Family Newsletter

March/April Issue

Volume 4, Number 8, March/April 2024

Dear Families,

Happy Spring!  There is a lot going on this Spring here at APPA we're excited to let you know about.  We hope you will consider joining us for any or all of the opportunities to be together over the next few weeks.

In addition, with spring comes testing season here at APPA.  Middle School students are up first, as they take the MS ELA exam next month.  You can help!  The most important thing your child can do at home is ready.  They each have an independent reading book that they picked themselves in class.  Students should try to read at least 20 minutes a night.  We know the best thing they can do to grow their brain is to look away from a screen and open a book.  We also know that is easier said than done, but we are pushing that message here at school as well.  

You may have heard we have a contest going here at APPA.  If students in grades 6-9 read a combined total of 1000 books between now and June, I will get slimed on Field Day!  Let's see if they can do it!  


M-J Mercanti-Anthony, Ed.D



Queridas familias,

¡Feliz primavera! Esta primavera están sucediendo muchas cosas aquí en APPA que nos complace informarle. Esperamos que considere unirse a nosotros en cualquiera o todas las oportunidades de estar juntos durante las próximas semanas.

Además, con la primavera llega la temporada de exámenes aquí en APPA. Los estudiantes de secundaria ocupan el primer lugar, ya que tomarán el examen MS ELA el próximo mes. ¡Puedes ayudar! Lo más importante que su hijo puede hacer en casa es estar listo. Cada uno tiene un libro de lectura independiente que escogieron ellos mismos en clase. Los estudiantes deben intentar leer al menos 20 minutos por noche. Sabemos que lo mejor que pueden hacer para hacer crecer su cerebro es apartar la vista de una pantalla y abrir un libro. También sabemos que es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo, pero también estamos impulsando ese mensaje aquí en la escuela.

Es posible que hayas oído que tenemos un concurso aquí en APPA. Si los estudiantes en los grados 6-9 leen un total combinado de 1000 libros desde ahora hasta junio, ¡me embadurnarán el día de campo! ¡A ver si pueden hacerlo!


MJ Mercanti-Anthony, Ed.D


This Month's Important Parent Announcements

Parent Teacher Conferences

Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences are this week!  Please use this link to sign up for a conference with your student's teacher either the evening of Thursday, March 21st or  Friday afternoon, March 22nd.  Slots are filling fast, so make your request today!

Because of conferences, school is a half-day on Friday, March 22nd..  All students will be dismissed at 11:40 am.  

Annual DOE Parent Survey

The annual DOE parent survey is now live!  If you have not yet completed the survey, please take some time to access it at

Parent Portal

Please be sure to click here to register for the city's new Parent Portal.  You will need your student's OSIS number to register.  If you have any issues, please reach out to our Parent Coordinator, Ms. Williams, here at the school  

Join our Free Parent Zumba Class!

Through a sponsorship with the YMCA, all parents are invited to join us for a Zumba class with a certified instructor.  It's a fun way to think spring!  The next class is Tuesday, April 9th  at 3:00 pm!

Parent Nutrition Workshops

This April, consider joining Parent Coordinator Ms. Williams and PA President Raquel Smith, as they facilitate a series of free workshops on family nutrition!  

Experts from Cornell University will be here each week to share how to support your families dietary needs.  Refreshments will be served each week!

Parent Association Meeting

The next meeting of the Parent Association is scheduled for Tuesday, March 26th @ 6PM !  The meeting is virtual -- all parents will receive a link before the event.  Come join us!

Important Dates

School is closed for Easter recess Friday, March 29th and Monday, April 1st.  School is also closed for Eid on Wednesday, April 10th.   

 Middle School Friendship Dance 

Middle  School students enjoyed APPA's first-ever Valentine themed Friendship Dance last month afterschool in the cafeteria.  A fun time was had by all! Yet another new APPA Tradition!

High School Pi Day

On March 14th, High School Students celebrated Pi Day in honor of the mathematical number that starts with 3.14 (Hence March 14th).  Hat's off to our first-ever Pi Day Champion Shamaya, who remebered 25 digits of Pi from memory!

Parenting Resources from our ASTOR Partners

March & April Calendars 

Contact Information

Ms. Vivian Williams, Parent Coordinator 929-333-2625 

Dr. M-J Mercanti-Anthony, Principal 718-824-3152  ext.22857

Adam Waterbury, Assistant Principal 718-824-3152 ext. 22903

Lissette Castillo, Assistant Principal I.A. 718-824-3152 ext. 12471

Maria Muniz,  Middle School Counselor 718-824-3152 ext. 12483

Martha Falconi, High School Counselor 718-824-3152 ext. 12981

Raquel Smith, PA President 718-824-3152 ext. 12904

Important School Links

Parent Resources