
ELA + Writing


This week you will begin to compare & contrast two informational texts on the same topic.

In your i-Ready Reading workbook, do pages 324-325.

Practice your spelling words.

Complete "Spelling Word Practice" below. Make your own version on paper or print if you can.

Knowing prefixes will help you understand the meaning of new words.

spelling word practice.pdf


Choose a topic from the writing choice board below. You will use this all week.

Opinion Choice Board.pdf


i-Ready workbook pgs. 8-10 (Review)

i-Ready workbook pgs. 30-37 (Preview)


Click the link below to learn more about plant life cycles!

Brain Pop Jr. Plant Life Cycle

Brain Pop Username: TREStars Password: march2020

Preview the lesson using the document below and write down the 4 vocabulary words.

Science 420.pdf