Hi! I found this post from 2015 and have read every message up until the end (july 2016). I am unfortunate to run into the same problem described by anonymoussir; however, sometimes I get the hang when I try to log into my apple account (say to download updates or sign into iTunes) or sometimes I get error messages (one was that I was not authorized to do that [i think i was trying to back up a device to iCloud through my macbook], another says "This action cannot be completed. Try again." [when trying to download updates]). I am ashamed to admit that before searching for solutions on the internet, I tried a few things myself (I am usually really good with electronics and with my apple products, although I am definitely more hardware, less software). I also have played around with different things before running into this problem (nothing that I believe created the problem as it just popped up out of no where a couple weeks ago).. I did not just update to El Capitan. I have been using it for a while (well, I went back and forth from yosemite a couple of times) and I use the handoff features quite a lot, as well as syncing photos, music, email, and I seem to be having issues with these now. I tried resetting PRAM, SMC, safe boot, creating a new user, single user mode, repairing permissions, my serial number is accounted for, and I even signed out of iCloud anonymoussir (this deleted the stuff from my mac but not from iCloud which I am able to get to on all of my other devices [ipad, iPhone, dads macbook air, and hopefully my "new" macbook pro 2012 that comes tomorrow] although not in that order! the macbook pro I am using now is a mid 2009 and is not able to update to sierra (sad panda). Anyway, I would like to solve this problem regardless and hopefully help any others who may still encounter it (hopefully no one will have to read this and I am the last one). I have not yet tried apenguins solution as I wanted to read through all the posts and see if anyone had experience the problem with the same details as me. I will report back when I have found a solution. (Seems that I may want to go back and retry some of the things that I have already, I will note the order in case it matters.)

thank you for your response. The issue is not with the Apple ID. My iPad works completely fine with the Apple ID. I know the password. I know everything I need to know. I can log in at appleid.apple.com. It's just that El Capitan is not accepting the password.

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can you please describe the exact error message you received before the issue was fixed? mine was specific - when I typed in my password, it said "authentication error," which makes sense since I should be typing in an app-specific password. When I go to appleid.apple.com and generate one, it just says "wrong password."

I also with in a day or two of upgrading to El Capitan was locked out of my Macbook. My iPad and iPhone worked fine. I was able to reset my AppleID Password via my iPhone and then able to use my El Capitan Macbook Pro again. The one glitch that persists is that iTunes jumps up and down daily asking me to reenter the appleID into it.

This exact thing is happening to me as I have spent TWO DAYS I took off work to take a revved up MacPro 3,1 to a wiped and rebuilt state for a resale. It's been a waste of the two days I took off from work to get this and some other old apple HW on ebay to move it off the shelves. It's been like an endurance test I can't beat! The Mac Pro shipped with 10.5. Was upgraded to 10.11.6 ultimately, and not used for the last three years. Time to sell it off. I had original system discs for 10.5 as well as the 10.6 install disc, but I can't install either of these because the installer on the DVD is 32-bit! My only option is Recovery mode, where I was -finally- able to erase the SSD, and the partition was put there to reinstall El Capitan from the web, but the process hangs after I login with the iCloud account info associated with this computer. Then I get the same image at the head of this thread. 403 error from the server. My next thought is to turn off the Mac Pro, reboot, and start again, but with a blank SSD, will the recovery partition still be there after power is cut? The Mac is in a precarious state and the act of erasing and reinstalling before a sale has been a grinding, painful process of multiple hurdles to try [and fail] to overcome. Any help here?

The i restore again to El capitan, again using time machine back up. After complete restore, it asks to set up the iCloud, there you should put your login details. Then it worked out perfect, all my apps using information from the iCloud were sync flowless.

I updated to el capitan last night and have been trying every possible method to connect to the wifi. I have tried to reset network settings, tried to restart the router and my internet. I have not been able to connect to safari or chrome for more than 1-3 minutes after startup. I have a MacBook pro 2011 17" and an apple time capsule so it shouldn't be a compatibility issue. Also, I don't know if there is already a solution, so any help would be appreciated. It says I have Internet connection but can't actually log on to chrome or safari. Thanks

Just signed in for the first time to share my experience on the same issue.. and yes it also gives a crash error when quiting the application. This issue has made me loose unsaved work a few times now. I feel like el capitan is still in it's pulic beta. If not why such issues on a so popular product? did they forget to test it out?

Do you know how much it costs to own an adobe suit? then you will realize what our pain is. you show how hollow you are, please try to grab the whole situation and help if you can. In windows I dont have a damn issue with windows 10... so much for apple

Was trying to instal el capitan on my macbook , the installation starts and after a few minutes stops and a messaging saying the os x could'nt be install on the computer, please contact the software editor to get help.

hi ,iv tried updating to el capitan and i seem to be stuck on the install screen ,every time i turn the computer off i can't seem to get many options,how do i get out of it to change the date so it will hopefully install,thanks

I did my back up on an external drive. Wasn't getting any beach ball before and I got the el capitan on the apple website. My computer worked completly well before trying the installation.. I doubt it's a hard drive/IR problem e24fc04721

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