Appleton's Longest Day: How Far Can You Go?

What is this?

It's a fundraiser for Appleton's Jubilee Park aiming to build on last year's Orchard Marathon. People will be completing distances up to a full marathon to raise money for a new piece of toddler equipment. This year, you are invited to take part and complete your own activity on the day!

When is it?

On the 20th from dawn to dusk.

How far do I have to go?

Any distance!

Do I have to run?

No! You can walk, cycle, scoot, anything, just log your distance when you're done, and try and get a bit of sponsorship!

What does it cost?

Nothing at all, but feel free to donate to the cause.

What's the route?

Any route you like. There's a suggested route which several people will be taking on the day, but you can take part anywhere in the world.

Are there any aid stations?

No, but there is ice cream available at the campsite near the lock.

Did you know that's Father's day?

Yes, and it's a perfect father/child activity, the more the merrier!

I have a large suitcase of cash from an enormously successful sponsorship drive, what do I do with it?

Please contact a member of the Friends of Jubilee Park Committee to arrange a safe transfer. You can contact us on

Best wishes,

Nick Hales