Introduction & goal


This simulation game is developed mainly to raise the alertness for environmental protection of individuals, also leading to changes in lifestyle to benefit nature.

People living in the wealthy areas of the world has never been to the developing areas where humans have to invade the territory of wild beasts, driving them to further lands or maybe blind alleys. However, this damages the ecological balance significantly because the distinction rate of endangered animal species is higher than ever. This topic has been widely discussed ever since humans entered the era of technology, people are struggling to find the balance of sustainable development in life to live in peace with other species and maintain an appropriate biodiversity.

This game has a significant benefit when compared with other products or slogans in society nowadays. This game can provide a first person perspective, an immersed experience for individuals that have little chance to actually feel the negative effects we have done to the nature kingdom. The commercials, slogans and products in the market currently cannot let the people directly soak themselves in the situation of wild lives. Consequently, while playing the game, the character that that player represent will slowly fall into the situation of lacking food, water and shelter, as the player helplessly watch the hp figure decreases to 0, they will have a similar emotion with animals that actually strives to live under this state. By receiving this sense of substitution, the individuals are more likely to make actual adjustments to life.


This project is based on the idea to remind players the damage we humans are giving the animals. While playing, the gamer will discover that the animal is being continuously threathened by the lack of food and the pollution of habitats. This is a protrayal of reality for wild living creatures. By making this game, I hope human can make green changes to their lifestyles, even if it is just a tiny change.


Some of Unity techniques and systems that have been proposed to model the creature figures and the map used in our simulation game, which allows the user to operate the character freely by the keyboard. Also, Java scripts are written to allow the health bar and poison bar to elevate and drop, the camera to always follow the player and be able to rotate according to the movement of the mouse, the resource area to randomly generate and etc. Also, we have obtained ASP codes to generate maps fast and accurate according to the area and height demands.