Google Workspace Training

Assessment & Feedback  with Google ( 1.5 hours)

Explore best practice for setting Assignments in Classroom for individual and group work. You will learn how to use the Forms Assignment, mark all students work, create a comment bank for feedback and use Mote for verbal feedback. 

Google Classroom beginners guide ( 1 hour)

"Classroom management made easy. Learn how to create classes, add your students, and create assignments for individuals or groups.  You will learn to set optimum settings for your classes to avoid notification overload and also how to differentiate work for your students. 

Add a second hour to take it further

Google Teaching & Learning Upgrade
(2 hour)

"If your school has the Teaching and learning upgrade, come and learn more about the  features you are paying for. Work smarter in Classroom and use Meet more effectively"

Google Classroom Take it further ( 1 hour)

Description: "Classroom management made easy. Learn about the work flow in Classroom. Grade, comment on student work, leave written and verbal feedback, private comments and return submissions. You will also explore some useful apps and extensions.

YouTube (1.5 hours)

Description: "Take the fear out of creating a channel and adding your own videos.  The session will start with creating playlists of useful videos curated for your learners and progress to uploading a video, simple editing and publishing permissions"

GMail - Working Smarter not Harder (1 hour)

"Are your emails getting you down or have you just moved to GMail from Outlook? If so this this session is ideal for you. Learn how to archive, organise, search and set up your inbox to work better for you. "

GMail  Take it Further (1 hour)

"Now you know the basics of GMail find out more about filters,  snooze, add to tasks add to calendar events, templates and add ons to take your use to another level. "

Use Technology to Feel Better  (1 hour)

"Technology gets a bad press and is often shown linked to negative use in terms of well-being, but this session focuses on  features within Google Apps, 3rd party apps and well-being apps for ideas of how you can use technology to support your well-being.  "

Google Sites (1.5 hour)

"Explore how Google Sites can be used to create digital portfolios for your students, showcase class work, or be a student/parent hub for blended, hybrid or remote learning. You will learn how to bring in resources from your Drive and embed Google tools and Adobe Spark to enhance the site. "

Applied Digital Skills (2 hours)

"Digital skills are important to both learners and educators. Come along and find out about free video based lessons that can enhance your organisations CPD and help embed critical digital skills into your curriculum. "

Calendar and Tasks(1 hour)

"Get on top of your meets and get organisation. Master your online calendar and create effective task lists both from emails and manually"

Add-ons and Extensions (1 hour) 

" Add-ons and extension added to Google Tools make a great set of tools even better. The session will showcase several apps, add-ons and extensions and give you choice which you want to explore in depth., the apps demonstrated will be agreed together on booking.."

Google Docs - More than just a Word Processor (1.5 hour) 

"If you learnt to type in Word then you can do it in Google Docs, but this session will focus on the great features that allow Docs to be a wonderful tool for teaching and learning.  "

You will explore features such as translate, voice typing, version history, linked objects Explore and Add-ons.

Google Slides Interactive Notebooks

"Google Slides is more than a presentation tool. Set up Interactive notebooks for your Class and each week add now activities for them to complete. Keep all their work in one place and allow students to add video, text, photos, tables and images to the Slide Deck. 

Beginners guide to Google Sheets

"Explore how to display a simple data set in Sheets using formulas and basic functions. Try searching for data in real language rather than formula (ideal for the busy teacher who is not a spreadsheet guru) and add charts to represent your data visually."

Google Forms  for gathering data (1 hour)

"Google forms is a quick and easy way to gather data. Do you need to get information from parents, colleagues or a quick data set to explore in class, if so Google Forms is your go to."

You will create your survey, explore question types, choose who can access the form, send out to users, monitor and export feedback. 

Add a second hour to take it further

Google Forms for Assessment & Feedback (1 hour)

"Start adding video and check if students have watched it. Set points for questions, set the questions to self mark and how to give relevant feedback to both weaker and stronger students. "

You will create a self marking quiz which will save you hours in marking for future assessment.

Google Keep - More than a post it note

"In this session you will explore the browser version of Google Keep  to create  a variety of organised notes, adding photos, collaborative lists and links. You will discuss how this would be useful for teaching and learning. The session will also demo the extra features of the mobile version of Keep to include  text grab from images, location reminders and Audio notes. "