Privacy Policy

This policy describes how Apex Alpha Shooter Gunfire Games, its third party marketing and advertising partners collect, use, process and share information about you. We believe that you have the right to know our practices regarding information we collect and under what circumstances we use it when you play our Games. When posting changes to this privacy statement, we will revise the “last updated” date mentioned in this page.

Types of Information:

There are two types of information we collect through your use of our Games.

Personal Information: This type of information can reveal the identification of an individual user which can be sensitive in nature. After installing a game/app or via the web your IP address and Advertisement ID is automatically and only collected which is used to enhance user experience. No other personal information is collected automatically. Please note your credit card information is not stored or processed by us, if you are using our apps and purchasing virtual items only Google or Apple process your credit card information and all other information related to your credit card.

Your personal information is gathered only with your CONSENT and APPROVAL. Information is obtained only when you ACCEPT the terms and privacy policy consent dialogue within the game.

Non Personal Information: Non-Personal Information is information that does not identify you and cannot be used to contact you personally. Non-Personal Information includes IP address, IMEI & Advertisements IDs & Usage Data, which is anonymous data tied to your computer and/or device, such as the actions you take within and outside of the Websites/Apps, the browser you use, the date and time of your use of the Websites/Apps, your game progress, play time, score and achievements.


We take significant measures to ensure that our games and user information collected by us remains safe and there is no unauthorized access. We have used generally accepted industry standard technologies and internal procedures in this regard. However, there are inherent risks in transmission of information on the internet and electronic storage of information, and we do not guarantee that no unauthorized access will take place.

Cookies and Local Data:

Cookies are small pieces of information stored on your device which enable applications to enable certain features. E.g. User preferences like the muted sound of the game shall be stored locally on your device, frequency capping to make sure that if we decide to promote an app, we do not run the ad of the same game over and over again. We shall store and access such information to enhance your experience. Third party services might use session cookies (which are deleted once you close the app) or persistent cookies (which remain stored until the user clears the cookies). The data stored can be personal or non-personal. Most devices allow you to block and clear cookies. Thus if you have allowed cookies on your device, your local device storage might be used to store and access information.


We may transfer your Personal Information and Non-Personal Information to our other entities, but such information shall continue to be governed by this Privacy Policy.

We will not sell, rent or transfer your Personal Information to third parties without your prior consent. We may share non-precise geolocation information or precise geolocation information (if you choose to allow us to collect it) with advertisers to allow them to serve more relevant and geographically-appropriate advertisements to you.

We may share your Usage Data and Non-Personal Information, such as device IDs, advertising IDs or other persistent identifiers and non-precise geolocation information, with our advertising partners. Those partners may use your Non-Personal Information to serve you tailored advertisements outside of our Websites/Apps; please note that this sharing is limited to anonymous, aggregated Non-Personal Information only and we will not share your Personal Information with advertisers without your prior consent.

We use the services of third parties who will have limited access to your Personal Information to be used for specific purposes. These purposes may include credit card processing, prize delivery, marketing assistance, customer service, and data analysis. The third parties we contract with for these purposes will be authorized to use your Personal Information only for the purposes for which the party was engaged. In addition, Non-Personal Information and Usage Data in aggregated, anonymous form may be shared with third parties who assist us with our operations such as administration, analytics, research, optimisation, and advertising.

Apex Alpha Shooter Gunfire Games may disclose your personal data to third parties as required by law enforcement or other government officials in connection with an investigation of fraud, intellectual property infringements, or other activity that is illegal or may expose you or Apex Alpha Shooter Gunfire Games to legal liability.


We work together with third party service providers to integrate ads (video interstitials, sticky ads, static interstitials and banners) into our games. These ads shall be displayed in our games. These service providers also track your interaction with the ads and the performance of the ads. This information may be personal and/or non-personal. This information is used by us in understanding the way our games are used by you, enhancing our marketing efforts and making games that are better customized for you. The third party service providers’ usage of this information is not covered in this privacy policy.We hereby also inform you that we shall advertise in our games, other games made by us.

Below are provider names of some of the third party analytics and advertising services we use. To learn more about the privacy policy of our third-party service providers please see the links below:


Unity Ads:


Google Analytics:


Game Analytics:







Children’s Privacy: (COPPA Complaint):

Most of our services are not directed to children under 13 and we don’t direct them to anyone under 13. We abide by the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”). If a user gets identified as a child under this prescribed age within the Services, We will not collect, store or use any information of such user. Apex Alpha Shooter Gunfire Games also does not allow third party partners to access personally identifiable data from users under 13. If Apex Alpha Shooter Gunfire Games received personal information and discovered that was provided by a child under the age of 13, We will promptly delete such personal information in a secure manner.

Modification in Policy:

We may decide to update our privacy policy at any time. So we encourage you to visit our policy to keep yourself up-to-date with it.

Contact Us:

You can contact us to make the request for the deletion of your information. All concerns or questions that you might have regarding to this Privacy Policy you can express by contacting us at