Family Newsletter

Back to School Issue

Volume 3, Number 1, September 2023

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome back!  We are thrilled to welcome your students to a new year at APPA.  Whether your student is new to APPA or an old friend, we could not be more excited about starting the new school year.

If you are new to APPA, welcome!  These monthly family newsletters are a chance for us to share some of the great things happening at APPA.  We take seriously our role of partnering with you to support your child's education.  Each month, this newsletter shares strategies, tips, and events you can use to support your student's learning.  

Please feel free to share any questions or concerns with me directly at, or by calling us here at the school.  I look forward to seeing you soon!

To that end, we hope you will join us Friday, September 15th, in the Courtyard from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm for our Back to School Fair.  See more information below!

Here we go!

M-J Mercanti-Anthony, Ed.D



Estimados padres y tutores,

¡Bienvenido de nuevo! Estamos encantados de darles la bienvenida a sus estudiantes a un nuevo año en APPA. Ya sea que su estudiante sea nuevo en APPA o un viejo amigo, no podríamos estar más emocionados de comenzar el nuevo año escolar.

Si eres nuevo en APPA, ¡bienvenido! Estos boletines familiares mensuales son una oportunidad para que compartamos algunas de las grandes cosas que suceden en APPA. Nos tomamos en serio nuestro papel de asociarnos con usted para apoyar la educación de su hijo. Cada mes, este boletín comparte estrategias, consejos y eventos que puede utilizar para apoyar el aprendizaje de sus estudiantes.

No dude en compartir cualquier pregunta o inquietud conmigo directamente en, o llamándonos aquí al colegio. ¡Espero verte pronto!

Con ese fin, esperamos que nos acompañe el viernes 15 de septiembre en el Courtyard de 2:00 pm a 3:00 pm para nuestra Feria de Regreso a Clases. ¡Vea más información a continuación!

¡Aquí vamos!

MJ Mercanti-Anthony, Ed.D


This Month's Important Parent Announcements

Welcome from the Chancellor

Please see this back to school video and information page from NYC School's Chancellor David Banks.  

Parent Portal

Please be sure to click here to register for the city's new Parent Portal.  You will need your student's OSIS number to register.  If you have any issues, please reach out to our Parent Coordinator, Ms. Williams, here at the school  

Back to School Fair

All familes was invited to APPA's Back to School fair afterschool on Friday, September 15th, sponsored by the YMCA.  Join us outside in the Courtyard here at the school for giveaways, community resources, and lots of fun.  Students will be there 8th period.  All families are welcome to join them from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Parent Association

Please join us for the next parent association meeting, September 20th at 6 pm. Dr. M will be our featured speaker and answer any back to school questions!  

Click here to join the meeting at 6:00 pm September 20th.  

Sign Up for YMCA After School Program

APPA's middle school after school program, run by the YMCA, is free of charge and a terrific way to futher support your student.  The program is available for all APPA students in grades 6-8.  It runs every day after school from 2:50 to 6:00 pm.  Students will participate in enrichment activites, acadmic support, art, STEM, and lots more.  They even get a snack!

To sign up, complete the form linked here or contact Mr. Mark at

Parent Conference 9/28

The fist round of Parent-Teacher Conferences is scheduled for Thursday Evening, September 28th.  All conferences are virtual.  Please watch your email for a registration link later this month!

Respect for All

At APPA, we value each member of our community and treat them with equal respect.  Please find here a link to the New York's Respect for All Resources

Graduation Pictures

Though graduation was months ago, we thought we'd share some of these great pictures from June, as this is the goal for all our students!

Discipline Code

All Families are encouraged to review this information regarding the New York City student discipline code.  APPA is happy to supply a hard copy of this information to you on request.

Prepare for remote learning in the event of weather-related or emergency closures.

If NYC public school buildings are closed as a result of inclement weather, APPA students will participate in remote learning at home. Visit our Digital Learning webpage for resources and information that can help you and your child be ready for remote learning days. 

Condom Availability Program

High schools are required (by the New York City Department of Education HIV/AIDS prevention program) to provide Health Resource Rooms where free condoms, health information, and health referrals are made available to students in grades 9-12 by trained and trusted staff. Parents and legal guardians may opt their student out of receiving condoms. However, all students may receive information and referrals to health services. 

New 9th grade families will recieve an opt-out form by email.  Please contact high school guidance counselor Martha Falconi at with any questios or concerns.  

September Calendar

Contact Information

Ms. Vivian Williams, Parent Coordinator 929-333-2625 

Dr. M-J Mercanti-Anthony, Principal 718-824-3152  ext.22857

Adam Waterbury, Assistant Principal 718-824-3152 ext. 22903

Lissette Castillo, Assistant Principal I.A. 718-824-3152 ext. 12471

Maria Muniz,  Middle School Counselor 718-824-3152 ext. 12483

Martha Falconi, High School Counselor 718-824-3152 ext. 12981

Raquel Smith, PA President 718-824-3152 ext. 12904

Important School Links

Parent Resources