My App Store update to Xcode 13.3 was appearing to be stuck today until I noticed that XclamXAV was also very busy. Install completed once I disabled background anti-virus processes. This is obvious to 99+% of you, and I should have known myself, but it is easy forget sometimes.

But it is still very slow/stuck. Checking the Console (filtering on app store) shows lots of connection issues/retries. Mostly things like ""The connection to ACDAccountStore was invalidated." I killed the "installd" process using Activity Monitor. And downloaded manually, which was way, waaaaaay faster:

App Store Xcode Download Stuck


And the way it was resolved was by opening the "Activity Monitor" app and under CPU, when I sort by most used process, "installd" was the one I stop/kill and after that, the xcode app restart the download and completed successfully.

xcode 13.3.1 same issue on m1 mini. The download was quick but install phase just spins. Had similar issue with last update too previous to this. nothing helps, no reboot nothing, not even app store process killing and cache flushing. the success is just happening random it seems. Assist with this would help a ton !

If you will check info about this process there will be tab Open Files and Ports and there in the bottom of the log window, you will see %YourApp%.ipa. And in general if Sent Packets & Sent Bytes increasing that's mean uploading is not stuck it's just can be one of many issues such as:

This is how I solved it, because the company's broadband uses a telecom network operator, and my mobile phone uses a mobile network operator. I share the 4G data of the mobile phone to the computer for uploading. The exciting thing is that the upload speed is very high. Fast, and the last step will never get stuck

Installing Xcode from App store was stuck for me as well it kept on showing rotating loader, I have to say their progress bar isn't the best indicator. Before losing hopes its always best to check the progress behind the curtain. You are going to need 'Console' app for this.

My project has changed a bit from the last version, I installed Firebase analytics, so now I had to use a xcworkspace (because of the Cocoa Pods) instead of the xcodeproj to archive my app, I don't know if this can be the problem.

I'm trying to install xcode from the app store, but it keeps getting stuck. Either at the start, the loading indicator never moves, or it downloads fully (I see 8.07 GB out of 8.07GB), but the loading indicator never goes away.

The truth is that Xcode is (most of the time) just really bad at communicating the progress of the update to the user. While I agree that the Xcode update or install does appear to be stuck, and does take an unfortunate amount of time to complete, the real problem is the user experience.

Seeing as you are here reading this article, I assume that you are currently sitting with a stuck Xcode Update. Good luck, and go make yourself a cup of coffee. You might be around a while. Another alternative, however, is to download and install Xcode from the Apple Developer website directly.

I noticed that there's a -num-threads 8 argument and that only one swift process eats up 100% CPU so I guess that I don't reach the parallel compilation step but the compiler gets stuck in some kind of dependency tracing or something else that happens before the actual compilation.

Our support team has been complaining about issues installing Xcode from selfservice for a few months. On the JAMF side of things no errors to speak off, all the management commands do their thing without issue. In the lab I can install xcode but it takes a long while. Most of our users are remote with a much slower network connection to my lab, and add the VPN to complicate things.

Ha, ya. Tell me about it. In My lab I have an AppStore policy to just automatically install xcode. However with the size of xcode I prefer to let users click the button if needed though I may need to change my stance on that. I decided to start force caching macOS upgrades with Catalina, I may as well with Xcode now as well. These things are just getting too large for people to wait patiently especially without any real progress notification.

Deploying xcode has been a complete mess for me as well. I tried lots of ways of trying to package it but it would be very hit and miss, largely uploading was the issue more than anything because of it's size. I switched to VPP but now that seems broken with 12.5.1. Most of my devs were able to allow Jamf to auto-update Xcode when they upgraded to BigSur but now that I'm trying to upgrade one of our build servers I'm seeing self-service just give me a very helpful error. No details and I can't find any details in any of the logs to give me any more information. Right now I'm downloading the XIP so I can manually install it but that's not a long-term solution.

Hello all. Our recent app submission (first submission - launching in app store for first time) was approved last Thursday and published immediately after. We submitted it for publishing shortly after but it has been stuck in "Processing to Available" for more than 5 days since Thursday with the yellow box next to it for all 175 regions/countries.

A project I've been working for 2 months stopped working for no reason because Xcode got stucked on "Indexing". I can't Build the project anymore. If I try to build, Xcode freezes and I have to force quit. This happens only with this project.

This issue happened to me when my machine was out of swap space. Closed several programs and browser tabs and the build suddenly succeeded after 30 minutes of being stuck in place. Nothing to do with derived data, locked files, etc. on my side. e24fc04721

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