In preparation 

30. Lorenzo F. Ochoa, ......, Juhyuk Park, ......, Kwanghun Chung, TBD.

29. Minyoung E. Kim, ……, Juhyuk Park, ……, Kwanghun Chung, TBD. ​ 

28. Yuxuan Tian, Chang Ho Sohn, …… Juhyuk Park, …… Kwanghun Chung, TBD. ​ 

27. Yuxuan Tian, ......,  Juhyuk Park, …… Kwanghun Chung, TBD. ​ 

26. Xinyi Gu, Chuanxi Zhao, ......, Juhyuk Park, ......, Kwanghun Chung, TBD.

25. Preston Ge, ......, Juhyuk Park, …… Kwanghun Chung, Myriam Heiman, TBD. ​ 

24. Seo Woo Choi, ......, Juhyuk Park, ......, Kwanghun Chung, TBD.


23. Juhyuk Park†, Ji Wang†, Webster Guan†, Lars Gjesteby, Dylan Pollack, Lee Kamentsky, Nicholas B. Evans, Jeffrey Stirman, Xinyi Gu, Chuanxi Zhao, Slayton Marx, Minyoung E. Kim, Seo Woo Choi, Michael Snyder, David Chavez, Clover Su-Arcaro, Yuxuan Tian, Chang Sin Park, Qiangge Zhang, Dae Hee Yun, Mira Moukheiber, Guoping Feng, X. William Yang, C. Dirk Kenee, Patrick R. Hof, Satrajit S. Ghosh, Matthew P. Frosh, Laura Brattain, Kwanghun Chung*, 

“Integrated platform for multi-scale molecular imaging and phenotyping of the human brain”, 

Science, in press (2024) (†: equally contributing first authors) [link]

22. Dae Hee Yun†, Young-Gyun Park†, Jae Hun Cho, Lee Kamentsky, Nicholas B. Evans, Nicholas DiNapoli, Katherine Xie, Seo Woo Choi, Alexandre Albanese, Yuxuan Tian, Chang Ho Sohn, Qiangge Zhang, Minyoung E. Kim, Justin Swaney, Webster Guan, Juhyuk Park, Gabi Drummond, Heejin Choi, Luzdary Ruelas, Guoping Feng, Kwanghun Chung*, 

“Universal strategy for volumetric single-cell processing and its demonstration in rapid and scalable organ-scale molecular phenotyping“, TBD, in revision (2024)(†: equally contributing first authors)

2022 ​ 

21. Benjamin Fenelon, Lars A Gjesteby, Webster Guan, Juhyuk Park, Kwanghun Chung, Laura J Brattain, 

"A Scalable Inference Pipeline for 3D Axon Tracing Algorithms" 

IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), pp. 1-6 (2022), DOI: 10.1109/HPEC55821.2022.9926403 [link]

20. Chengbin Yu, Juhyuk Park, Jae Ryoun Youn*, and Young Seok Song*, 

“Sustainable solar energy harvesting using PCM (phase-change-materials) composites and pyroelectric films”, 

Energy Conversion and Management 253, 115145 (2022), DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2021.115145 [link]

19. Chengbin Yu, Juhyuk Park, Jae Ryoun Youn*, and Young Seok Song*, 

“Integrating form-stable phase change materials with pyroelectric film for improving thermo-electric energy harvesting”, 

Applied Energy 307, 118212 (2022), DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.118212 [link]

2021 ​ 

18. Joha Park†, Sarim Khan†, Dae Hee Yun†, Taeyun Ku, Katherine L. Villa, Jiachen E. Lee, Qiangge Zhang, Juhyuk Park, Guoping Feng, Elly Nedivi*, Kwanghun Chung*, 

“Epitope-preserving magnified analysis of proteome (eMAP)”, 

Science Advances 7(46), eabf6589 (2021), DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abf6589 (†: equally contributing first authors) [link] ​ ​ 

17. Juhyuk Park, Jae Ryoun Youn*, and Young Seok Song*, 

"Metamaterial hydrodynamic flow concentrator", 

Extreme Mechanics Letters 42, 101061 (2021), DOI: 10.1016/j.eml.2020.101061 [link]

2020 ​ 

16. Juhyuk Park and Young Seok Song*, 

“Assembling hydrodynamic cloaks to conceal complex objects from drag”, 

Journal of Fluids and Structures 98, 103136 (2020), DOI: 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2020.103136 [link] ​ ​ 

15. Juhyuk Park and Young Seok Song*, 

"Laminar flow manipulators", 

Extreme Mechanics Letters 40, 100908 (2020), DOI: 10.1016/j.eml.2020.100908 [link] ​ ​ 

14. Juhyuk Park, Seon Yeong Park, Doojin Lee, and Young Seok Song*, 

"Shape memory polymeric composites embedded with hybrid ceramic microparticles", 

Smart Materials and Structures 29, 055037 (2020), DOI: 10.1088/1361-665X/ab5e53 [link] ​ ​ 

13. Hansu Kim†, Juhyuk Park†, Kyung Suh Minn, Jae Ryoun Youn*, and Young Seok Song*, 

"Eco-friendly Nanocellulose Embedded Polymer Composite Foam for Flame Retardancy Improvement", 

Macromolecular Research 28, 165-171 (2020), DOI: 10.1007/s13233-020-8020-5 (†: equally contributing first authors) [link]

2019 ​ 

12. Juhyuk Park, Jae Ryoun Youn*, and Young Seok Song*, 

"Hydrodynamic Metamaterial Cloak for Drag-Free Flow", 

Physical Review Letters 123, 074502 (2019), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.074502 [link

*Highlighted paper in the journal 

**Featured in Science News (US), Inside Science (US), Science Times (US), APS Physics (US), Phys. Org. (US), Ars Technica (US), (Germany), Welt der Physik (Germany), Naked Science (Russia), Denik (Czechia), Inovação Tecnológica (Portugal), Frontline (India), Yonhap News (Korea), Donga Science (Korea), Chosun Biz (Korea), etc. ​ ​ 

11. Juhyuk Park, Jae Ryoun Youn*, and Young Seok Song*, 

"Fluid-Flow Rotator Based on Hydrodynamic Metamaterial", 

Physical Review Applied 12(6), 061002 (2019), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.12.061002 [link] ​ ​ 

10. Hansu Kim, Juhyuk Park, Kyung Suh Minn, Seong Yul Pak, Doojin Lee, Jae Ryoun Youn*, and Young Seok Song*, 

"Flame Retardant Composite Foam Modified by Silylated Nanocellulose and Tris(2-chloropropyl) Phosphate", 

Fibers and Polymers 20 (11), 2280-2288 (2019), DOI: 10.1007/s12221-019-9491-x [link] ​ ​ 

9. Hyung Min Kim, Juhyuk Park, Zheng Min Huang, Jae Ryoun Youn*, and Young Seok Song*, 

"Carbon Nanotubes Embedded Shape Memory Polyurethane Foams", 

Macromolecular Research 27(9), 919-925 (2019), DOI: 10.1007/s13233-019-7129-x [link] ​ 

8. Juhyuk Park, Hyung Min Kim, Jae Ryoun Youn*, and Young Seok Song*, 

"Smart Noise Control Using Shape Memory Sound Absorber", 

Advanced Materials Technologies 4(2), 1800410 (2019), DOI: 10.1002/admt.20180041 [link]

2018 ​ 

7. Sei Hyun Yang†, Juhyuk Park†, Jae Ryoun Youn*, and Young Seok Song*, 

"Programmable microfluidic logic device fabricated with shape memory polymer", 

Lab on a Chip 18(18), 2865-2872 (2018), DOI: 10.1088/1361-665X/aa7224 (†: equally contributing first authors) [link] ​ ​ 

6. Juhyuk Park, Sei Hyun Yang, Kyung Suh Minn, Cheng Bin Yu, Seong Yul Pak, Young Seok Song, and Jae Ryoun Youn*, 

"Design and numerical analysis of syntactic hybrid foam for superior sound absorption", 

Materials & Design 142, 212-220 (2018), DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2018.01.040 [link]

2017 ​ 

5. Juhyuk Park, Jae Ryoun Youn*, and Young Seok Song*, 

"Carbon Nanotube Embedded Nanostructure for Biometrics", 

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9(51), 44724-44731 (2017), DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b15567 [link] ​ ​ 

4. Juhyuk Park, Kyung Suh Minn, Hyung Rae Lee, Sei Hyun Yang, Cheng Bin Yu, Chi Sung Oh, Young Seok Song, Yeon June Kang*, and Jae Ryoun Youn*, 

"Cell openness manipulation of low density polyurethane foam for efficient sound absorption", 

Journal of Sound and Vibration 406, 224–236 (2017), DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2017.06.021 [link] ​ ​ 

3. Juhyuk Park, Jae Ryoun Youn*, and Young Seok Song*, 

"Sustainable antireflection using recoverable nanopattern arrays", 

Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5(40), 10600-10608 (2017), DOI: 10.1039/C7TC02942J [link] ​ ​ 

2. Juhyuk Park, Hansu Kim, Jae Ryoun Youn*, and Young Seok Song*, 

"Strategic design and fabrication of acrylic shape memory polymers", 

Smart Materials and Structures 26(8), 085026 (2017), DOI: 10.1088/1361-665X/aa7224 [link] ​ ​ 

1. Juhyuk Park, Sei Hyun Yang, Hyung Rae Lee, Cheng Bin Yu, Seong Yul Pak, Chi Sung Oh, Yeon June Kang*, and Jae Ryoun Youn*, 

"Optimization of low frequency sound absorption by cell size control and multiscale poroacoustics modeling", 

Journal of Sound and Vibration 397, 17-30 (2017), DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2017.03.004 [link] ​