I'm with you. My first and only smartphones have all been iPhone since 2011. Seriously looking at moving over to Android. It may seem such a trivial thing to some but I rely on booking notifications for my job. A five or ten second delay in responding can be the difference as to whether I secure the job for the day.

I am hard of hearing and cannot get a hearing aids. So, when I updated this, nearly all of my alerts and rings are gone. I cannot hear the faint beep for my alerts and notifications. And I am missing several of my alarms for every day things like taking my needed medications and waking up to go to work, doctors, hearing the notification on my ring (safety issue), etc. I rely on those alerts, notifications, and alarms daily. Whomever thought of this change, did not think of the hard of hearing people and the elderly. Bye bye iPhone as soon as I pay this phone off, adios. Please put it back.

Apple Notification Sounds Download

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Same here. I rely on hearing the notification so that I can accept bookings (Substitute teacher) really quickly before others snap it up. I have to have the phone in my hand and constantly look at it.

I am old and need the different tones to separate which app wants my attention. Also, because I don't hear as well as I used to, I need a tone that I can make loud enough to hear and one that lasts a length of time more than a nanosecond. I miss so many notifications that involve work and security. I love my iPhone 12 Pro Max and that my Mac, iPad, and Apple Watch are all integrated and work well together to get work done. But, if I don't hear distinct notifications on the phone or the watch, the whole Apple ecosystem becomes a black hole where ones and zeros die.

Likewise, no one here in this user-to-user forum would know why Apple does or does not do something. However, I'd guess all the complaints in this forum about the loudness of notifications sounds might have something to do with it.

Yes I have the same issue, message notifications make a sound when unlocked, but not when locked, Lock Screen does not even light up when notification received. If I wake it up the notification is there.

I took out my very old iPhone se (1st gen) and started using it again, it is supposed to be compatible with iOs 15. When I get text or email it vibrates very gently, like I can feel it if I'm holding it in my hand, but no notification sounds, no ringtone when I get a call.

Like many of you, my notifications volumes was minuscule compared to the ringer volume on my iPhone 13 Pro running iOS 15.0.2.Then I found the following solution suggested (I don't remember where I found it):

I have the same issue with notification sounds not working unless the phone is unlocked. However, the notification still sounds on my watch. When I turn off Bluetooth, the notification sound works just fine.

Being one that relies on push notifications for business, Apple's new Rebound Alert is costing me money. I have personally lost sales due to not hearing my alert as most of my business is fast paced and requires immediate attention. If this issue continues to go unnoticed and/or Apple refuses to fix this, a Class Action Lawsuit to recoup financial loss may be in order. Due to this alert being so inadequate, I have already spoken with my attorney regarding a grievance on the grounds of APPLE CHANGING MY PUSH NOTIFICATION ALERT TONE WITHOUT MY DIRECT CONSENT, APPLE'S LACK OF TRANSPARENCY REGARDING THIS CHANGE PRIOR TO IOS 17 DOWNLOAD and the INABILITY FOR THE USER TO CHANGE PUSH NOTIFICATION ALERT TONES. I paid for the device, I pay for the monthly service and they advertise a\Apple's ability to be "customizable," yet I am "forced" to use this Inaudible Rebound Alert.....makes no sense. Maybe an attorney will be able to make sense of it all.

Apple,Given all of the unhappy people it seems the best fix for this would to make the new default(rebound) something that can be changed. That way those of us who rely on the sounds can make the change.

The worst change Apple could have done. Why change something that nobody asked to or even complain about changing? The fact that they have changed the sound without consulting any of their users and on top of that not even giving us the ability to change it something else, it's just mind boggling to me. I have a galaxy fold 4 for my second phone and we have the ability to change ANY application's notification sound to ANY sound we want to. Why are you shackling us and locking us up in some type of cage apple? Giving us one very quiet notification sound and basically just saying "deal with it". It's insanely incredible after paying over $1000+ for a phone and not even being able to customize the smallest/one of the most important parts about a phone, a SIMPLE notification sound. Please fix this and at least let us change any application's notification sound, we all know it's possible because some apps have different ones by default. Do the right thing Apple

I used to recognise my trading app activities by that loud trip tone. Now I am missing many important trading activities because of this change. Atleast Apple should allow the customers to select the sound or increase volume only for that particular notification. Don't know why they are deleted user-friendly features?

This is a terrible change and I urge Apple to undo it. The new sound is practically inaudible. I use notifications as a safety and security measure: while I am working, I use a special do not disturb mode to allow only certain notifications, one of which is new activity from my Arlo cameras. I do this so that I know when a package has been left on my property and/or a person is on the premises. I can no longer hear the notifications if there is any ambient noise where I work, and there is always ambient noise where I work. This is extremely disappointing.

For the record. The "Tri Tone" sound is there; they haven't deleted it. You can find it under classic tones. The problem is that you can't assign it as the default tone for any type of notifications. You used to be able to assign different tones to different apps, but I haven't been able to find that either.

My notification sounds are all set to Milestone, yet it still plays the Rebound sound for every notification I get!!It really sounds like a failed call sound and I get super confused every single time...

In Settings -> Sounds, you can choose your own ringtone, text tone, and alert sounds for voicemail and system apps like mail and calendar alerts. But these options do not influence the sounds of alerts from third-party apps. As of iOS 17.0, the Settings app simply offers no controls to change the sounds that third-party apps make.

Now Apples IOS 17 has changed the default notification to "rebound" rather that "Tritone" I'm now missing all camera notifications making the camera almost pointless. I know its probably been asked many times before but why hasnt google updated the Google home app so we can choose a personal alert tone when camera is triggered?

After looking into it, our team discovered that this was a change made by Apple - changing the default notification on the apps due to the recent software update from their end. If you wish to use the same ringtone or are unhappy with the change, we recommend reaching out to Apple with your feedback.


What camera device do you have in the APP? Some old devices don't support the sound notification settings. You can try to delete some old models and change the sound. Then you can add the cameras back.

Last day, I had looked up and experiment about custom notification sound for remote notification.And I found the issue what about the custom sound didn't play in foreground on iOS 15 and iOS 16, but it worked on iOS 11.

Hello everyone.

So I have not posted on here in a long time, but I had an iPhone 6Plus for 6 years and it finally started to give way and die. So now I have upgraded to an iPhone12Regular and I love it. So the topic says it all. But basically when I am using voice Over with or without the VOSounds, the notifications sounds for Texts and other alerts are a bit quieter than if Voice Over is completely turned off. I have all sounds volumes at 100%. So Has anyone else on here noticed this? And is there someway to fix this?

As a matter of fact, I have noticed that little issue as well.

Ever since I upgraded to iOS 14.3 I realized that notification sounds in alerts were quieter. I even was starting to think that there was something wrong with configurations but, after having checked and double checked, I started to think that there must be a problem or an issue with the iOS version.

There is a toggle you can add to the VO rotor called audio ducking which, when turned on, will make the voiceover speech a bit louder than other sounds so you can hear it better. Maybe add that to your rodor if you haven't already and make sure it's off?

IOS users there is a solution to better notifications - There is a free way to get receive a phone call when arlo is trigerred. This uses the IFTTT app ('if this then that' automation app) - took me 5 minutes to set up and it works great.

But more importantly, there has never been a follow up explaining why the "developers" have not programed it into the App. From developers I have talked to, this is a fairly easy addition to any iOS App and lots of third party Apps offer unique or even several choices of notification tones. Just leaving the default test tone as the only sound is just lazy or cheap.

There needs to be an option to choose a different notification sound within the Arlo app on devices that operate within the iOS system. From what I have read this is an option for those who use Android-based systems. When my device goes into do not disturb each evening the default notification does not suffice! We need the option to choose a notification sound that will let us know there is something going on that needs our attention. This may seem trivial to some but I would think this should be a high priority level for Arlo developers. Thank you for your understanding and consideration. ff782bc1db

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