My papers

Son, J.-B., Ružić, N. K., & Philpott, A. (2023). Artificial intelligence technologies and applications for language learning and teaching. Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Advance online publication.


Aubrey, S., & Philpott, A. (2023). Second language task engagement in face-to-face and synchronous computer-mediated communication modes: Performances and perceptions. System. Advanced online publication.

Philpott, A. (2023). [Review of the book Second Life as a Virtual Playground for Language

Education: A Practical Guide for Teaching and Research, by Julian Chen]. Teaching English as a Second Language Electronic Journal (TESL-EJ), 27(2).

Philpott, A., & Son, J.-B. (2022). Quest-based learning and motivation in an EFL context. Computer Assisted Language Learning. Advance online publication.

Philpott, A., & Son, J.-B. (2022). Leaderboards in an EFL course: Student performance and motivation. Computers & Education, 190, 104605.

Aubrey, S., & Philpott, A. (2022). Use of the L1 and L2 in strategic planning and rehearsal for task performances in an online classroom. Language Teaching Research. 

Philpott, A. (2020). Examining EFL students’ motivation and attitudes toward a gamified course using leaderboards and quests at a Japanese university. [Thesis (PhD/Research)]

Aubrey, S., & Philpott, A. (2019). Inter-cultural and intra-cultural contact and the L2 motivational self system: An EFL classroom intervention study. RELC Journal: Online Advanced Publication, 1-18.

Philpott, A. & Gayed, J. (2018). Examining Japanese Students Learning English in an English Environment. Kwansei Gakuin University Humanities Review, 22, 39-49. Nishinomiya, Japan: Kwansei Gakuin University

Philpott, A. (2016).  Developing student autonomy using semi-autonomous self-access learning tasks in EFL classrooms. Kwansei Gakuin University Humanities Review, 20, 65-80. Nishinomiya, Japan: Kwansei Gakuin University

Philpott, A. (2015). An introduction to gamification: Exploring the narrative of the game. The 2015 PanSIG Journal, 150-157.

Philpott, A. (2015). Students’ reactions to the use of leaderboards in an EFL Class: A gamification-related pilot study. Annual Research Report of the Language Center, 18, 83-99. Nishinomiya, Japan: Kwansei Gakuin University.

Philpott, A., & Alami, A. (2014). Effects of planning on language learners writing performance: A case study. Annual Research Report of the Language Center, 17, 3-15. Nishinomiya, Japan: Kwansei Gakuin University

Philpott, A., & Aleles, J. (2014). University support services, intercultural communication, and languages barriers: A comparative study of two Japanese universities. In F. Uslu (Ed.) Proceedings of INTCESS14- International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (pp. 112-120). Istanbul, Turkey. ISBN: 978-605-64453-0-9

Philpott, A., & Alami, A. (2013) Japanese English as a variety of English? An academic snapshot. Kwansei Gakuin University Humanities Review, 18, 127-139. Nishinomiya, Japan: Kwansei Gakuin University

Philpott, A. (2013). Student opinions towards autonomous learning strategies. Annual Research Report of the Language Center, 16, 23-36. Nishinomiya, Japan: Kwansei Gakuin University

Philpott, A. (2013). Book Review of Scraps. JALT: The Language Teacher 37(1), 35-36.

Philpott, A. (2012). Comparing motivation: CALL vs. Traditional classroom. The Journal of the College of Foreign Languages. Himeji Dokkyo University, 25, 37-54.

Philpott, A. (2011). Blended learning in higher education. The Journal of the College of Foreign Languages. Himeji Dokkyo University, 24, 39-54.