Grants & Awards

Independent Research Fund Denmark: Strengthening research into vulnerable children and young people, 3.1 million DKK (≈$443,000), for “Advancements in medical technology and disparities in health with Niels Skipper (PI), Tine Mundbjerg Eriksen, Peter Thingholm, and Jannet Svensson. Starts August 2024.

Big 12 Faculty Fellowship to visit West Virginia University in academic year 2022-2023

Davids-Dunham Award, 2020. "This award recognizes both your excellence as a teacher and scholar and your support of the mission of Kansas State University and the College of Arts and Sciences to promote diversity through our teaching and scholarship."

KAWSE Recognition Award, 2019.  This award "honors the exceptional efforts undertaken by a K-State faculty or staff member to enrich girls and women’s lives in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines".

Independent Research Fund Denmark: Social Sciences (Danish equivalent of NSF: Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences), 4.2 million DKK (≈$652,000), for Chronic disease in childhood:  Consequences, mechanisms, and inequality in health with Niels Skipper (PI), Tine Mundbjerg Eriksen and Jannet Svensson. 2018-2024.

 University Small Research Grant, Kansas State University, $4,498.55 for “The Effect of Post-Baccalaureate Certificates on Job Search: Results from a Correspondence Study” with Hugh Cassidy and Sheryll Namigit.

 Spencer Grant, $40,850.00 for “Student Loan Repayment” with Chris Reynolds and Max Roy. 01/01/2017-12/31/2018

 Faculty Enhancement Program Grant, Kansas State University, $10,000 for student loan projects with Chris Reynolds and Max Roy

 Institute for Research on Poverty Dissertation Research Award, 2014-2015

 Interdisciplinary Training Program in Education Science Fellowship, 2011-2014