There are lots of online communities, though. One is Bored Ape Yacht Club, a self-selected club where you become a member by buying an expensive membership token. The value of that community is, I guess, you feel cool and exclusive? Maybe you befriend a celebrity or a venture capitalist, bonding over your apes.

Nearly two million years ago a species of upright apes known as homo erectus began to utilize fire. It was a gradual process, from opportunistic users of natural fires to masters able to craft flames from flint and tender. We are their descendants. We are creatures of forge and kiln, hearth and home. Fire has become so central to us that instead of homo sapiens, we could call ourselves homo ignus, the fire-wielding ape. Fire is central to the rise of our civilization. It cooks our food, keeps us warm, and illuminates our night. This raises an interesting question. Could we have built a civilization without fire?

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While Leonard and Penny are eating dinner together, Penny asks about his on-going work with a particle detector and superfluids. Leonard is impressed even though Penny did write it down on a napkin from a previous day's discussion. The supercooled helium has a habit of crawling up the insides of the container and spilling out all over the place. Not unlike Sheldon's ant farm adds Penny. Leonard then starts to talk about super-fluid vacuum theory for a moment and then stops. If one images three-dimensional-space on the surface of a n-dimension bubble wonders Leonard. He gets excited and he runs off to discuss it with Sheldon. As Leonard is leaving Penny yells out to him, "Okay, but you two use the kitchen island, the coffee table won't support both your weight." After describing his theory, Sheldon considers it rather noisily. Leonard then wonders if it is any good. Sheldon replies that it is good and he likes it. Sheldon gives Leonard a sticker with a kitty on it saying "Me-WOW". Even though Leonard is defensive that he is not a pre-schooler, he does take the sticker since it's one of the few compliments Sheldon has ever given him.

In Leonard's lab he is continuing his work with super-cooled helium. Raj and Howard enter with some great news; their paper was mentioned on the Quantum Diaries physics blog. There is a paper summary and they are is getting a lot of positive comments. "Insightful and innovating." "The concept shows some real out-of-the-box thinking." One person named "GeneralRelativity", comments that he wished this blog would devote itself to real science and not wanna theoreticians who are in a rush to publish. Sheldon is about to respond when the Internet troll adds that following on their work, he has a theory that space-time is like two clowns with their heads in a bucket like Cooper and Hofstadter. Leonard tells Sheldon to go ahead and respond. Sheldon does and tells them that if one messes with the bull, one gets the horns and he is feeling rather horny. Leonard then asks Howard or Raj to compose the response.

In 10th century Basra, an Islamic Encyclopedia titled Encyclopedia of the Brethren of Purity introduced the earliest attested evolutionary framework.[12] The Encyclopedia expanded on the Platonic and Aristotelian concept of the great chain of being by proposing a causal relationship advancing up the chain as the mechanism of creation, beginning with the creation of matter and its investment with energy, thereby forming water vapour, which in turn became minerals and "mineral life". Coral, with its branch-like structure, was the highest mineral life which gave rise to lower plants. The date palm was considered the highest plant, giving rise to lower animals, and then through apes came barbarian man, followed by superior man, including the saints and the prophets. Thereafter the chain continues in the traditional form using less causal clarity, with the angels being above man, and above the angels being God as both the originator and the pinnacle. Muhammad Hamidullah summarises this concept found in the work: "Everything begins from Him and everything returns to Him." However, some scholars also criticized and dismissed the Brethren text reading as a proof on pre-Darwinian evolution theory.[13] e24fc04721

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