We may even attempt to apologize for any past wrongdoings, because we want you to know that we respect you even though we may not have always shown it.  So, today is a special because we get to honor you, acknowledge you for all the things that you have done for us, appreciate you for all that you are, and simply say “Thank you, Mom”


Super Hero

Love       Dedication         COACH     TRUTH

    Champion      Peacekeeper   Defender 

           Diplomat     Negotiator     Wisdom

  HOME                Commitment       FRIEND

Making you smile 

World Meditation Day  

May 21, 2024

World Meditation Day (WMD) is celebrated on the same date every year: 21st May. In 2024, WMD will fall on a Tuesday, and it's the perfect time to relax and reconnect with yourself.