Home Appliance Repair Pierson FL (386) 200-9859

Home Appliance Repair Pierson FL (386) 200-9859

Sustain sharp blades: To keep the blades sharp and clean, run ice cubes down the disposal every couple weeks. And then, on a monthly basis, freeze vinegar into cubes and run the vinegar cubes through the disposal unit to prevent rust build-up.

Food only! Be careful to make sure only food goes into the garbage disposal. Anytime gadgets like flatware, jar caps and other little dishes get in there, they could trigger substantial harm.

Careful care and cleaning: Bleach and various other harsh chemicals can eat away at the blades and the lines. To rid your garbage disposal of vile stench, run citrus peelings, for example, lemon and orange rinds through the disposal.

Don't use the dishwashing machine: Avoid using the dishwasher and the garbage disposal unit simultaneously. Dishwashers and in-sink garbage disposals share the drain so using them together can cause food from the garbage disposal to become forced into the dishwasher. https://www.townofpierson.org/

Protective maintenance is the very best way to broaden longevity and ascertain optimal performance. Waste disposal maintenance will reduce foul odors, strengthen efficiency and make the unit work better. In the event that troubles develop, then call (386) 200-9859 to set up service by a licensed garbage disposal repair specialist with Allens Appliance Service.


Allens Appliance Service

800 Buford Ave; Orange City, FL 32763

(386) 668-5441

