Apptech Privacy Policy


App Tech is an IT Company intent to develop android & ios apps with dedication to build the best apps that bring users an ease in doing different tasks. The App Tech assure our users that we will follow all community guidelines of Play Store & Ios Store to bring products that are useful for community.

What we are?

The above mentioned details are sort of an official agreement between our users & App Tech. In case of any issues or disagree with our agreement users can uninstall or stop using services offered by App Tech.

Our Apps are not for Children:

App Tech do not make apps for Children. The apps offered by App Tech are listed with following tag “Not Designed for Children” on Play Store.

The App Tech do nothing with your personal data & non-personal data. The App Tech don’t collect data from users either nature of data is Personal or Non-Personal.

Advertisement Section:

App Tech offers Advertisements in apps to meet the needs of our company. The details of Ad Network that we use to meet company needs are discussed below:

Ad Mob: A Google Ad Network for mobile app advertisements. The Ad mob Privacy policy including other terms & conditions are available on following links:

1- Google uses cookies & device advertising identifiers to identify users. Their privacy policy can be readable via this link:

2- You can read their Terms & conditions here

Please read the above mentioned agreement policies to review in detail. If you’re having any valuable feedback or suggestions you can write us at: