Call for papers

We invite abstracts (in English) for 20-minute talks (plus 10 minutes for discussion) presenting unpublished original research in all areas of Austronesian and Papuan linguistics. Abstracts should be submitted exclusively via the Easy Chair conference system, using the following link.

If you wish to submit a paper to one of the thematic sessions, please do so by using entering the keywords 'language socialization' for thematic session one, and 'complex sentences' for thematic session two.

The abstract should not exceed one page (examples and references included), with 2.5 cm (1 inch) margins, single spacing and Times New Roman 12pt. Submissions must be anonymous and all author-related file properties must be removed. Please include 2 to 4 keywords right below the title of the abstract, including the relevant sub-domain (syntax, phonology, historical linguistics etc.). No more than one single-authored and one co-authored abstract per person will be accepted.

Important dates:

Deadline for submission of abstracts: April 15, 2023 (CET)

Notification of Acceptance: May 30, 2023 (CET)

Please direct any inquiries to: