I've read about the app_offline.htm file which can be placed within the root of a .NET 2.0 application which will in essence shut down the application and disable any other pages from being requested.

Be aware, however, that although placing this file in the root of your site will force the application to "shut down" and display the content of the "app_offline.htm" file itself, any existing requests will still get the real website served up to them. Only new requests will get the app_offline.htm content.

App_offline.htm Download

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Just incase anyone else is working on an MVC application and finds their way into this thread, make sure that you have a wildcard mapping to the appropriate .Net aspnet_isapi.dll defined. As soon as I did this, my app_offline.htm started behaving as expected.

So, one way to get around this is to rename the critical files (which in my experience is usually only the main DLL), then copy up the new version, then use the app_offline.htm trick to restart the web site. When it restarts, you can delete the (old) renamed files.

Overall, your time is the same, but instead of renaming app_offline.htm, uploading, then renaming back, you rename the DLL, upload and rename app_offline.htm twice in quick succession. The advantage of this is that you have far less downtime, basically the site is only down for as long as it takes you to rename app_offline.htm and rename it back.

When trying to upload new files into the root of the .net core websites, I am deploying the app_offline.htm file which is stopping the website from serving pages but several of the .dll files are locked by the server and I am not able to overwrite them without logging into the server and manually stopping the site and app pool on the IIS manager then upload the files and restart them again.

This blog article shows you how to direct the IIS site to maintenance page without touching your production web application. The article expects you to have basic Internet Information Server (IIS) basic knowledge. You can create a file with the filename app_offline.htm. When people browse your web site the app_offline.htm instead of index.htm or others.

Basically, if you place a file with this name in the root of a web application directory, ASP.NET 2.0 will shut-down the application, unload the application domain from the server, and stop processing any new incoming requests for that application. ASP.NET will also then respond to all requests for dynamic pages in the application by sending back the content of the app_offline.htm file

Scott Guthrie

From time to time we all need to do some maintenance to our websites. ASP.NET has nice integrated feature to put your website online while you are updating files and libraries. Simply add static app_offline.htm file to your root folder and visitors will see the message while you are upgrading.

Its actually pretty simple . Create a file called 'app_offline.htm' , and add the desired html to it. Note the file type .htm - this is not a typo, if you name it .html it will not work !! ASP.Net is quite particular about this detail !

For those of you who automate their deployment , you can also deploy the app_offline.htm file at the same time, the key is to add it first , deploy changes , then remove. If you leave the file there your app will never go back online!

The way ASP.NET has implemented app_offline.htm by passing out a 404 HTTP status code is not well designed, in my opinion. A much better implementation would be for ASP.NET to return a normal 200 HTTP status code.

This is why I had to check the protocol on page load and then redirect to https if necessary. The jQuery then automatically checks for the https version of the site as the app_offline.htm page was loaded with this protocol. The check is allowed by the server AND no redirect is returned (as with an http request) so when the app_offline.htm page is removed the page refreshes.

Thanks! Where would I add the app_offline.htm file? I found a link in someone's answer to a similar question, but it doesn't say where the root is (I'm sure I'm supposed to know, but...). Where would I put this file?

The Publish feature of Visual Studio uses this file

Yes, the publish feature of Visual Studio can also upload this file before unloading your application. 

Also, you can customize the file used by publish and to do that, you need to find the path of the file on your disk and change it with the customize copy of the file. Normally, the location of the file used in publish differs depending on the version of the Visual Studio you are using. 

C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\[VS 8.0/9.0/10/11/12/13]/app_offline.htm

When I came back to the office I've noticed that everything was back up and running, huh. It turns out my colleague Bjorn Baekelant found the issue - Once he deleted app_offline.htm from wwwroot it started up again!

I know this is kinda old, but I had the same problem and Google brought me here, so thought I'd share what I found. I created a file called "app_offline.htm" (no L) in my site's root directory to achieve the desired effect.

When ready to begin the upgrade process, take the website offline to avoid any access or changes to the site by other users. This can be done by adding an app_offline.htm file to the root of the site. This is an ASP.NET feature and the HTML file can contain any HTML you see fit to communicate with site visitors about the site unavailability.

As you can see, I added root /var/www/www.example.com to let know nginx where to find files. if (-f $document_root/app_offline.htm) checks if file exists in root of that server and if it does define location for 503 error page and return error code 503. location @offline sets named location and will try to find file /app_offline.htm and return it contents or return 503 if file is not found. Quite simple.

Then I copy my typical app_offline.htm to application root. But there was only one problem with that solution: it does not work. But everyone suggested pretty much exactly the same solution. And people suggesting this solution for many years and it does not look like it was changed just recently.

And after short brainstorming I got it. As you remember that permissions for /var/www/www.example.com only allows to read and execute for www.example.com user but nginix runs from www-data user. That user has no access to any file in that directory including app_offline.htm. It is simple to fix and just give read permissions to this file for others. Just run this command:

I am using VS 2008. I am developing a website in it. So while creating pages and running them to test it works fine but on running my website ..sometimes ..it says

"This application is currently offline. To enable the application, remove the app_offline.htm file from the application root directory"

So when i browse my project , I see app_offline.htm page. I just delete it and all goes well then...

It happens very rarely to someone or may not happen also... its very rare.. but ya it does get created..

"SQL Server 2005 express edition does not support multiple processes. Only single process can access database at a time. So when a database is accessed through visual studio, ASP.net runtime cannot access the database. This will result into the internal server error. To prevent this, VS 2005 places app_offline.htm file in the application's root directory. The file contain above message. This causes ASP.net to put the application in offline mode. Please note the accessing database means opening any component of the database (I.e. table, view, stored procedure etc.) into the design window. When design window is closed, VS 2005 removes app_offline.htm file making the application in onliner mode again."

is that so?? i see it now...

so there is no way to avoid it happens then..

fyi, i have deleted it many times, n when i saw my recycle bin, there r HUNDREDS file of app_offline.htm in there! :D

btw thanks 4 da info!

if you r usingSQL Server express edition does not support multiple processes. Only single process can access database at a time. So when a database is accessed through visual studio, ASP.net runtime cannot access the database. This will result into the internal server error. To prevent this, VS 2005 places app_offline.htm file in the application's root directory. The file contain above message. This causes ASP.net to put the application in offline mode. Please note the accessing database means opening any component of the database (I.e. table, view, stored procedure etc.) into the design window. When design window is closed, VS 2005 removes app_offline.htm file making the application in onliner mode again.

We always have a file called app_offline.htm-x in our root folder, which we rename to app_offline.htm. When you do this, it will become the only thing shown to users, and all files are not-in-use, allowing you to overwrite them.

Then rename the app_offline.htm back to app_offline.htm-x and visit the site to see that it starts as expected. Note that you will see errors wherever 2sxc modules are placed, because breaking changes in the Oqtane APIs v3.3.1.

I don't know how the app_offline.htm file got there, but it is a .NET 2.0 feature to shutdown the application when it is found in the web site root. If you remove or rename, that message should go away.

Okay I deleted the app_offline.htm, restarted the portal and everything seems to work... But when I login as "host" I get the error message again. When I look in the project folder I see that the app_offline.htm had been added... as this is a .net specific question, I'll post the question there

app_offline.htm is a built in mechanism to stop a website from processing. Are you using a hosting service? That sounds like someone may have access to your site or your computer and is putting the file there on purpose.

Thus, you need direct access to the folder on the hosting server, add the app_offline.htm file into the root directory, deploy via Web Deploy then remove the app_offline.htm so that your application will restart. e24fc04721

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