
Post-doctoral researcher, DICE, University of Düsseldorf

Advanced Econometrics (Masters+PhD)-2024

Macroeconomics (Masters) - 2020:Present

Seminar on Economics of Innovation - 2019:2022

Advanced empirical economics (Masters+PhD)-2020

Graduate Teaching Fellow, University of Nottingham

     Economics Dissertation (L13500) - 2019

     Development Economics (L12317) - 2018

Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Nottingham 

    (Evaluation score from 1 to 5 in brackets, 5-Bad, 1-Excellent

     Economic integration (L11215, 1.58) - 2018

     Mathematical Economics (L11MEE, 1.51) - 2017

     Macroeconomic Theory (L12402, 1.36) - 2017

     Introduction to Microeconomics (L11100, 1.45) -2016

Graduate Teaching Assistant, London School of Economics 

    Macroeconomics (EC100) -2011

    Microeconomics (EC100) -2010

Click here for Student Teaching Evaluations