
App Lab Unit

Student App Projects!

  Click here to see our projects !!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Work in Progress)!

“I think it's fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we've ever created. They're tools of communication, they're tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.” - Bill Gates“Everybody should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.” - Steve Jobs

Developing Coding in Middle School

Created by:  Barbara Campbell, M.Ed.

Digital Literacy and Computer Science

Instructional Technology Specialist

CS Pathways Link: 

Follow these lessons in any order you choose!  Best idea is to start with Lesson 1!

App Lab Learning Unit

What is Coding and Computer Programming?

Content Objectives: Students will be able to identify what coding is and how it relates to the real world. 

Language Objectives: Students will be able to listen and respond to a discussion board.

Google Jamboard Activity:  What do you think Coding is?

Discuss Responses.

Edpuzzle: What is coding? 

Brainpop:  Computer Programming: Movie, Review Challenge and Quiz for Pre-assessment for unit.

Is Computer Programming Hard? BILL GATES: 

PBJ and Computer Programmy ANALOGY: 

Lesson Plan 1: Coding Vocabulary

Content Objectives: Students will be able to identify key vocabulary words needed for coding.

Lanugage Objectives: Students will be able to practice listening to vocabulary using listen tool and activities. Vocabulary/Intro Video to Intro to App Lab


Code Vocabulary Quizlet:  Review Vocabulary: Practice 15 minutes with flashcards/games 



Practice: Then Quizlet Live (Teacher run)





Lesson Plan 2: Coding Vocab and Intro to App Lab 1-4

Content Objectives: Use Google Credentials to sign in to an online coding resource.  Identify the levels one to four requirements.

Language Objectives: Use the listen tool to assist students in directions of level objectives.

Vocabulary Practice and Intro to App Lab Levels 1-4 today
Quiz on terms tomorrow!  Study the Quizlet set tonight!


STRETCH What is App Lab? Sign-in and Review assignment for App Lab and how it works.


Sign in to with your Google Credentials.  Your Assignment App Lab. 

Watch the video independently for level 1.  


Then complete EdPuzzle: Intro to App Lab. Levels 1-4 today. 

Content Objective Goals of Intro to App Lab: 

Lesson Plan 3: Coding Vocab Assessment

Content Objectives: identify definitions of coding vocabulary 

Language Objectives: Use the listen tool to assist students in reading and responding to assessment questions. 

Quizlet Review Coding Terms 

From Google Classroom, complete  Vocabulary Coding Terms assessment: 




Lesson Plan 4: Intro to App Lab 5-7

Content Objective: 

Language Objective:

App Lab Documentation: 

App Lab Concepts: 

Lesson Plan 5: Intro to App Lab 8-15

Content Objective: 

Language Objective:

App Lab Documentation: 

App Lab Concepts: 

Lesson Plan 5.5: Female Engineers and CS

Content Objective: identify outstanding women in computer science and recognize why there are not as many women as men in computer science.

Language Objective: Use Closed Captioning to access Edpuzzle Assignments

Lesson Plan 6: Coding and Cybersecurity

Content Objective: identify what cybersecurity means in relationship to computer programming.

Language Objective: read, listen and interact to create levels of coding.

Edpuzzle: Khan Academy Cybersecurity: What is Cybersecurity? 

Edpuzzle: Cybersecurity 

Discussion Board: Cybersecurity

Question: What part of our online presence should be focused on for cybersurity and why?

What is Cybersecurity? 


Cybersecrity Quizlet: 




Play Quizlet Live


Activity: Edpuzzle: An Introduction to CyberSecurity Careers



Lesson Plan 7: App Design & Pitch Your Passion

Content Objective: identify a passion for creating an app.

Language Objective: Discuss and sketch your app idea

Lesson Plan 8: USING App Lab

Content Objective: 

Language Objective:

App Lab Documentation: 

App Lab Concepts: 

Lesson Plan 9: Computer Science Careers

Content Objective: Identify what cybersecurity is in relationship to Malware. Identify careers in Cybersecurity

Language Objective: Listen and watch video on cybersecurity and careers in cybersecurity.

12 Year Old App Developer: 

Amazon Future Engineer: 

Computer Science Careers: 

Computers are Changing Everything: 


Activity: Edpuzzle: An Introduction to CyberSecurity Careers: 



Lesson Plan 9.5: Creative Commons, Copyright and Fair Use

Content Objective: Identify what creative commons, copyright and fair use is in relation ship to electronic media.

Language Objective: Listen and watch video copyright creative commons and plagiarism.

Edpuzzle:  Copyright

Edpuzzle: Creative Commons

BP: Plagiarism



Lesson Plan 10: App Lab Get Started

Content Objective: 

Language Objective:

Positive Impact App Lesson

Lesson Plan 11: Building Your App: Remix?

Content Objective: identify how to make a simple app in App Lab

Language Objective: Listen and watch video on how to

Use App Lab

Making a Simple App: 

      Hackathon: Beginner App Tutorial 

Remix in 

Secrets of Coding in 

Lesson Plan 12: Debugging Yor App

Content Objective: 

Language Objective:

Debugging in 4 Easy Steps: 

Links to Sections on Debugging in App Lab

Lesson 7: Debugging

Debugging Event-Driven Programs: IDs (Part of Lesson 1: Buttons and Events)

Debugging with Console.log (Part of Lesson 2: Multi-screen Apps)

Debugging Variables (Part of Lesson 5: Building an App: Clicker Game)

Writing and Debugging maxVal (Part of Lesson 16: Functions with Return Values)

Lesson Plan 13: Sharing Your App

Content Objective: create a hyperlink to App Lab project and post in discussion board on Google Classroom.

Language Objective: Watch and replicate process to post hyperlink to App Lab Project.

Sharing in 

Share your App in 

Lesson Plan 15: Computer Programming Post Assessment

Content Objective: 

Language Objective:

Computer Science Resources for Students 

