The first textbook I picked up was minna no nihongo. Back then I had no idea what I was doing and just picked up the most common suggestion I could find. Ordered it conveniently at amazon and when it arrived the next day in my mailbox it was a big surprise: The whole darn thing was written in Japanese. And mind you I barely managed Hiragana back then not to speak of any grammar. I mean it was my intention to learn all that with this textbook. Sorry if I were a little too demanding.

In 2012 they released a new version of minna no nihongo which features a CD as well. And the cover-redesign was not a bad idea either. In contrast to the Genki textbooks where you have to buy an additional answer key (so you can use the book comfortably in class), everything is included here. Except for any grammatical explanations of course. The pictures are mostly from the second book you have to buy with the explanations and not from the initial textbook.

Minna No Nihongo N5


Maybe the harsh tone and overly academical style of minna no nihongo is right up your alley. No offense. I mean the textbook looks nice, the pictures are on a healthy kawaii level and if you like the explanations why not go the minna route.

Thanks for sharing your experience with minna no nihongo. Exactly what I felt when using at at the very beginning. Hope you found my study tips because the Tae Kim grammar guide could probably be exactly what you need. e24fc04721

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